Below are two methods of analysis of my most recent advanced astrology analysis of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election (with consideration of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump as candidates). My scoring for the first part of this analysis is based on 3 points for first, 2 points for second, and 1 point for third:

Trump: 77.7% probability of winning

Clinton: 61.1% probability of winning

Sanders: 61.1% probability of winning

The second part is pure statistical probability. Hillary Clinton did the worst, but the one area she scored best on was the most important formula in Uranian Astrology for consideration, which is Sun + Kronos - Zeus ("to be elected president").

Trump: 50% chance of winning

Clinton: 20% chance of winning

Sanders: 30% chance of winning

Hence, if Hillary Clinton picks Sanders as her running mate (or if Sanders picks Clinton has his running mate), the statistical probability of success is 50 / 50  as opposed to Trump being favored (on a basis of 50 / 20 (or 50 / 30, in the case of Sanders being selected by the Democrat party)). And because Trump is reportedly talking with the Rockefeller organization known as the Council of Foreign Relations (WHO TRAINED HILLARY CLINTON, BARACK OBAMA, AND THE BUSH FAMILY), Trump will lose his libertarian following to a third party (not related to the Democrat Party or the Republican Party) IF he selects his running mate tied to that organization.

November 2016 is going to be interesting.

Below is my most recent astrology report that analyzed the three candidates named:

Advanced Astrology Report For The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election: Six Areas Of Analysis

This report will analyze the horoscopes of Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton with six observations of two areas of astrology. Three of these observations will be based on basic astrology interpretations (i.e. review of luminaries, planetoids, and planets that physically exist) and the remaining three observations will be based on advanced astrology interpretations (i.e. the Hamburg School of Astrology (with hypothetical planets that do not physically exist, but for some bizarre reason are fairly accurate per various Uranian astrology school interpretations)).

For those who want to "skip to the chase" and see my concluding interpretations, go to the portions that say "Part #: Conclusion" that follow the "General Survey" portions.

Part One:

Basic Astrology Analysis Of Three U.S. Presidential Candidates' Horoscopes With The U.S. Horoscope

General Survey Of The Three Candidates: 

Donald Trump's horoscope reveals a "strong connection" (Trump's North Node) with the "ego" of the United States horoscope (U.S. Mars placement). This aspect is Trump's North Node Conjunct U.S. Mars (green, below).

My personal feeling about the A.F.A. (American Federation of Astrologers) July 4, 1776 U.S. horoscope is that Mars in Gemini (Conjunct Ascendant) is an excellent way to publicly present "the ego" (Mars) via "communications by writing or speech" (Gemini) in the "environment" (Ascendant). Trump may have a connection to this "ego energy," but he has a "trade-offs" (Opposition) position with his natal Moon near the U.S. Descendant.

There is a sharp square aspect of "speculation of real estate" (Trump Neptune (in U.S. 5th house) with  U.S. Jupiter (in U.S. 1st house; red, below)).

This square is important since Trump's Sagittarius Moon ("real estate or housing law") is in the Descendant area of the U.S. horoscope ("area of open enemies"). This Sagittarius Moon placement can define "competition in real estate legal areas."

HOWEVER, the Sagittarius Moon can represent "foreign public members or recent immigrant members of the public." And because Sagittarius rules religion and philosophy, there may also be U.S.  members of the public defined in this "open enemies interpretation" that are recent arrivals from another country with a unique religion and philosophy.

This placement may define the 21st century Muslims leaving the Middle East that are currently questioned per intentions and background. This is because there are currently real questions being asked of whether or not these newly-arrived 21st century foreigners are here to escape the extremist elements of the Middle East (which was a common reason for the many Middle Eastern professionals who came to the U.S. in the 20th century) as opposed to these 21st century immigrants being actual members of this extremist element (and which can be concealed with a well-done passport).

In summary, this Trump Moon placement with the U.S. Descendant defines "potential open enemies" as possibly being "foreign people with a philosophy different from what one may define as the established philosophy of the native land." It may also define "conflicts or confrontations with the public or groups of people" (Moon Conjunct Descendant) as well as "one-on-one confrontations with people or family involved in areas of real estate law" (Moon in Sagittarius). 


Of the three candidates, Bernie Sanders has the strongest aspects per general harmony. This is due to Sanders' Jupiter Conjunct U.S. Ascendant ("the environment," light green, below) and Sanders' Saturn Trine U.S. Pluto (purple, below).

The Conjunction of Sanders' Mars and Moon over the U.S. Chiron (light blue, below) in the U.S. 11th house suggests debates and arguments per advanced technology media (due to Chiron tending to represent "advanced technology").  This is very interesting since Sanders' Twitter site was the most "tweeted" site on Twitter in the time-frame just after the recent Democrat debate in 2016. But this placement can also indicate conflict with mainstream media elements, and unfortunately there is still some small element of credibility with these networks.

Sanders is a socialist, but he was also an activist who warned Gerald Ford about Nelson Rockefeller's family history connections with the U.S. government. He also recently joined Senator Rand Paul with concern about how the Federal Reserve operates behind the scenes.

Bernie Sanders supports foreign socialist government systems, and this will bring him conflict or potential "deception." This is evident with his Saturn Conjunct Uranus placement in the U.S. 12th house ("enemies of the government; intelligence gathering; hospitals and health care systems; terrorism"). Also note that some of the socialist health care systems favorably named by Sanders are in European countries with populations not allowed to own firearms. Hence, these are people unable to protect themselves from newly-arrived foreigners who experienced much violence in their cultures. Some members of these newly arrived cultures are sexual criminals with their brains transferred to the testes, a.k.a. rapists. But hey, these sexual offenders may also just happen to vote a certain way.

Also note that the Cuban government that Sanders has praised did not permit freedom of speech. They also have a "voting" constituency not allowed to own firearms for protection.

Sanders has "a connection with deception" with the U.S horoscope. This is evident with the Sanders' North Node ("connections") Conjunct U.S. Neptune ("deceptions, disappointments" (red, below)). This Conjunction represents a combination of "a connection" (North Node) with "deceptive ideas and elements of the land" (Neptune in the U.S. 4th house). And because success in politics can involve some deception, Sanders may have a hidden advantage with this placement. The problem is that Neptune can and will fool you, and luck runs out with everyone involved with speculation.


The bi-wheel chart of Hillary Clinton with the U.S. chart features an opposition ("trade-offs") between the Hillary Clinton Moon (in the 10th house of U.S. chart) and the U.S. Neptune (in the U.S. 4th house). This is drawn in red below.

Neptune in the U.S. 4th house is related to "deceptive ideas and elements of the land," as well as "glamorization and deception involving U.S. land" (and the Native North American Indians can tell you much about deceptions involving land and the U.S. government).

This Moon Opposition Neptune placement can also be defined under "public impression of one's reputation" (Moon in the 10th house) and "trade-offs" (Opposition") involving "deception or disappointing ideas of real estate or the land" (i.e. the Arkansas Whitewater Real Estate scandal).

This placement can define "trade-offs" (Opposition) involving "disappointing elements and ideas of the land" (Neptune in the 4th house) with "the public at large" (the Moon in the 10th house). One such noted disappointment in this election campaign was Hillary Clinton's attempt to address protection of women. This was a really bad topic choice for Hillary to make due to her failure to address or condemn the reply concerning controversial behavior of her husband with certain women. This is along with claims from these women of secondary harassment from Hillary Clinton when legal retribution was sought due to the inappropriate behavior of her husband.

There are two harmonious Trines (one drawn in light green below, and one drawn in brown below).

One of these is an important trine, and this is the one drawn in brown. The Trine between Hillary's Sun (in the U.S. 6th house) and the U.S. Venus (in the U.S. 1st house) indicates "harmony" (Trine) between "the entity itself; the health of the entity" (Hillary's Sun) and "the general appearance of relationships with others" (Venus in the U.S. 1st house).

This can define the general appearance of "harmony" (Trine) between "Hillary Clinton the government worker" (Sun in the 6th house) and "important relations with clique-like social groups in the U.S." (Venus in the 1st house).

The second Trine is between Hillary Clinton's Chiron (in the U.S. 6th house) with the U.S. Sun (in the U.S. 1st house). This defines "harmony" (Trine) between "advanced technology areas of the government" (Chiron in the U.S. 6th house) and "the general appearance of the nation" (Sun in the U.S. 1st house).  This may define some luck as far as the "impression of government service concerning information" is concerned.

The Square ("technical conflict" (drawn in purple, below)) between Hillary's Neptune in the U.S. 5th house ("glamorization or disappointment with speculation") and the U.S. Sun in the 1st house ("the entity itself; the health of the entity") defines a strong tendency for speculation with elements that involve "the connection between the government and the grass-roots populations" (Sun in the 1st house). This indicates much in terms of "conflicts" (Square) between "deception and disappointment per speculation" (Neptune in the 5th house) and with "the general appearance and health of the mainstream public and grass-roots population" (Sun in the 1st house). Interpretation? Not a good aspect to have when speculating with the "grass-roots element" (Sun in the 1st house) since there is strong potential for "conflict" (Square) with "speculative deception" (Neptune in the 5th house).    

Finally, note that the meaning of the Clinton Moon Opposition U.S. Neptune placement was recently showing surprising negative changes with the 2016 winter transit of lucky Jupiter. This was demonstrated recently with recent transits of Jupiter and the North Node (in Virgo) forming Winter 2016 Oppositions to Hillary Clinton's Moon Position in Pisces (in the U.S. 10th house). Actual mainstream and alternative media polls in the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries experienced sudden and large switch-overs of voter numbers from Clinton's camp to Sanders camp during this transit. This is a big red flag for Hillary Clinton, as many members of "public supporters" (Hillary's Moon) may be starting to demonstrate "trade-offs" (Opposition) over "disappointing elements and ideas of the land" (U.S. Neptune in the 4th house).     


Part One: Conclusion

Bernie Sanders wins the Part One round, and Hillary Clinton gets the lowest score. Sanders has natal Jupiter in a great position relative to the U.S. horoscope. His big problem is the North Node Conjunct Neptune placement (since we now have people in alternative media who can (and will) find interesting histories of deception on the candidates). But if you've made your living well by being able to deceive others, there is a possibility that one has good experience with working with Neptune energy of deception. The pitfall is that Neptune can fool you.

Part 2:

Basic Astrology Analysis of the 2016 Announcement Charts of Three Candidates Running for U.S. President

General Survey Of The Three Candidates

Donald Trump's announcement chart features a New Moon. Hard aspects between the Moon and Sun are major violations of traditional electional astrology rules. These rules call for a non-afflicted Moon as having the highest probability for success for the people within the organization, as well as attraction of "customers" outside the organization.

Another negative aspect of Trump's electional chart is the Saturn placement at 29 degrees Scorpio 53 minutes. This Saturn placement (on the day of the announcement) was forming a very hot Square with Trump's natal Ascendant of 29 degrees Leo 55 minutes.

Saturn rules "restrictions" and the Ascendant rules "the environment." This Saturn transit hence defines "restrictions in the environment" and "government restrictions in the environment" (since Saturn often has a "government flavor" to it).   

Trump does have a lucky aspect with this electional chart related to gambling and astrology. Trump has the "good news" gamblers aspect of Jupiter Trine Uranus, and the midpoint for this Trine is Trump's Uranus / Kronos midpoint (per advanced astrology). This represents "sudden appearance of government" and "great tension accompanied with great amount of power." This may represent some luck with "the sudden appearance of government in the environment" (as possibly defined by the Saturn Square Ascendant transit for Trump). 


The electional announcement chart of Bernie Sanders follows three important rules in electional astrology: the Moon is increasing in light, the Moon is not in the signs of Libra, Capricorn, or Aries, and the Sun is in a very good aspect with lucky Jupiter.

The Moon is slightly afflicted however, as it is forming a weak Sesquiquadrate angle (135 degrees) with the Sun. This could define some minor stress with the personnel working with the Sanders campaign, as well as minor stress for "the customers" of Bernie Sanders.

Sanders has three Sequiquadrate angles on this chart. Sesquiquadrate angles are not followed much in most schools of astrology, but I have noticed a strong correlation of this angular aspect with illness and health disturbances. Sanders has the fortunate benefit of a lucky Square between the Sun and Jupiter.

The one concern with this chart is the strong Sesquiquadrate between Saturn and Uranus (which represents "minor stress via great conflict and arguments").

The Sanders announcement chart has a 11th house placement of Saturn that could define Sanders returning to a "lone wolf" status with his campaign. This is especially true if "communications within his associates" (Uranus in the 3rd house) face "arguments and disagreements"  (with Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus). 


Hillary Clinton's announcement chart has the Moon at a favorable placement in Aquarius with the Star of Tarazed ("The Plundering Falcon"). However, the the Moon is decreasing in light and this is a violation of traditional electional astrology rules. The good news is that the Moon is in a strong Trine with Venus in Gemini, placed in the 10th house. This can mean much harmonious involvement with "media organizations."

The square between Pluto and Uranus is hot on Hillary's announcement chart, and it is within two degrees of 90 degrees exact. This Square could represent a big problem pertaining to "conflicts" (Square) between "transformation taking place due to intense analysis" (Pluto in the 5th house) with "surprises and shocks related to foreign places, religions, philosophies, and law" (Uranus in the 9th house). Note that Rand Paul also has this Uranus Square Pluto placement on his electional announcement chart, and he has had similar problems with positive transformation of his campaign.  


Part Two: Conclusion

Bernie Sanders wins Part Two due to the three important factors: a lucky Square aspect between the Sun and Jupiter and weak Square aspects between Saturn and Neptune and between Uranus and Pluto.

Trump scores the lowest due to the electional astrology violation with the New Moon placement AND with Saturn at 29 degrees Scorpio (in hard Square with Trump's natal Ascendant). Trump's people may or may not have selected the New Moon timing out of the representation of New Moon as "new beginnings." New Moons are good placements for timing of events of a "temporary purpose" (i.e. house clean-ups, parties, masses, occult ceremonies, simple social get-togethers). For purposes of an event with an important long-term impact, there can be potential for "employee and customer burn-out" with a New Moon placement timed for such an important event.

Part Three:

Advanced Astrology Interpretations of Three candidates Running for U.S. President  Per Analysis of Their Midpoint Placements of Sun / Kronos ("the president, the prime minister, the C.E.O.")

General Survey of the Three Candidates:

To be fair to all of the candidates, I analyzed the charts via certain midpoints that were the "meanest and most conflicting" of midpoints, as well as certain midpoints that were the "most beneficial" of midpoints.

Donald Trump scores well with his midpoint tree. I interpret it as "the C.E.O. or president" who has "great difficulty with obtaining an important victory"  and "major involvement with the public and political power."   


Bernie Sanders does not do well with this analysis.  He has a "mighty deception by a mean act" very strong with this placement. There may also be an involvement of "secretive groups of  people" that may have an impact on "one's observations and thinking."


Hillary Clinton scores very bad, but in a good way with the Sun / Kronos analysis. She has "mighty deception" with "powerful groups of people." This suggests "deception via powerful groups" (i.e. Wall Street, the mainstream media, the powerful lobbyists). And these groups have a good reputation for wanting to have their way with the powers to be, since they can threaten to crash the economy if they don't have their way.

The problem is that we have a public that is becoming increasingly difficult to deceive these days due to the internet and the alternative media. Hillary Clinton acknowledged this herself with a statement before Congress in which she stated "we are in an info war, and we are losing this war."

Another problem concerns recent failures of this over-used formula for success that concerns donating major amounts of money to the candidate(s) (who are also groomed for office by these same financial donors). This "pay to play" formula hasn't worked too well in recent years, and Jeb Bush's campaign (and more recently Ted Cruz's campaign) is proof of this.  


Part Three: Conclusion

Donald Trump scores the best in Part Three. This is due to the minimum number of negative interpretations and inclusion of very positive interpretations.

Bernie Sanders scores the worst due to the very negative aspect of Neptune / Vulcanus and Uranus / Hades. Note that Bernie Sanders did join Rand Paul with this vote to audit the Federal Reserve, and he may now have secretive elements in his campaign as a result (that were not invited).

Part Four:

Advanced Astrology Analysis of Type-Three Planetary Pictures (Pertaining to the "President Position" and "Political Power Position") And Applications of These Areas to Three U.S. Presidential Candidates

General Survey of the Three Candidates:

Type-three formulas involving "the president" (Sun + Kronos (A + B)) and "political power" (Kronos + Vulcanus (A + B)) were analyzed with third planets and personal points (which is C; and in turn creates A + B - C).

Donald Trump scores very well with this analysis. The two "green stars" below show strong probability for "elevation" in areas of political power.

The "black stars" indicate potential hazards that may present problems, but no major "spoilers."



Bernie Sanders features "green stars" below that indicate potential success with "harmony with the public via the media." The problem is that the "black stars" indicate political involvement with areas of "secrecy" and "propaganda," as well as "high level criminal government" aspects. This may not work too well with an astute internet community.



Hillary Clinton does not do well in this area. Hillary Clinton has "green stars" that indicate "success via deception and fraud," and her "black stars" indicate "people within the government (both lawful and unlawful) in "opposition to her" or "operating in secrecy against her" in some special or unique way.

The Kronos+Vulcanus-Hades = Moon/Mars formula may indicate investigation of certain home-activities by the government.  


Part Four: Conclusion

Donald Trump wins this analysis easily. His two formulas of Kronos+Vulcanus-Sun and Sun+Kronos-Vulcanus are important and very strong in terms of probable success.

Hillary Clinton scores the lowest in this analysis. There appears to be formulas for success that indicate a strong presence of "glamorization" and "deception" with "the public." The problem is that the public is currently p!ssed off at this time with the government, and this may not be a formula that guarantees success due to this negative public environment. And this is regardless of how much television the general public watches day by day.

Part Five:

Advanced Astrology Analysis of the Type-Three Planetary Picture of Sun + Kronos - Zeus ("to be elected president") With Three U.S. Presidential Candidates

General Survey of the Three Candidates:

Donald Trump has a spoiler midpoint of "high level criminal" or "criminal government" (Hades / Kronos) as well as midpoint trees indicating "surprising success in a big way."

This may indicate some uninvited criminal or secretive elements into Trump's campaign, and this is the case with Bernie Sanders as well.


Bernie Sanders has two key series of midpoint formulas that strongly define potential "deception" and "disappointment." This is not a very good sign with this analysis.


Hillary Clinton's midpoint tree is spectacular (in a creepy sort of way). It is tight and it defines "to be elected president by propaganda in the environment (i.e. the media) and by important success with embezzlement or fraud."

This may be a horrible way to influence others in order to achieve government power and status, but it is effective.


Part Five: Conclusion

Hillary Clinton wins Part Five. Her Sun+Kronos-Zeus formula equals an easy to interpret midpoint combination that is simply very tight and almost "fits her to a T." If Hillary Clinton was to win the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, it would have to include a deceived public in some way due to the amount of "baggage" of Hillary Clinton. Uranian astrologer Gary Christen once stated "the tighter the picture, the bigger the potty," and Hillary's Type-Three interpretation (in this case) is simply too tight to not consider if she should win. 

Sanders does the worst in this category, and Donald Trump has positive and negative implications.

Part Six:

Basic Astrology Analysis of Election Day 2016 With the Horoscopes of Three U.S. Presidential Candidates

 General Survey Of The Three Candidates:

 Donald Trump's chart features three Trines and a lucky Semi-Sextile transit of the Sun with Trump's natal Jupiter placement (drawn in brown below) during Election Night. These are all positive signs. 


Bernie Sanders has a Square of transit Saturn with his natal Sun position (drawn in blue below) AND a Trine of Pluto with his natal Sun position (drawn in pink below). These are not positive signs for Election Night.

The Square between transiting Venus and natal Neptune (drawn in orange below) may indicate "conflicts involving minor disappointment or deception with friends or organized groups of people," and this is also not a very good sign.

The Trine between transit Mars with the natal Saturn Conjunct Uranus placement (drawn in purple) features some "harmony" with "disagreements or arguments." The problem is that Mars / Saturn transits can indicate "frustration," despite the harmonious Trine aspect.


Hillary Clinton has minor stress all over her horoscope with Election Day. Mars / Pluto is defined as "plans, planning, and organizing" according to Hans Niggemann, and Hillary Clinton's natal Mars / Pluto (in her 9th house) is being met with transits of Saturn (drawn in dark green below) and Pluto (drawn in light green below). These transits suggest "restriction and slight transformation stress of plans, planning, and organizing."

The Uranus Quincux Mercury transit suggests "slight tension involving communications via television and computer."

Changes in friends and associates are strongly probable due to the transits of Jupiter Conjunct Neptune (circled in pink) and Venus opposition Uranus (drawn in brown).

The Sextile aspect ("opportunity") between Transit Mars and natal Jupiter (drawn in purple below) is strong and offers some luck. The problem with this Sextile transit is that I notice it tends to indicate "energy surplus available for availability of much work" as opposed to "fortunate action."


    Part Six: Conclusion 

Donald Trump wins Part Six easily. Clinton has a strong "opportunity" for "fortunate action" with a Mars Sextile Jupiter transit, but there is simply too many other transits on Election Day suggesting minor stress of some kind.

Sanders scores the lowest due to the Saturn Square Sun transit.

Overall Conclusion

Donald Trump wins three of the six observations, Bernie Sanders wins two of the six observations, and Hillary Clinton wins one of the six observations (albeit, an important observation).

Donald Trump has (unfortunately) the best probability for success due to the tight interpretations with Type-Three planetary pictures indicating much success for him (but only if the presidential election climate is fair and free (or almost free) of deceptive elements). This is because the presence of deceptive elements may offer potential victory for Clinton according to a lot of the astrological interpretations seen in this analysis.

Sanders' U.S. horoscope bi-wheel and his presidential announcement chart are two of the strongest indicators of success. Further evidence of this is that he has exceeded Barack Obama's record for campaign contributions of $20.00 or less (indicating strong grass-roots support). But the other charts in this study indicate much conflict and much potential for the presence of deception. The Election Day chart is especially troubling with the Saturn Square Sun transit. Also note that Bernie Sanders scored the worst in three of the six parts of this analysis.

Thanks for reading.

Love to all,


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