Major Solar Flare 5/27/2010


Edit : Wasn't that bad after all this Flare... our frequency is higher then we realize one might think.

"On May 27th the CME Solar Flare is expected to hit Earth in a glancing blow. It will most likely affect cell phones, radios, and the bioelectric fields around the human body creating an energetic shift which will be felt differently depending on ones energetic signature. Some will be agitated, some will feel very lethargic, and many go up and down between the two. Hang on."

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  • ah ... my bad, never mind then...
  • Could use some flare has been raining 24/
    • The solar flare as u can see on the picture (.gif) already occurred ... and wile you read this, the particles of that flare are flying trough you, and toasting your ass ^^ hehe
      Evacuation? nobody needs to be evacuated here ... some may go home, but thats not the same thing...
      Earth changes are part of the game ...and we can always go inside the earth if things get to intense.
      Ascending with the Earth is what u want to do ... Gaia is an great master assisting us therein. Why would anyone want to flee the classroom or gameboard, right before graduation or right before the beginning the next Epic chapter
      If anyone decides to go...please consider goin after the cosmic party ... the more of us, the more fun
      • Thank you Erophin!

        Earth changes are part of the game ...and we can always go inside the earth if things get to intense.
        Ascending with the Earth is what u want to do ... Gaia is an great master assisting us therein. Why would anyone want to flee the classroom or gameboard, right before graduation or right before the beginning the next Epic chapter
        If anyone decides to go...please consider goin after the cosmic party ... the more of us, the more fun

        Tell me more!!! hehe
        • Well Jayne, there are places where we can go to inside the Earth, like some Lemurians did in the deluvial days ( hmm seems that word isn't in the dictionary ^^) u know ... when the waters rose... and some land descended...In 2003 remains of a highly evolved civilization were discovered under Cuba, on the sea floor, when a team was looking for Spanish Galleons btw...
          Here a map of where the continent of Lemuria was situated, with Hawaii as its capital and cradle
          A very very long time ago ...
          What i wanted to point out is that it's important to remain on Earth wile the ascension. Our bodies are part of her's. We are ascending together. And yes, The great master being who's body is our Planet and also our bodies, plays an important role in each of our own ascensions. So, leaving the Earth by spaceship wile the Earth changes is ok if one is certain this is part of his or her path. If not, this is not a very good idea. If a solar flare occurs, pointing directly to our planet... measures may be taken to protect us, by assisting Star-nations, Lemurians and Agarthans. The Earth is the best assistance we have and place to be for Ascension. The game that is played out on Earth, here and now, cultivates many qualities we desire. Compassion, Knowledge of the value of freedom, and how to use power responsibly... Also about polarity, and the nature of light and darkness.
          A long time ago the Human collective decided to attract much darkness, in order to learn certain lessons, to understand certain things that would serve the entire universe. It was also a way of learning relatively quickly. Though now the Earth needs to return to balance and reunion. And there for a call was called out. A call for help, and many beings have come to be here in these epic days of reunion. There will come days of much celebration. Some call this the grand cosmic party. The day Everyone Remembers. The day Earth and her inhabitants reunite with the glorious realm of spirit and her infinite nature. The lessons we learned, the field of exploration we endured, are of great importance for many other worlds. We agreed ( some more then others, since many here have joined recently ) to walk the path of amnesia of our divine nature... and thus find and redefine the divine from scratch ( so to speak, because the separation was only real in our minds )
          So yes ! It's time for the celebration of the Grand Reunion Of Light here on Earth.
          • There was also a deactivation of DNA that brought about the separation with the 144 foldedness and spirit...Crop circles are assisting in Ascension, so let's have a look what the upcoming season is unfolding this time ;)
            • I followed the cropcircle link but wasn't sure where to begin.
            • Hey Erophin, you have a friend request.
    • Tom Kenyon and the Hathors have something to say about the solar flares and these days we are now living in and the way it will affect us, as you said, is an individual thing according to your vibration...

      His website is well worth checking out..... According to the Hathors we are in a choas node now and there are many choatic situations developing at once..

      They have given some great musical notes to support/meditations etc to help with the symptoms so many of us are feeling.. and how important it is for us to understand that these thing are the fingerprint of ascention (raising up..) and to use the energy created through i.e.volcanoes, to uplift ourselves and understand the gift they are and not to go into fear.....
      We are getting there folks...:)...:)..
      • We are affected by the increased energies, as much as mother Earth's body is. When a soul comes into this universe or world, it first comes trough the grand portal being the Grand central sun ... From there it is beamed or guided to the star of destination... So the Energy of Home and its codes/information/light seeps or sometimes bursts in via those Portals ... Yes, We are getting there folks...or Home is getting here : )
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