Who can tell me something that will make a rapid change in my thinking? Do you have a theory or point of view that is so touching or logic that it would make me think about it?
I'm an empty page. Fill me with your wisdom!
I'm making this totally lame post because lately I have found myself occupied with disproving religions rather than following one. I'm no religion person. I need a point of view, a theory that sticks in my head and lifts me higher.
Do you have a few words to spare for my hungry mind?
much love
I would first try learning to lucid dream or try to have a conscious out-of-body experience. There is nothing like being consciously aware without a physical body to make you go WOW and realize how infinite the human soul and spirit truly are. Peace and Love.
awesome! …my pleasure. namaste.
You are the event Horizon.
You are the center of your creation. I am the center of mine…
∞ All is One ∞
Greetings… Ask yourself this question:
If this were true for me, would I be more free?
If the answer to this question is: "Yes," then it becomes your responsibly to test the Truth of the Principle by applying it to your own life. Remember: "Freedom is the proof of Truth."
How to Save the World Interview with Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
in love,light and Unity. namaste.Would you like join in Light Working for the Love of the planet who's charishing you? And for all your Brothers and Sisters?