3/11 was Japan’s 9/11. The Japan earthquake was man made and had a peak seismic intensity of 6.67 Richter and happened 100 km inland at seismic station MYGOO4. The tsunami was caused by nuclear weapons, a total of six of them, set off in sequence in the Japan trench to trigger an enormous tsunami. The fact that there was no major earthquake in Japan is easily proven – just look at all the YouTube videos of the approaching tsunami and look for earthquake damage.See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/02/fukushima-was-inside-job-sabotage.html?m=0#sthash.FKaTlnWd.dpuf

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  • like I said no way......however I wonder if they could withstand a massive earthquake~propablynot , but than again which building would ?

    • The kind of earthquake needed to break those buildings would probably kill everything else on the earth surface as well so IF you were to get one of those quakes it wouldn't matter if you were in a tall building or laying flat on the ground. You'd die anyway. ;)

  • So, does this article imply that Keshe is a liar then?


    If there is no radiation to clean up, then what the H is he doing there and why have he been speaking so much about how he's gonna help them clean? Is Keshe a part of the inside job?

  • you wouldnt pay me to live in highrise, earthquake proof or not

  • I think it's safe to say that this article is written by someone who is convinced that education is dangerous and of the devil and that he therefore have avoided it since birth. ;)

  • Yes, I heard about this awhile back.  Doesn't surprise me at all.  Very sad.

  • Well what is Japan going to do about this? War
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