Manifestation Discussion!

Let's all post the our theories, practices, and experiences in which we feel that manifestation has worked best for us! That way, learning from each other, we all can master it!I often find that the things I manifest are often brief, fleeting thoughts that don't seem important until it actually manifests. It is the subtle way in which certain things come up that sometimes I can "taste" that it will be made manifest. It is the detached way I think about it, but it is a special kind of detachment... it isn't apathy. It's really hard to explain, and this is why I started this thread, so I can learn more about this feeling, and others that somehow make things happen.

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  • I understand what you say Ann,i used to have the same problem.Especially in Belgium, they could not stand it when i was happy. As for manifesting i have a problem and it is that when the things i wanted manifested come i fergot all about it or i do not recognize my own manifestations, it seems to be a time related problem in between me asking and me getting it. when i was a kid it used to be faster and things would just come to me all the time. Now it seems i have a few concentration problems on what i really want and what i really get. I also have a 'i am not worth it' problem when i get my manifestations and they leave the same way they came.
  • People tend to be jealous of what they don't have.=)

    True Love, brings to the surface all its opposites.
    (A Course in Miracles)

    I often observe at my seminars, that there is a point where most people
    starting to get a "little Crazy'.
    Usually around the 2nd or 3rd day of a weekly program, the participants are
    starting to feeling fear, anger, jealousy, lust, closing to themselves, or that they are
    This phenomenon excites me, and creates rightfully the question: "if the purpose of this seminar is to
    bring the experience of Love, in our lives, then why it only brings at the surface all the opposites of Love?
    Fear appears only because it can be cured, in such an environment.
    Each person on the planet carries with him a hidden deposit of pain and sorrow.
    When we were little kids, they taught us methodically to hide our pains, and sorrows
    for to "keep in comfort" the others around us who couldnt face it.
    We continue on with our lives, feeling miserably and sad, but without knowing exactly why.
    Later,when we create a close relationship, when we open ourselves to a trusted adviser,
    or when we take part in an quality seminar, this hidden "junk", comes rushing on the surface.
    That is Wonderful!
    The soul knows that after a long time, it can with safety address these issues,
    to examine them and cure them, so that can open to the joy of Love which is always available.

    Dr.Barry Visel and his wife Joyce Visel, who are offering workshops for the relationships,
    described the process like this:" Our method is Simple.We just enhance the Light of Love,
    so that it can Shine as Strong as it is able to.
    In such an environment, anything that is the opposite of Love, comes out panicky at the surface."
    Kenny Loggins, the singer, explains the phenomenon in this way:" The Great Love, brings up Great Fear."
    If you Love much someone, then u will stumble upon the barriers that u have raise up, for to defend yourself.
    But, dont stop there.
    The barriers were not raised there for to imprison you.
    You were already imprisoned, and now the time has come for you, to tear them down, so that you can Free yourself.

    Show me where i defend myself from Love,
    so that i can bring down the fences and to live in the Light.


    ....... (from the book: "A Deep Breath of Life", by Alan Cohen)
  • i have a lot of success with the weather ie. i can change it to what i want.
    the basic process for me is to feel into it eg. to get a sunny day i feel the sun on my face sitting on my balcony, the warmth permeating my skin, the bright gold light casting shadows and the happiness i feel sitting in the sun for a couple of mins then release it... and hey presto it becomes sunny and warm!

    one of the best books i've read about manifestation tips is 10 thousand whispers by lynda madden dahl
    • I am also known to have really great success with the weather..meaning avoiding bad weather, avoiding huge downpours and stooping the rain which is forecast as continuing ... I talk to the weather angels :)! Usually at festivals when camping or when out and about....
      • I also have been reading and watching 'The Secret' and am now reading 'Excuse me, your life is waiting' by Lynn Grabhorn.
        My husband is having an exciting time with practicing 'The Secret' and from being made redundant he wanted to have more time to do the things he enjoys doing, he is now a qualified coach , had his course costs halved and has now a huge network of people and all sort of things are falling into place for him...He had a few interviews where he told them (nicely) what he thought about how they interviewed people and if they wanted a robot sitting on the desk, he wasn't the right man for them ..and left...:).. I guess what I want to say is that he was honest and true to himself and this has paid off for him.
        I think knowing what you want is really important...which I also am having a hard time deciding...wanting more than one thing all the time..:)...otherwise how can one get excited about anything all will be somewhat diluted..
        ....seeing yourself in the place, space ...whatever and feeling, enjoying that experience as if it was true already, really does work..
        I ask daily for MBOs (most benevolent outcomes for most things...meetings... difficult day to be relaxed or busy for completing work... extending my contract and even getting this job after one and a half year out on the first day of asking... I love my Most Benevolent Outcomes...

        If you believe in angels this is wonderful to try!!! MBOs are for yourself only, but will not harm any other being.
        Ask for a MBO for whatever you need or want i.e. a parking place, to get to work or anywhere safely or on get a certain ticket for a show...for the positive outcome of a difficult issues/operations etc....
        You say it (loud) like: I am asking for the most benevolent outcome of...finding the perfect house,which will meet my and my family's needs and wishes and expectations perfectly...or what ever...start small if you like...Then say 'Thank You' and leave it with the angels...It brings great peace of mind.
        When what you asked for does not happen, then It might not be in your and others best interest ... This happened to me and for a year I asked this but it did not happen... then I suddenly heard things about the person I wanted to work with and I am now glad that it did not would have destroyed a 30 year friendship and I would have definitely walked out of this situation..and not silently either, probably in financial dire straits...
        I recommend this, it is worth trying, brings peace and is good fun...
        It is from Tom Moore's book 'The gentle way'.
  • An interesting topic, and something I'm hoping to learn more about this year. The key thing for me seems to be being sure about what I want, which isn't very often!! When I have made a definite decision about what I want, things seem to flow from there. This hasn't worked in the case of a particular relationship, but in the case of relationships it takes two to manifest! ; )
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