Good evening. I AM Saint Germain
My dear ones.
Were you able to delight in the healing of mass consciousness that was done in synchronized movement through all time zones?
We were causing a major deliverance of creativity and conscious choices for all to make use of.
When you get the motivation to do something that answers today's massive need for altering the momentum, do it.
Hear the inner call and get to work.
We can only do what you are able to co-create.
We cannot act alone.
You are our movers and shakers.
Now you are able to turn the tide.
Wake up and give yourselves the leadership.
The nature of your opinions of yourselves must change.
You CAN do all that needs to be done.
Take this day's major change into your days and weeks to come, and allow the I AM within you to lead the charge.
Blessed be.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
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