
Hey good people ! Have some isues regarding smoking weed !Annybody who has something to say about this !??? Im really confused i want to smoke, and sometimes it feels ok, other times i Think it would be Nice to smoke nothing ? Annybody Having issues about this to?? I have been smoking fore 15 years everyday, and feel this is s part of who i am and My perspectives has expanded a lot of this i Think, so what ti do !!?? Love to you al :) 

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  • From all psychoactive drugs known to me (and believe me I know *A LOT*) cannabis is by far the most harmless one.

    (Except for people that have serious psychic problems; especially persons with acute psychosis/shizzophreny)


    I've started smoking cannabis when I was 14 - and consumed it almost regularly until the age of 17/18.

    Since then I smoke a few joint/year now... TOO FEW actually!


    However the smoking process is the only reason why consuming cannabis may cause relevant health issues at all.

    Anyway if you do not smoke cigarettes at the same time it rarely occurs that a cannabis consuming person gets health problems because of doing so.


    Did you know that cannabis is the only know psychoactive substance that has never caused death because of overdoses? You would need to take several pounds or even more at once in order to die from it.


    So don't worry.


    Cannabis was anyway only put into the illegality because of its unique spiritual powers!

  • I smoked for many years before my son was born. I only ever smoked bush weed, none of that hydroponic crap, full of unnatural chemicals which mess with your head.

    I found by restricting myself to one small cone per day, I always got a nice little hit from the smallest amount, didn't waste endless amounts of pot, and was still straight enough to be in control of my faculties. Along with that, not having a cone was never a problem, I could take it or leave it.


    Everything in moderation!

  • hi folks, basu said, "Most people who have fanatical beliefs in aliens and UFO's and are confused about invisible spirits take cannabis and it causes you to accept the hallucinations as reality when they are not. They may be spirits and beings from other worlds but intelligent research is better than fanatical hallucinations."

    LMAO, that's about all i can say about that.

    while basu made some truthful comments, they are over shadowed by disinformation and the lead up to the manipulation shown in her quote.

    Like i said, it's simple, anyone telling another what to do with their own body is attempting to control and/or manipulate, irregardless of how well they try to demonize a plant, animal, human, vegetable, etc, etc., etc.

    The question that should be asked is, does cannabis or any other plant, etc. when ingested/smoked cause any harm to another human being by such action.

    The simple answer is, NO. Though i can think of many other things, systems that do harm human beings and there well being and these things are worshiped by the so called establishment or so called powers that were.

    So what have i said in more simple words.

    It's very similar to David Ickes problem reaction solution.

    These manipulating forces try and convince humanity that something is bad, evil or whatever they come up with, then they wait for the desired reaction or response and if whether there is or is not a popular reaction, they create a problem or engineer false evidence or propaganda about something and then implement the controls they intended to from the start.

    If one has the eyes to see and the ears to hear or is an honest observer, these manipulative methods can be seen easily and are nothing more than a divide and conquer strategy.

    Good luck with discerning your truth.

    peace love light

  • Sweet -- Hope you enjoy them Gailene :)
  • Cannabis is an intoxicant with benefits in certain cases.Its good if your very sick and on chemotherapy and desperately need appetite stimulation. Its has side affects also. One needs to weigh the benefits from the bad side affects.

    Everyone is already hallucinating in this world. There is no need to smoke cannabis to hallucinate. It has slight antidepressant affects in the beginning( boy am I high) then becomes toxic.

    And don't kid yourself. It is physically and psychologically addicting. Prepare to go through a painful withdrawal period if you want to get off of it. Best to find your true self and not to smoke.

     You will be frustrated if you use it to find a spiritual experience -- although almost everyone has tried it at one time for that.

    It will dampen your ability to remember your dreams and cause paranoia (  depending on the strain you use).

    It is a manipulative tool of the illuminati and governments to keep people dull and hypnotized, similar to alcohol-- less toxic for the liver-- more toxic in the brain and mind.It will distract you from achieving your goals in life and make you just want to sit there and dream your life away instead of doing anything.

    If you're at the crossroads of questioning not to smoke---- then don't.

    And go through the physical and psychological withdrawal period -expect to last 2 months or more. Its sucking your life energy in one way and you will be stronger without it.You will still have the occasional desire to get high --- but you can remember how tough it was to quit and how you'll feel much better without it.

    Most people who have fanatical beliefs in aliens and UFO's and are confused about invisible spirits take cannabis and it causes you to accept the hallucinations as reality when they are not. They may be spirits and beings from other worlds but intelligent research is better than fanatical hallucinations.

    Neostar S.r.l. - Distributore Informatica Networking Cablaggio Strutturato Brescia Bergamo
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  • Hi folks, Hi spearint. i used to smoke the herb, though i haven't for awhile, guess i just got bored trying to track it down all the time and the cost.

    Anyway, it's all real simple. It's your body and you may do what you wish with it. If anyone/media/school/bible/ etc, etc. tells you what to do with your own body while not doing any harm to another, then they are trying to manipulate and/or control you, period, end of story.

    Now of course, they use all sorts of mind control techniques to convince people that one should not be allowed to do what one pleases with ones own body or mind. And as a result we get the war on drugs and all the draconian actions against humanity. Take a guess how many people are in prison for victimless crimes, a whole lot.

    People need to stop looking to others for what should be common sense, or maybe it used it be.

    After all, all you really own in this so called 3d realm is that body and they've done everything they can to take control of it.

    Spirituality is nothing more than being an honest observer. That is why they use such heavy mind control techniques from birth, to short circuit our basic observer traits and try to turn us all into robots.

    Don't believe anything I say until you research, verify, observe and apply common sense to everything you hear, see, smell, taste and touch and think for that matter.

    peace love light


    • Thanx fore all the good advice ya l 
      Im going to chek out the links and the alternatives and try at first to go some days In between joints :)
      Feels like that makes sense ! 
      Spring time starts the new, lets get started with good breath and new wonderfull energy :) 

      Lot's of peace love and light ' x <3 
      • i love your question and all the answers because this has been an issue with me too and i have posted this question on other spritual forums. i apreciate that all answers are non-judgemental, you know? i can talk myself in and out of smoking pot, i try to tell myself it's medicine, you know, Mother's litttle helper. i also have Wonderful meditations and ideas. then there's the little voice that tells me i should ALWAYS be able to do these without herb. i've quit before, tried to put limitations on my use before. sometimes i think if an actual Ascended Master or Archangel appeared before me and gave me my answer, is THEIR answer the one I'm looking for? i think so. i think i want a Supreme Being who knows me, a life guide or Guardian Angel who'd been with me all my life, who knows where i am in my ascension to stand before me to tell me. like, does it put holes in our aura or turn it "muddy" like i've heard? is it holding me back in any way?

        i guess maybe, it doesn't matter that much unless it breaks down our physical body, or we get obssesed worrying about it? will it interfere in our spiritual growth?

        again, thanks for asking- i'll be checking back

        take care


  • I agree with Vaporization, it's the purest way to experience it, and is way easier on your lungs and body! :)
  • All herbs, and especially marijuana can be used for meditation, ceremonial purposes etc.  Using it with respect, like so many other things is extremely important.  

    You have the ultimate will power to choose whether you want to or not, if you don't feel it's giving you desired results, then stop and clear out your reality, and look at things from a fresh perspective.

    You can also use Flower, Gem, and Planetary Essences that will work in a simular way and can be very healing to your spirit.  They help to raise your consciousness to a higher vibrational level.  Here are some sites to check them out:

    Keenawah Essences

    Pegasus Essences

    I would also recommend checking out Essential Oils for healing and meditation.  Here is a great place to check out Essential Oils and "Blends":

    Natures Gift Essential Oils


    Powerful tools for transformation :)

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