
A group of marijuana activists advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana will light up across the street from the White House Saturday afternoon.

The Reschedule 4/20 event -- so-named for the push to reschedule cannabis from a Schedule 1 drug -- is being put on by the D.C. Cannabis Campaign, and advertises "civil disobedience: mass cannabis consumption" beginning at 4:20 p.m.

"Join us in demanding President Obama use his authority to stop the marijuana arrests, pardon offenders, give partients access to their medicine, and deschedule cannabis," a poster for the smoke show reads.

According to a Facebook event page, nearly 400 people have RSVP'd.

While the spectacle has attracted some interest, it's also invited criticism from at least one activist. ThinkProgress has more:

Saturday afternoon, a large group of marijuana activists and advocates will consume cannabis en masse outside the White House in hopes of spurring federal reform. But Tom Angell, founder of Marijuana Majority, argues lighting up in front of the first family's abode isn't a good look for the movement.

"Smoking in a public park where families and children are vacationing is not going to be the way to encourage the president or member of Congress to do what we need them to do," Angell told ThinkProgress. "It also sends a message to those voters from all around the country who are visiting D.C. that legalizing means huge clouds of smoke in public parks."

Needless to say, toking marijuana on federal property or D.C. public land is decidedly not legal. However, the hosts have a more optimistic outlook for certain edible consumables.

"Do you think the National Park Service will go after your brownies, gummies, rice crispy treats, or cookies? Doubtful," DCMJ.org's website reads. "[W]e encourage people who do not want to smoke or vape their cannabis to eat it as a form of protest. So in the misquoted words of Marie Antoinette, LET THEM EAT CAKE!"