Archive for the ‘First Contact’ CategoryOctober - 21 - 2009MARK HUBER SPECIAL CONFERENCE CALL dated 10/18/2009MARK: Welcome. I would like to start right off and say that this is a special conference call and it was called at the request of the KOS and Ashtar. The purpose of this is to emphasize right now to everyone that things are speeding up and don’t look at your calendar. Stay connected inside yourself because things could happen at any time of the day or night. This whole emphasis today is on understanding that you are going home in a way that maybe you haven’t thought much about. I apologize for anyone who has, but most of us have been working on this for so many years, [and it has been so far into the future even though we keep doing every single day, more and more and more. Nonetheless, it is very easy to put it off and think, well, this is something way out there in the future. Well, we are here to say today, everyone is telling this, that the time is NOW.Kauila, I know you weren’t expecting me to ask you this and I apologize, but I will ask you anyway. You got a message from the KOS and because of the short time you have to be with us because you are headed south to Peru, would it be possible for you to recap the message from the KOS?KAUILA: Aloha everyone. We are just calling in the spirits of recall. The angels of recall. I get them and sometimes I don’t remember what they were. I listened to it on the way over here. What really stood out in my mind was that the primary point, at least from my perspective was that, he said to be prepared for change in an instant. In other words, individually, be ready. If you are going in one direction, be prepared to go in the exact opposite direction. You may be called to a certain area and all of a sudden you hear a voice saying nope, go over here. The three words I remember most of all at the end were listen, listen, listen. That means listen to within.The KOS had a very brief message and there is a link to it on the GRT message page, and again basically that’s what he was saying is that we are very close to announcements. Again, I believe, he said no dates, no flukes, no nukes, no quantum jukes. Those were the exact words, but there is very much a lot happening right now and I guess that would be the summary of it, Mark. I know that you and Beth had some, there were some codes in there for you. I know there are codes, in other words, messages maybe specific to each individual, that you will hear what you need to hear. So if you listen to it, you might want to listen to it once or twice, maybe three times. What are the codes for you, what is the message telling you?MARK: Well thank you, Kauila. Glad you could join us even for a short time and we want to wish you the best of luck on your trip south. We know there’s an important operation that you are gong to be a part of there in Peru at the Lake Titicaca area Co Island [?]. We say Aloha to all of our friends there and know you are going to have a great time. We hope we are all up here having a great time also because no matter where you are, you are in the perfect place. That message from the KOS saying, listen, listen, listen, means don’t look outside. Look inside and just don’t say, well I don’t hear, because this time you just might well hear. The thing is, to think about, as we go forward on this call, think about if I were to hear internally to go to a certain location, am I prepared to do that?KAUILA: If I may add one thing. There are stages in every process, but sometimes it’s just you are presented with obstacles or shall we say, things that you didn’t expect, but again, it’s the willingness to do whatever you have to do. To go through to get to where you know you are to go. Being in Illinois for myself is quite a change for me, and kind of dealing with weather and stuff like that which is very minor. I mean it is very beautiful, but it’s just not your home territory necessarily, but whatever obstacles come up, all I’ve been doing is just remembering my reasons for being here. The stage for the next stage to go to Peru, which again is just a stage. A stage for operations or whatever will be carried out. But if something were to say the minute I was in the airport getting on a plane, saying no, you get on a plane going to Bolivia. You know, whatever is called for, let us be willing to do what we are asked to do and do it joyfully.MARK: Okay thank you, Kauila. Tara wanted to say something.TARA: Yes, I just was asked to look at, and in a nutshell, I can’t say much more, but I’ll put it in her [Barbara Hand Clow] words. The first sentence in the last paragraph.MARK: Barbara Hand Clow’s New Moon message [dated 10/18/09].TARA: Libra October 18th, it is the new moon in Libra. The time to balance and harmonize your progress with being “in the now” and all that grounding that you accomplished during the Virgo new moon.MARK: So we’ll talk a little more about that as soon as Rama comes in and gets us some hard news because we want to make sure that you understand the importance of this day and the changes astrologically that are happening. Do you have something more, Tara?TARA: Yes. The other paragraph at the end. There will be great pressure to reform, based on fairness and truth, and structures that resist this will fall like dominoes. This is the upper square after the Saturn Pluto conjunctions of 1981 to 1983 and their oppositions in 2001 and 2002. So maybe the truth about 9/11 will be revealed so that the United States can stop fighting everybody else in the world. This is a deep thoughtful new moon which encourages us to go into our hearts and find peace and love. It is the time to work on yourself since the only thing you can change is you. Enjoy the falling leaves.MARK: So there you have Barbara Hand Clow reiterating this general message that we were about today is, it is time, it is being verified, it is being echoed by astrology, it is being echoed in the news of the day, and speaking of that, Rama would you care to give us a little hard news?RAMA: Oh my. Well, like it’s being said on all levels, change is the biggest expectation and change is how this comes into a place where we get to meet our galactic brothers and sisters. This is what it is all about. Going home. Today, Jack Rice let it rip on the Jack Rice Show. He laid it all out and it goes back from 1979 on. Roll back the Reagan tax cuts and indict these people from that moment on for economic high treason and genocide all the way to present day 2009. This is where we are at in terms of the exposure of the cabals. He described in detail, Mr. George H. ____ life and Scorzini and the other stories going on out there about the sick puppy attitude that George Bush has about the left side of the aisle. The way Jack Rice put it is, I’ve been in and out of the agencies as it were, and the final lynch pin, cotter pin, fell out and the machine is no more. Make peace with your God as you go about your business.TARA: Sounds like a pattern. Everyone is aware now that it is happening.RAMA: He also said that the 10,000 mark with the stock market…..TARA: False flag.RAMA: False flag. The folks on Wall Street are about to be turned in on a dime. There are still stories that Mr. Madoff hasn’t talked about yet. That is what Jack Rice said. When Mr. Madoff talks, that is maybe the final piece and he may be calling for last confession in the next few moments. That is what the word on the street is out there. That is going to take down all the 13 families, and he may take a walk into the sunset with the Lavender Lad, because Mr. Madoff has to answer for his crimes against humanity as being the, you know, selling Peter and Paul for a dime, as it were. On a bigger scale, I got to call up Jack Rice and speak to him, and I just said, what do you know about the biggest story that’s not been discussed which is First Contact? He said, I will tell you straight out, it is not about Area 51 or Pine Gap, it is about the true brothers and sisters that we know that connect on those higher levels, and he said, even if they were to try to attempt to play with Project Bluebeam, short circuit. You know, it is going to fizzle out.MARK: I just want to mention, Rama, that Jack Rice was an insider, a CIA operative for many years. He does know what he is talking about, and when he said his comments about the good brothers and sisters of each of our families that are coming here and are here. There is no delay in arrival. I can assure you of that. They are here and they are here in such massive amounts [numbers], and the reason they are here isn’t what the dark fellows are afraid of. What they are afraid of is the fact that they are here to help us, each and all, awaken and remember that we and they are ONE. Our hearts will very soon tell us that personally from within.That means when they decloak, this will be a massive decloaking. It won’t be one or two here and there. It will be every country, over every sky, and at that time your heart will open in such a way that there will be no thought of violence on anyone’s part. It will be strictly a matter of coming home. You will feel home within you.So with that, I thank you Rama, Tara and I think we will now go on and start our program. I wanted to mention that today, Ashtar asked us to go to several planets, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus, and we will be discussing what we saw, what we experienced in each one of these places. The first thing I want to tell you out of the box, we will be talking about different dimensional levels than you are used to. Everyone here is used to, when you say a name, you are thinking about 3rd dimension. 99% isn’t on the 3rd dimension. Actually, just make it 100% because everything starts…..TARA: This is manifestation here.MARK: Everything starts in anti-matter and then is reflected into matter. So everything we do and say came from anti-matter first. So when we mention different dimensions of existence, and you are wondering why aren’t they talking about 3D planets, the answer is that is not where it is at. You are existing on all those levels too, so when you get there, you will already be there. So you will just remember that and this is not a rare thing that Beth and Mark or Rama and Tara have been to see. This is something that impacts you directly. Your family is speaking to you from these places and they are so eager for you to be going home. In the sense of remembering who you are, who they are, and that we are one family, and they have been waiting for incredible amounts of time to be able to share this, but they can’t do it until this last piece comes in. So we went there to bring the message back.So I would like to start with a little brief experience we had on Pluto. I am talking about Beth and Mark. We link up as you know, on the phone, then we take off, we go out of body and sometimes we are intercepted as we go out of body by St. Germain or the KOS or Ashtar or all of them, and they go with us and others go with us. They become our guides, so when we went to Pluto, we took with us St. Germain and Queen Maab. As you know, she is the Queen of the Fairies located here on the Earth, while her Twin Flame is on the Pegasus Star Ship and that is the Pleiadian High Council embodied on that location. They have been senior guardians of all the nature kingdoms, so by having her with us, we started to go with just St. Germain and suddenly I got the message, no, there is a female energy that is very important to go with you. To go to Pluto and to Neptune, and so she raised her hand and said, that would be me.RAMA: Pluto is a desert world.MARK: Well, but there were other reasons for taking her on that particular thing, because we were going to go to Pluto first and then to Neptune. I’m just going to talk about Pluto right now.So we joined St. Germain and Queen Maab and as usual, we called our Twin Flames in so all the energies would be balanced, and then we traveled out of body to see Pluto. There are very large structures on Pluto. Pluto, was, in ancient Cultures, a far-off Land of Riches. The Egyptians traveled here in craft to trade for Gold, rare minerals, jewels, building needs, stones, food stuffs, herbs, liquids, and raw materials. There are very rare crystals, musical devices and technologies from an incredible array of intergalactic locations. Pluto is an epicenter of wealth and an intergalactic trading post. To get in, a Fleet of Ships can come here for your needs, to bring your best negotiators for trading. It isn’t money that is traded. It is goods, services, it is knowledge and they have it in large abundance. You bring your best people, but you also bring goods and craft for trading.When we arrived there, we are greeted by a Lion’s roar. Paschats are there. They are the guardians of the stacks of goods out to be searched. Paschats are friendly, for the most part, but they are guardians. There are Ones of many colors here, different body types. There is a feeling of pirates and adventures. There is a feeling of far-off exotic places. You may see all cultures here. Some are covered in hair from head to toe, like wookies. Some are like preying mantis, or other natural looking creatures. Some are very tall, some are very short, and the skin colors are all kinds. Much of the Planet is built up. There are landing docks speckled all over the landscape. There are relaxation areas also for visiting for extended stays. There is lodging and amusement for the off-Planet visitors. There are a lot of spacecraft here and it is very congested. It is a bustling metropolis. Pluto is also a trading center of ideas and magic.People come here to gain new abilities, to learn new things. Pluto attracts rare Beings offering their talents. It is a paradise with beaches and mountains and the mentors are drawn here for extended holidays. Now the reason I say this about the beaches and paradise, is that we were actually on the 8th dimension. The world you see with your 3D eyes is very different. That [3D Pluto] is a desert. But this where we were [8th dimensional Pluto] had beaches and it was an absolute paradise. With floating, you might say anti-gravity was used, to have floating buildings and things of this sort.TARA: I have just one question. Are there such things as good pirates?MARK: Oh yes. Yes.TARA: Okay, just checking.RAMA: Yes there are good pirates.MARK: It’s like Pirates of the Caribbean. It is also a ride/entertainment [at Disneyland and Disneyworld]. But we happen to know a couple of people that were intergalactic traders that were a little edgy with their ethics, but that’s not on this level. When you get up in the higher dimensions, it is all ascended beings. So if you are lucky, you may find just the right one here while you are visiting. That is to say, you might find a Twin Flame floating around and bump into them by prior arrangement of course, whether you know it or not. Anything you think you may want or need, you can find on Pluto.TARA: Is this like Riza?RAMA: It can be.MARK: It’s paradise on the 8th dimension.RAMA: It can be like Riza and adventures do happen.TARA: I’m just asking the authority that I know that has been there, so I’m sorry everybody, but yes, Rama?RAMA: I have had more than one heated discussion over goods on Pluto.TARA: Uh oh.RAMA: Yeah.MARK: So there is sharp trading going on there.TARA: So are we done with all that kind of behavior?RAMA: All done, all done.MARK: You may want to have a visit there. You might even have many friends there that you might want to remember, especially on the 8th dimension. Remember, I think I should stop here and remind everyone, you have been told for so long that you have 2 strands of DNA. Well, we’ve been converting over to crystalline structure and also our DNA has been upgraded, or you might say, reactivated and re-hooked up. Now you have 12 strands of physical DNA and you have 10 strands of etheric DNA which is the next body out from the physical, so you already have this and it is activated. That is going to have very accelerated effects here with the decloakings, and we’ll get in to that a little more later. But remember, you can go there now. You already have the equipment to take an 8th dimensional ride to Pluto. It’s not a place though of permanent residence, there are very few there [mostly] Administrators.Rama, I wanted to ask you, I have a recollection about the trading houses. The main trading families that this is, we are talking millions of years now, that have worked out of there and have permanent family or business trading houses there in that location. Do you know anything more that you can share about the other trading houses?RAMA: What I could share is that some of these trading houses, they are like warehouses there, but they are miles long. They are not like buildings, they use [area] beyond city blocks. They go for 10-15 miles filled with goods, and most of the families are, some are Arcturians, some are Sirians, some are Pleiadians and they have been there since from the beginning.MARK: Right. We are talking not just even millions of years, we are talking billions of years.TARA: Yes, but yet what I think I’m getting [as] a message is that everything in that experience changes at the same moment that we go through this door we are talking about, home.RAMA: Yeah.TARA: Yes, I mean, even that is past history, is it not?MARK: Well, no, we were just there yesterday. [laughter]TARA: I know, yet, true to passing together as a planet through the enactment process brings it instantly is what I’m getting. I am just saying that even that is on a lower density to what we are about to do with Pluto, etc.MARK: Well, we asked St. Germain who was guiding us there about the trading families, and he was talking about our own family, the House of An. And he said, well, that is one of about 5 major ones that have been there. He said, just think of Pluto as a swap meet, a megamall, and a vacation destination all rolled up into one. The trader family, House of An, keep[ing] up with supply and demand sometimes in their favor, but in a fair trade system as well.Yes, they are waiting for peace to be declared here to invite us to come there and for them to come here. You are going to have some opportunities to see some exciting things and people, exotic beyond our ability to describe them now, and it is going to be so much fun because they are all totally ascended beings. They have their heart totally open and it is just going to be a reunion celebration. It is going to be hard to imagine that you never knew about it before. Well you did, because you come from all of those places that are going to be coming here, and that is nothing but family.So Beth, can I ask you now to take us out of Pluto and stop with Queen Maab on Neptune and describe what we found out there?BETH: Hi. I would love to, thank you. Mark and I went out of body to visit Neptune, and we did these little jaunts because Ashtar asked us to bring back what we could see from these different places, and the purpose of it is to invite everyone who is listening to a homecoming. To open your imaginations and think about going to these places in meditation, in your day dreams and in your night dreams, and exploring these places for yourself, and coming back from your heart center to a memory for what is home to you. I just wanted to remind everybody that on Tuesday there is going to be an Ashtar-on-the-Road call, and if you go to the website, then you are going to find 3 homecoming exercises that are meditations that can connect you to your home. So if you want to check those out, we will put all that information out on our website and in the transcript.

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  • I just posted this because some may be interested. I personally have my hip waders on and discernment shields engaged when dealing with Mark Huber but respect everyone's opinions so thought some of you might want to read this.
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"I wanted to thank you for your message. I have been in, so I thought, I must be doing something wrong vibe. This puts me at ease and I thank so much for it!"
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