MARY and JESUS DIALOGSMary MagdaleneCrystal Magic Orchestra.comcopyrights belong to Angela Barnett (2016) have just placed a new audio for you to listen to. This is a truly historic dialog between Mary Magdalene and Yeshuwa ben Joseph(the one many call Jesus Christ) describing and explaining this historic event of opening the Ascension Portals, which are the most important part of the entire ascension process of Mother Earth.This is the event when Yeshuwa announces the Shift and the completion of the Central Portal. He also tells secrets about the skulls that are not known to any one else on Earth. And most important, he cheers me up by telling me that I am the Queen of the Universe, and that I came from the same creation period as the Angels. I have always been together with the Angels. I have been working on this project for 950 billion years.What is fascinating is hearing Yeshuwa explain these things in his own way.Opening Portals with JesusAudio - Angela Barnett (Mary Magdalene) and Jesus is the dialog between Yeshuwa and Mary when Yeshuwa tells Mary about the Shift, her success in opening the Central Portal, future datelines, the connection of the Portals, Stargates and Skulls and about her importance of being on Earth at this time.Opening Portals with Jesusby Angela BarnettI first reported to Yeshuwa that I had been practicing a new method of opening the Portals that I call remaining in the Bliss and Joy of remembering our Love Affair together. I told him that I had written many love songs about us many years ago and that I spent the past two weeks listening to them because they make me so very happy. I knew that I needed to raise my frequencies into this state of Joy to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to Earth through the Portals.I also told him that I INTENDED that these Portals would open to the God World and and allow the most perfect angelic kingdom to flow through as the image of God reflected perfectly in all ways on Earth and because this is the reason for the Portals that they are open NOW, and I continued to believe this is true.Yeshuwa told me that I was correct. My Love, Joy, remembering and my Intention did open all of the portals except for the last one and that the last one will open in a day or two because it is also partially opened.This is my victory report!!!!!I opened the Portals two or three weeks earlier than my team had projected last time we spoke. I am always working with a team. I am not doing this myself. However, I am the one who is doing this in the Fourth Dimension. I must create this reality and create the intentions and allow their frequencies and consciousness to intertwine into mine continuously.Next, for my new gift of Knowing something new about myself as Mary Magdalene. The Greatest Love Story ever told. Yeshuwa told me our Love Story in detail.The first time that I spoke with Yeshuwa he told me that we were much more than friends. I didn't have time to ask him details about our life together until after we finished opening the portals. But, now I have time to talk about our great love.Yeshuwa and I both come directly from the God World for our creation projects in Planet Earth and thousands of other places. The God World is actually the place where God meets with the Co-Creators who actually manage the Universe for God. We can see everything in the Cosmos in our place of no time, no distance, no space. We can see what God sees and together we make a plan of what needs to be done on each planet or star or sun at any time. We are a team who has freedom of choice to decide what project we would like to work on. We are actually referred to as Managers of the Kingdom by God.When Yeshuwa ben Joseph and Mary Magdalene came to Earth directly from the God World, 2000 years ago, we chose this mission because we wanted to learn for God all there was to know about passion and sexuality. God did not know these things and God wants to know all things about the Creation that has been made. God can create but God can not experience anything without the reports of the Co-Creation Team. This is how we- the creation team Serves our God.Without this information that is obtained by the co-creation team and delivered to God through the experience itself, God is not able to Experience all that is created, so we are sent out into the Universe to be the ones who study and experience everything that is experienced by mortals. We are the immortals. We continue the same co-creation identity life time after life time, and we can return home to the God World any time we desire, or we can go to the Over Soul World.This is the true story of the one called Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. A story that has never been told before.Yeshuwa ben Joseph was born in a little village outside of Jeruselum called Kotban. This village only had a few dozen people in it. He was born in a house. He was not born in a manger, and his family did not need to hide him from the government. The real reason that his family left the village was because there were many thieves coming to their village and taking everything. That is the reason they left this place.Mary Magdalene was born in a fisherman's village that was owned by her father Job. When Mary was 26 years old, her family chose a husband for her. Mary did not like this man and she thought he was unpleasant. Mary was disowned by her family because she would not marry this man.This was the time when Mary found Yeshuwa. Mary heard Yeshuwa preaching near her village and she understood what he was saying and wanted to know everything that he understood. Yeshuwa saw Mary and resonated with her so strongly like love at first sight. He immediately knew that she had come from the God World and she was from the co-creation team.Yeshuwa ben Joseph is the only member of the co-creation teams who is given the gift of REMEMBERING who he is when he arrives. The rest of us get amnesia every time we come to Earth. Yeshuwa knew how to restore Mary's memory of who she was. So, both Yeshuwa and Mary came from the God World to Earth for the purpose of finding each other and performing a very important event that would allow God to understand PASSION and SEXUALITY in the most powerful form.Yeshuwa and Mary were madly in love beyond what any other person on Earth could imagine because we were sent on this mission of understanding this Powerful relationship of man and woman at the level where God would understand his creation in the most VIVID way possible. There are memories left of the Sexual Images translated into the God World through the Kama Sutra Love Positions. This is where it came from. There is only a tiny bit of truth left in that teaching of Sacred Sex. Our Sex was POWERFUL and created in a Vision that only God could understand.The images that are received and created in the God world are far beyond anything that can be imagined or described through the language of the Planetary realms. That is why I write songs and record frequencies, because only the most vivid, wild imagination can describe the colors that exist beyond the colors of the rainbow into infinite realms of colors and infinite realms sounds and light and manufacturing infinite layers of love woven into streams of colors translated into a language of infinity that only God understands as it is within the communication between the co-creation team.MARY MAGDALENE'S WEDDING VOWS is the album that tells our Love Story through visionary language and Yeshuwa were never married. However, the intercourse of the male and female Christ was the true Marriage of Eternal Love as will always be seen through the Eyes of God because it was created by the Co-Creation Team who creates these experiences to become God's Understanding of the Children.Yeshuwa and I had strong, passionate love and sexual relations that can only be described as the orgasm of God. There is great truth in the orgasms being broadcast as dimensional levels and there is a great relationship to the sexual organs themselves actually being the closest connection to God on our bodies.Our experience itself was transmitted through the entire universe as the song of Yeshuwa and Mary. And that is the music that I am hearing at this time. That is what I was writing those songs about that I titled Wedding Vows. We actually did not get married, we just made love a lot, and those were the images that were being broadcast.I just learned that these are the songs that I have been singing. My imagination of these visions within my music and the frequencies in my music are always weaving together a memory or the love and passion and sexual intercourse of the male and female Christ on Earth. Mary Magdalene and Yeshuwa ben Joseph were the female and male Christs on Earth demonstrating this power of all forms of LOVE on Earth for God to witness.We lived together in the same house after my family dis owned me. We were so very much in love beyond what has ever been known before or after on this planet. We never got married because Yeshuwa believed that a real father should be at home with his children to nourish them constantly, and he could not stay home long enough to have that honor of being married and raising children.Yeshuwa and Mary wanted to be together every moment and Mary cried for hours when Yeshuwa would leave. Yeshuwa was also on Earth to travel to many countries to share words of truth and healing and to give people hope. Mary stayed home when Yeshuwa went on journeys that lasted several months at a time.Mary Magdalene's true love was children. She would not leave her home because this was where her school was for children from many surrounding areas. Many mother's dropped their children off at her home and left them there for long periods of time.Yeshuwa was able to learn what is was like to have children through Mary's love for children and being with the children at her school. Yeshuwa very much wanted to be a father, but he knew that he could not do God's mission without being away from home for almost half of every year.This mission of the co-creators was to learn everything about the Love of man and woman and the love for children of man and woman. The mission of Yeshuwa also included sharing his passion of love for all people.Yeshuwa and Mary did teach together sometimes as well. They taught in their village and Mary did travel to Turkey and Pakistan with Yeshuwa. I have written about our teachings of OM in past articles.ONE MORE THING-JESUS CHRIST (Yeshuwa ben Joseph) is here on Earth right now with me living in my home. He came to Earth at this time to over see this grand shift in reality and mostly to continuously be with me. I found out that the Angels on my Team are here in my house most of the time as well. Yeshuwa told me that I will be able to see him and talk with him at any time if I continue to dwell in this new found Joy, because that is the Mary that he remembers.This last dialog gave me a grand new understanding of what this transition in consciousness really is. Yeshuwa ben Joseph was the only one from the God World who has been able to come to Earth with his entire memory of the God World.There are only 47 of us on Earth at this time who came here from the God World. There are 32 of us who have remembered so far. We will be able to remember the God world when we come to Earth in the future. That is what we are working on at this time. The Ascension Portals paves the pathway of remembering.Most of what Yeshuwa has been telling me is how great of a shock it is on those of us who come directly from the God world to Earth because we know nothing about any of these strange things on Earth when we arrive. Our Consciousness is built completely within this glorious heaven that cannot even be imagined and then a few moments later we wake up here.The same experience happens to those who come from the OVER SOUL. This is a different level of Consciousness than the God World. The God World is in the Cosmos and the Over Soul World in is in the Universe.All of the other people on Earth who are also here working on this Ascension Project of remembering, are here to pave a path of remembering the Universal Consciousness that was placed here originally by the Elohim and Sirian Guardian Races, who were Universal Consciousness. The Elohim and Sirian were destroyed and the new replacement of that Consciousness comes through the Eiyani and Azurites and a few others.That Universal Consciousness memory is being placed in memory through the Christ Grids that are in the subterranian level of the Earth's crust below the Human Ratio Grids. Those grids will begin to transmit the memory of the Universal Consciousness, so that the entities who are born on Earth from the Over Soul will remember the Over Soul realm when they come to Earth.This is what will cause the removal of the separation between Heaven and Earth. We will no longer be born with AMNESIA. We will all be born on Earth remembering how much we loved each other in the Over Soul Spirit Realm, so when we come to Earth we will continue the same type of Love and Life that exists in the Spirit Realm.This is why this is called the RETURN OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Yeshuwa ben Joseph was re named Jesus Christ because his Special Gift that makes him our Savior is he has been the only one who Could Remember who he was when he came to Earth.In our future Earth, children will be born with a complete memory of what heaven was and that memory and reality will be what becomes established as the reality on Earth.Yeshuwa said he did not know how many generations it would take for this to be established completely-- but we able to begin now.So, this project that I am here for is a God World Project and most others are working on the Universal Project. There are only 32 of us presently on Earth who are awake and working on our Cosmic Projects.He also warned that there will be a GREAT DEAL OF TROUBLE IN OUR NEAR FUTURE.We still need to go through an unveiling of a lot of very Bad things that will come to the surface in the next few months. And then there will be the domino effect of bank problems escalating until the truth finally POPS out.

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