By ireneaura
I was asked to create this short video by someone very special to me,a great lady who works tirelessly in helping,healing and channelling the spiritual and Pleiadian energies.
She has a very close connection with Mary Magdelene which is why she has asked me to do this.
Her details are credted at the end of the video,please take a look at her website.
music..she moved through the fair..instrumental
ireneauraI is a Channel for Spirit and other higher energies.
A Spiritual Healer,planetary healer,visiting starseed
and Lightworker.
more recently involved in spirit releasement.I respect all lifeforms, and that includes gaia, this lovely planet,which is sorely disrespected and taken for granted.
Clearly, the first issue we have here on Earth is religions.
here's my few cents here---
it is not Marymagdalene rather Mary of Magdala (city in Ethiopia and place of her birth )
her soulmate happened to be Yashua the Essene, they both were destined to be equal teachers and healers , walking the lands of past, teaching the heavy-laden and sick....reason being that in ancient Judea or any other place at that time it was unheard of for a woman to be Holy Person and Teacher and biblical scholars could never admit that..............
only time she ever suffered anything was at the pen of christian bishops creating "official" religion at the Councel of Nicea which made her a whore not the holy woman and special child from birth, raised in holy community of essenes.
Thank you for posting this Ravinder!