I think most people are viewing cabal from the wrong perspective. Sure some say, "there is no right or wrong perspective." But I say that's BS.

Cabal is a term created for life on Earth. Some people use the term "Dark Team". At any given moment in anyone's life, we have a chance to be "Cabal". And almost all of us were at one time or another. I suppose it's just easier to have a label for things. 

For some people, along the path of their awakening, they have a chance to turn into "Cabal", specifically those with a negative mentality. There's something to be learned from everything, including the people who are watching them from an outside perspective. Part of oneness is to put yourself in their shoes and understand how it's possible that they did what they did, or are doing what they're doing. Part of the process of obtaining higher consciousness is identifying the Cabal in ourselves and enlightening it, learning from it, then releasing it/transforming it into Love and Light (positivity). Forgiveness is a major part of ascension.

People have to take ascension into their own hands, take responsibility for it. No one is going to help anyone ascend. And no one is going to prevent anyone from ascending. It's all up to the individual. Sure you may come across people whose interaction with you may plant a seed of knowledge, or confuse the shit out of you (therefore forcing you to take a moment to understand exchange), but you can only rely on yourself to ascend. So people waiting for the mass arrests on Cabal, is pretty much the same as waiting for all the toys at the toy store to come to life and perform a ballet. The "bad guys" are getting arrested in accordance to divine timing, just turn on the news. And don't forget to forgive them, there's a chance you could've done the same thing, or actually did a similar thing in a past life (and probably in a much worse way!). You don't have to agree with what they did, nay, just forgive. We're all here on Earth playing a part in diversity, someone's gotta be the good guy, someone's gotta be the bad... otherwise, what would we learn?

And also, who is anyone to say who is Cabal and who is not? The members of this website could very well be dubbed Cabal... I'm not saying they actually are, I'm just saying, by definition... it could be (conspiracizing). And if it was, it would be very cleverly done I might add. Getting people to sit on their butts and meditate, and read the internet with their eyes wide open, almost frozen that way from the monitor's glare, instead of going out in the world and volunteering at a soup kitchen or habitat for humanity, or spca, or cutting their elderly neighbors grass because it's too friggen hot outside for them.

You mention ufos and ETs and then mention reality, and to me... it's kind of an oxymoron. Any type of mass ufo sighting would induce fear, which is precisely why it's not going to happen... we on Earth have enough shit to worry about without adding this into the mix. I don't doubt the possibility of another intelligent species, but because they should be intelligent, they can very well see the problems that could possibly arise from this. And also, since these ETs are "thought based" or whatever, what's the purpose of needing transportation vehicles if they can just *think* themselves (teleport) where they need to be. Also, has anyone noticed that our spirit guides are "thought based" as well? Or that the "heaven dimension" is also "thought based"? Has anyone thought that maybe aliens aren't what some people think (scifi shit) and that they're actually our deceased loved ones and angels that people are mistaking for aliens because that's what their perceptions are picking up?

An example of this altered perception: Let's say your roommate is outside your window in the dark trying to knock on it to get your attention for some reason or another (you can't hear the door, your phone is turned off etc). At first you're startled and like, "wtf is at my window!?".... then as you get closer, you see it's a familiar face. -- It's kind of like that. At first you think it's an alien, but in actuality, it's someone from your spiritual family who decided how funny it would be to show themselves to you as an alien because you're actually following along on that type of stuff (you'd be surprised how humorous our spiritual family members can be, specially when you can create bodies from thought!).

You can't blame "most people" for not believing "this stuff". It's similar to when Harold Camping said the world was going to end... and it didn't. This "type of stuff" has been happening for longer than everyone realizes. We are just now in the new generation of "the aliens are coming! the aliens are coming!" and we have the internet on our side to spread these conspiracies even further. It's like y2k. But more advanced and creative because again, we have the internet on our side, and also... every new generation has even more interesting twists and flavors to add to the scenarios.

Also, do have any real evidence to trust this "intel"? I'm not saying the people who are "channeling" this info is wrong, more like... the info they are saying is exactly what needs to be heard for this "type of belief system" to try and motivate... or to try and get people to sit there and do nothing and just wait it out. Then by the time you die, you're like, "well what the hell happened? 40 years later, 4 more false doomsday predications later... WHERE THE HELL ARE MAH ALIENS!?! That darn cabal still runnin rampant in mah streets!"

If by January 2013 people are still on here wondering "where are these mass arrests?"... "where are the mass ufo sightings?"... I suggest moving on. It's only 6 months away but that's still 6 months where you could be outside enjoying time with your loved ones instead of following conspiracies. But if you're still stuck on these ideas on January, good luck to you and the butt dents in your couch!

I'm open to anyone's opinions on this matter. I feel like I'm the only one on this website with this view point, and that's okay. This whole topic is up for debate. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

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  • salad_fingers_by_sari_samarah-d37sy1p.jpg

  • I like the swearing :)

  • The governements of the world and NASA are really running out of excuses for all these sightings.  The excuse they made (a test missle) for the Norway spiral was laughable.  Swamp gas though is always funny (and completely ridiculous) too.  The really sad part though is that the sheeple will believe whatever they are told.

  • All is one and one is all. We exist because God exists and God exists because we exist. A king can't be without his people and people can't be without their king. there is no light without darkness and no shadows without light. Lucifer the devil came from God and in the end returns to God.

  • "I'm of the camp that likes to have a little proof, before I throw my vote one way or the other. Still others are satisfied to take ones word for something, they don't use their God given brains or their own intuition to feel that which may or may not be true."

    Ditto. But also remember, when it comes to having proof of the "unseen"... once it becomes "seen" to you (you in the metaphorical sense, not you directly)... you question your sanity first and foremost. And if you don't, gullible is written on the ceiling for you and you're going to have a hard time with everything and everyone -if practicing a gullible mentality. I refrain so hard from sharing my experiences with my "proof" because I am well aware how society can and will perceive my proof as "crazy". And that's fine, I've come to an understanding that my own proof is the only proof I need... but this point of view I've adopted didn't come easily. I used to be in the gullible crowd (not easy to admit, but it's true), until I got so tired of contradicting information that I finally decided to do some soul searching on my own, using my own inner faith and no one else's. I found it's easier to trust in my Higher Self's plan when I live in my own integrity, and no one else's... with love (following my heart).



    "It's the My Way or the Highway type of thinking. I don't have the answer to this problem, other than to try to see the Creator in everyone and to let them have their own ideas, as they will come around to the truth in due time. This is the way things naturally play out."

    I've learned that this way of thinking is a part of our physical existence. The following is the best way I can explain my interpretation of why this is so. Before we are incarnated, we decide certain details we'd like to experience for ourselves. For some, this includes certain ways of thinking, belief systems, religions... etc etc.  One might study a certain religion in "heaven", even though they have access and know the ultimate Truth... but they do this to see if this is the structure they'd like to adopt while incarnated. For example, let's say in your past life you were a diehard Catholic... while planning for your next incarnation (if you chose to incarnate again), you decide for some reason or another that you didn't particularly like certain things about it or how it shaped your experiences in that life, so you opt to try out Buddhism for your next incarnation. Or maybe you were Buddhist first and discovered your personality didn't do well with certain aspects of it, that maybe you had too much love to give (mostly to your neighbors wife) and decided you were going to try Catholicism in your next incarnation to practice a different moral system (such as, not to covet thy neighbors wife) to prevent yourself from getting entangled with your next neighbors wife.

    I don't feel it's in everyone's path to discover the ultimate truth in their physical incarnation every time. If we spent every incarnation searching for the one ultimate truth, well first that would be a very intense incarnation, each and every time... but also, it lacks diversity... it lacks being able to gain different experiences, since you're doing the same thing every time. 

    I feel there are people incarnated who are *meant* to have this "My Way or the Highway" type of thinking to test others beliefs, and their own. I run into quite a few of these people and eventually I learned to just let them learn their own lessons, and if they're meant to know otherwise... they'll ask and seek. And if not, they'll get by either way... and hopefully they're happy with it... if not, that's part of their path/lessons too. I feel whatever belief structure we choose are like spokes on a bicycle wheel. They all start at different places.. but they all end at the same destination.

  • Yes, I do. The whole process I've been undergoing since March has been intense, to say the least. I'm almost tempted to call it insane, but with this whole 'create your own reality' mantra going around, I'm trying my hardest to maintain a positive attitude. I mean, we each start our own ascension process the moment we're born, but we don't tap into the awareness of it until later in our incarnation -my awareness was activated in March, I mention a part of my experience with this in one of my earlier posts.

  • Well leffotrak, you have good ol' common sense galore. Well said. You are pragmatic and educated. But I, like probably most people on the AGC site, hope you are wrong. Your viewpoint is much like the other 99.99% of the population who btw think that if they are "born again" will go to heaven forever etc., etc. I'm curious what your belief is leffotrak. Which group do you belong to? Are you a Jesus to Heaven girl, or death to the eternal void type? Or maybe you are in the reincarnation group. I really enjoy believing in this ET, UFO, ascension, 5th dimension stuff, so please... don't burst my bubble, It gives me (us) hope, something to look forward to. What you wrote is really well done, but please, no more common sense stuff. Maybe in 2013 I'll make a big sigh, go out the door and volunteer my time where it's needed. But until then I may be a fool but I'm enjoying myself ya know?

    How's that my dear?
    With much love,

    • Oh man. I'm a lot of things, and a lot of nothings. I'm not able to pinpoint my beliefs under any one belief system. I believe God is unconditional love, and through that love we can learn the lessons that we want (the good, and the bad). I believe we're given more choice than people think, and that if I don't want to reincarnate and stay the way I am now, I can very well do that... but eternity is a LONG time to sit around in the afterlife... that's like, forever... then again, it might take an eternity listening and sharing to everyone's stories about their lifetimes, assuming they're comfortable enough to share their experiences. I don't think there is a hidden agenda, only those created by man. And man is VERY creative. And I do believe we're getting help from spirits everyday, more than we realize. 

      I'm still keeping my mind open for December's solstice... but I have my snooze button handy just in case.

  • A very enlightening perspective, my hampton friend.  Like cops and robbers, somebody has to play the bad guy.  And during our many lifetimes, we were the bad guy, experiencing duality.  Great post!

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