Guide and Protection of Cosmic Light
Master Kapus
(January 2010)
spiritual connection and sensitivity always are present in your life and
you may be instruments of dissemination and planetary transformation.
For us
Arthurian is always an honor to interact with the Earth's evolutionary
brethren. Why? We have contributed to human genetics along with other
civilizations in the universe, and therefore there is a fraternal and
paternal bond between us. Perhaps we are the best that know you of all
extraterrestrial civilizations. Many of the sightings of interstellar
ships that are perceived in your planet is from the collective of the
Arthurian, along with the geometric designs of the famous crop circles
that we perform regularly for decades.
Our message
to you who are involved in a sequence of evolutionary crisis that is
affecting your social net is of support, guidance and protection fromthe
anonymity that we exercise together with other brothers from other parts
of the universe. You are very dear to us, and though you have forgotten
your cosmic evolutionary lineage, our duty is to remind you that you are
members of the same, and that while you are in evolutionary transition,
and some long have you been experiencing various processes on Earth, wedo
not have forgotten you. A large proportion of the population of humanity
comes from various constellations and galaxies of the universe, we cansay
that 20% of You come from the constellation Bootes and specifically ofthe
star Arcturus. We are involved in your evolutionary destiny and,
therefore, our connection with you is as a guide and protection ofcosmic
light that gradually you go plying of the various developmental levels
that separate you from your cosmic-spiritual lineage to which youbelong.
presence of alien ships in your planet is a social phenomenon that while
governments try to move and hide, it is becoming increasingly important.
In the coming years will gradually increase the presence of the ships of
the brothers of the cosmos, because the galactic alignment of your solar
system with the zero point of the galaxy that sets a new evolutionary
cycle. What is the purpose of the extraterrestrial presence on your
planet? There are various factors, such as monitoring and supervisingthe
new energy-vibrational frequency that is being installed on your planet.
Track secret research programs that the United States government isdoing,
and dark and destructive goals of the secret government that governsyour
planet supported by the forces of darkness. We are also the bridge link
and device of information between the cities of light intraterrestrialof
your planet with the hierarchy of the galaxy, and also protect you from
intrusion by groups that sometimes regressive aliens entering theEarth's
there is now a thick layer of darkness on the planet, you mustunderstand
that is part of your evolution, which helps to support your evolutionary
growth and spiritual insight. Do not forget that most of the human
collective energy vibrates at frequencies very dense, which encouragesthe
expansion of spiritual darkness and spiritual unconsciousness. We cannot
intervene in the free will of the people, but we designed strategies to
sensitize and educate the human being of divine origin and
cosmic-evolutionary lineage. There is a transformation plan and
installation of new paradigms Aquarian on your planet, which is being
carried out in collaboration with the spiritual hierarchy of your galaxy
and the commands of the Intergalactic Confederation to which we belong.
The aim is to reshape the energy-vibrational structure of the Earth that
affect your genetics and ecosystem. For this we are using people with
intuitive level by projecting thought-forms are reporting new
developmental paradigms through science, technology and other cultural
media that stands in your world. Do not forget that many of our fellow
aliens brothers are to coexist with you on your planet, and from the
anonymity they are our logistical-support information. Some are
infiltrators in the scientific, cultural, political and social, and when
any innovation happen in these sectors you must understand that they are
the drivers of the same.
As you can
see, you are not alone, and although we are not directly involvedbecause
at the moment is not part of the redevelopment plan-planetary evolutionof
Earth, we are involved directly in it. The purpose of this post is
basically transmit you support, protection and encouragement for you not
to succumb to get demoralized and future events that will occur on your
planet. It is important to always remember that even now the crisis,chaos
and darkness dominate the Earth is only a superficial view of thereality.
Your planet and civilization are destined for a glorious future, where
cohesion, collaboration and communication fraternal solidarity will bethe
dominant tone. You still have to undergo various evolutionary changes,but
time is all that separates you from that sequence and evolutionary
spiritual magnificence. To create something new is required for the
demolition of the old, and this dynamic process is applicable to your
spiritual cosmic evolution.
Each one of
you has an important role and responsibility within the setting of
evolutionary transformation that is occurring on Earth. There are noupper
or lower grades, but each one of you make the contribution required and
that belongs to your evolution in gear rolling. Part of yourevolutionary
process and responsibility is being aware of the restrictions,constraints
and conflicting aspects that you must change for that you may bereceivers
and drivers of the new Aquarian civilization. You not only are on the
planet to survive as best as possible, but to be the heralds, promoters
and disseminators of what is meant by "New Cosmic Being, beyond the
constraints and global identity that have developed to the presentmoment.
The New Cosmic Being is the next evolutionary ideology that will bebased
on the humanity of the third millennium, and this means being an emblem
representing the Aquarian paradigm that will dominate your planet.
In this
evolutionary sequence of confusion, chaos and social crises yourbrothers
the Arthurian wish to transmit its solidarity, protection and spiritual
guidance that we are conveying through various channels. You are our
younger brothers and we wish the best for you and that you may be aware
that your spiritual growth it is important so that the divine plan of
cosmic evolution be a success and the foundation of a developmentalstage
where predominantly spiritual sensitivity, respect to the laws of lifeand
evolution, the cooperation and fraternal solidarity among human beingsand
brothers of the cosmos.
important aspect of your evolution is that you understand thateverything
that happens to you is positive because it helps boost your inner growth
and if you approach and develop from the perspective of cosmicevolution.
When you analyse and classify the circumstances using dual evolutionary
experimental constraint parameters that outshines your perspective and
spiritual understanding. The errors, limitations, frustrations and
evolutionary limitations that you experience are mechanisms that the
universe and your being of light used to recycle and regain its powerand
divine light that is now overshadowed by the spiritual unconsciousnessand
insensibility. You are the light that the planet Earth required for the
energy regeneration and transformation flowing with all its power and
light in the world, reviving all living beings and the ecosystem onwhich
you are part. We need to develop a vision and holistic approach
complemented with a feeling of love, compassion and spiritual
understanding that you must extend to all living beings, aware of your
bond with the planet and universe.
Learn to
see the light and love behind every adverse circumstance. Every momentof
pain and suffering that you experience , see as an opportunity anddevice
of connection to the divine current underlying the circumstances. Youare
immortal light designed to love and unconditionally serve God, and assuch
you must develop your spiritual identity and the power to convey thelove
and divine understanding to all that surrounds you and also those whoare
asleep and operate under the mask destructive evil of the darkness. We
hope you feel that your brothers of the cosmos, especially theArthurian,
we are part of your evolution and are involved in it. We reiterate once
again that "Your brothers in the Cosmos" are working hard between the
racks to your evolutionary future be glorious and the peace, harmony and
love may be the source who promote your life and development.
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