Matthew Ward April 26, 2010

April 26, 2010

SEC vs. Goldman Sachs; Illuminati—composition, past and current activities; reptilians; lawsuit against pedophile Boy Scout leader; Iceland's volcanic eruption; plane crash, death of Poland's president, et al; tea party movement; economic concerns, resolution; presence of spirits; music in Golden Age; effects of gun use on soul growth; life forms designed with malevolence; enough souls for fetuses; Global Love Day May 1

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying, There is cause for elation! After months of research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country's citizens and led to the international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati's worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.

2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the "umbrella" name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical "establishment," regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.

3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the "illegal" drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth—indeed, the very life of Earth herself!

4. It is because of the Illuminati's long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about seven decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet's orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.

5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati's existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati's top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth's human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.

6. And just as there are light-filled human souls throughout this universe, so are there light-filled reptilians. The latter group, who are eager to dispel the erroneous belief that their race is synonymous with darkness, are working side by side with humans and other races to thwart the efforts of their darkly-inclined siblings wherever they are wreaking havoc. Also, as the light has been intensifying on Earth, both reptilians and humans have left the dark camp and joined the ranks of the light forces.

7. Do the reptilians on Earth know they are reptilians? There may be the rare exception, but in our awareness, the reptilians living among you, whether within the light or within the darkness, do know their racial makeup. There are more human-reptilian hybrids than pure reptilians on the planet, and most are not consciously aware of their racial ancestry. Nor does that matter! Race is a difference only of DNA, and never does that affect free will choices for either godly deeds or dark workings, or, respectively, spiritual evolvement or devolvement.

8. Now then, another recent development in the United States is a multimillion dollar award by the court to the man who, as a lad, was sexually molested by a Boy Scout leader. This, too, has implications well beyond that lawsuit. Continuing investigations into the dark aspect of that huge youth organization alongside pursuing the Vatican's long-time cover-up of known pedophile priests ultimately will reach the top of the Illuminati's lucrative international sex slave industry as well as reveal that the headquarters of Satanism is in the bowels of the Vatican.

9. Even though those two recent legal battles against darkness are ever so welcome, we know they are not the dramatic revelations you have been awaiting. All lighted souls in this universe would love to see the full abundance of truths shooting out like endless fireworks instead of sporadic arrays of sparklers, but it is imperative for the creation of a peace-loving, honest global society that the truths emerge through legal proceedings based on irrefutable evidence. There also is the important issue of how much shocking information psyches can handle at one time.

10. You can expect the Illuminati to fight viciously all along the way, but their dark activities becoming public cannot be detoured, much less stopped. The door has opened a crack and nothing they can do will keep it from opening wider and wider until the vibrations of the in-pouring light are so powerful that they will vanquish every iota of darkness on the planet. So do not doubt for a moment that the light is winning—in the continuum, where Earth is rapidly heading, the light already has WON!

11. We are delighted to see that the eruption of the volcano in Iceland has been attributed by some to manmade technology, and rightfully so. This was not Mother Nature's doing, nor was the direction of the winds that disrupted airline traffic, stranding thousands of travelers and causing untold financial losses in the many affected nations. Those were the intended effects as the Illuminati are employing every means they can think of to create fear, chaos, confusion and diversion to prevent official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial civilizations' presence. Because that disclosure heralds the total uprooting of the Illuminati's evil global empire, they will stop at nothing to keep the televised introduction of our space family from happening.

12, However, as likely as it may seem that the Illuminati were behind the plane crash and the deaths of Poland's president and other government, military and national leaders, that is not the case. The pre-birth agreements of all those persons included their leaving en masse at this time for two reasons: This tragic loss to the people of Poland will inspire them to lift their sights for their country's course; and investigation into the cause of the crash will lead into avenues where corruption, deception and betrayal exist so those can be brought to light.

13. In this, there are both a difference and a similarity to the death of Princess Diana. The vehicle crash and the ambulance's circuitous route to the hospital was the work of the peak of the Illuminati, England's royal family; and Diana's physical leave-taking also was a soul contract provision with two purposes: Not only would many others be inspired to carry on reforms she espoused to an extent that she herself could not had she lived; but also the years of the royal family's shunning of Diana and their cold reaction to the world's outpouring of grief and love for her aroused doubts about the integrity of British royalty and suspicions about their involvement in her death—questioning what previously was a given is the first step toward an open mind.

14. What does the tea party movement bode for the political future of the US? Like any fringe element of society, regardless of religious, ethnic, cultural or political background, these individuals have been drawn together through fear of change and ignorance of the truth. Radical behaviorists within any group make headlines whereas grassroots movements quietly bringing about positive changes do not, but it is the latter that is the ever-growing force behind spiritual renewal of Earth's residents and transformation of your world.

15. We wish to say further that the light within each of you, which is exemplified by your very life, is an essential aspect of this unprecedented era on Earth—indeed, in the universe. Your light flows out and touches others who then waken and realize their own potential as a force for godliness and reformation. Each person who gains this awareness not only becomes another beacon for the still-slumbering souls, but every opened heart and mind adds to the light in the collective consciousness of Earth's residents and benevolently affects the entire universe. That is how powerful each and every one of you is!

16. My concern is that the US government will have to finally admit that the national debt is so monstrous it can't ever be repaid. What is the probability of that happening, and if it does, then what? Unemployment is the overriding economic issue most nations are facing; how do you fix this when there aren't enough jobs in the world for everybody who needs one? My country's economy was seriously hit by what happened in the United States; it seems that whoever needed a "leg up" used to look to the US for a boost—now where can we go? Assuming the global economy does get back on solid footing, how will that help those countries where a few corrupt individuals are causing the masses to live in abject poverty? How much longer will financial hardships that affect billions of lives last?

17. These issues of grave concern will be relieved to the extent possible through the efforts of prudent leaders with spiritual and moral integrity and expertise, but they cannot be completely resolved until Earth is in fourth density, where the differences between your world today and life in the Golden Age are so astounding that to you they are inconceivable. So in this moment we can only tell you that economic hardships confronting peoples worldwide will lessen gradually until Earth's residents complete their chosen karmic experiencing and the individuals who cling to their dark ways leave the planet incrementally. When these ongoing processes run their course—and they will by the end of 2012—the populace of Earth will have the spiritual awareness and raised consciousness that is the foundation for healthful, joyful, cooperative, peaceful living with abundance for all.

18. Readers have asked about persons who were deeply loved or held in great esteem, mentioning Mother Mary, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Michael Jackson and specific family members, in essence: Are we actually feeling their spiritual presence? Are they communicating with us through dreams? Indeed those situations of closeness are possible, even quite likely in this time when more and more soul level knowledge of the Oneness of All is reaching conscious levels. The powerful energy of Mother Mary enfolds all of Earth in a blanket of love; and the love bonds between people on Earth and their beloved souls in Nirvana is an eternal connection—strongly feeling their presence is perfectly natural. Drawing to you the energy of souls in spirit whom you didn't personally know but greatly admired and often think about is "like attracts like" in operation.

19. What you think of as dream communication may be fragments of memories of your visits with those souls; but since third density beliefs don't include actual visits by the living to the "dead," the acceptable interpretation is that you dream about them. As Earth ascends into higher and yet higher vibrations, your consciousness will continue expanding until you can clearly remember visits with many souls in astral planes where the energy is compatible with your own.

20. What will music be like in the Golden Age? Whether you will be making it, listening to it, or dancing along with it, music will be as uplifting, diverse, thrilling, sing-able, melodic, happily nostalgic or majestic in scope as it is now. What will not make it into the Golden Age are heavy metal instrumentals, lyrics of destructive nature, and neoclassical works filled with dissonance. Those genres have their place in the moment, but they are of much lower frequencies than the vibrations of the Golden Age wherein all is harmonious.

21. The selection of topics in these messages is based on either our awareness of widespread ponderings and interest or a question that may stir in only one mind or perhaps a few, but it provides us an opportunity to speak about something that may be thought-provoking to many. The latter category pertains to the next two questions.

22. If I become a gun owner, can my soul still evolve or does that make my soul regress? Owning a gun is no different from owning a car or a telephone, a beach ball or a bottle of brandy—none of those or any other object by itself affects soul growth one way or another, but their use does. When a gun is used by one person in the pre-birth agreement to kill another in the same agreement and this balances previous lifetime experiences for both and fulfills their soul contracts to complete third density karma, the two souls evolve into fourth density. Shooting any life form for the sheer enjoyment of causing death and shooting animals just "for sport" do cause soul regression, and so does torturing any life form.

23. Every life, regardless of how insignificant you may deem it, is a soul. Its life force comes from the Supreme Being of this universe, whose energy is the love-light essence of Creator Source, the Supreme Being of the cosmos, wherein all life in any form has divine Beginnings.

24. This is not to say that every life form has been designed with godly intent—by no means is that so! Eons ago the intent of the dark forces was to sicken, debilitate and ultimately destroy life, and for that purpose they created microbes. They wanted higher life forms to plague still higher forms, so they made disease-causing or disease-carrying insects and rodents to spread contagious illnesses that also were of their making. They made animal forms that contain lethal poisons and introduced ferocity in some animals that previously had lived peaceably with all others, thus establishing the predator-prey chain.

25. If one of those various life forms poses a death risk to a human or a defenseless animal in the human's care, killing it saves the life in peril. That act does not adversely affect the person's spiritual evolution, and depending upon circumstances, may hasten soul growth. When the only way to stop a person from killing another is to shoot the would-be killer, the result for the shooter is largely dependent upon the emotional aftereffect.

26. And: Is it possible that there could be more fetuses than there are souls awaiting incarnation? No. Although every soul whose last physical lifetime was on Earth does go to Nirvana—if only to zip through on the way to another destination—it is not only Nirvana residents who may incarnate on Earth. Souls throughout the universe whose energy is compatible with your world's can choose to embody there when there is an ideal parent-child fit and environmental opportunity for soul growth.

27. Some residents of Nirvana are there to recover from difficult lifetimes in other civilizations, and they may choose to spend the next lifetime on Earth. Visitors in Nirvana, which is a popular vacation spot because of its beauty and diversity, may want to do that too. Also souls who are free spirits—in this case, soaring around the universe without even an etheric body—may decide to incarnate to enjoy the benefits a body offers that life in spirit does not. Souls in some highly spiritually and intellectually evolved civilizations do not embody, but rather live in wafting vaporous, iridescent streamers or in a variety of magnificent energetic patterns or within angelic musical tones.

28. We have been speaking of human and other races and "ultra" soul civilizations, but for diversified experiencing, souls also can choose to express parts of their energy in other kinds of life forms, usually animals that have a great deal of interaction with people.

29. And when it is time for a resident of Nirvana to reincarnate, it's not necessarily back on Earth. Souls who need more third density experiencing may choose a different civilization in that same energy density plane, souls who have evolved spiritually usually choose to move on to advanced civilizations, and those who have devolved will start over in primitive placements.

30. The order of the universe provides infinite growth possibilities for all souls!

31. Many people are asking the same question as the reader who wrote, How can I get past feelings of depression and immobility? Immobility is a natural companion to, or component of depression, and although they are common reactions to the higher frequencies, they may be due to bodies' chemical imbalance. If testing by a trusted health care practitioner rules out the latter, you can get past feeling depressed and immobile by stopping focusing your thoughts on that uncomfortable condition. Through the law of attraction you perpetuate an unwanted situation by obsessive thoughts about it, and changing your thoughts can release you. It does take effort to switch from negative thinking to positive, so ask for "divine" help— and cooperate with your helpers!

32. We happily offer some "plain vanilla" suggestions that can assist you to get past depression when its cause is circumstantial: Get as much restful sleep as you can. Do not take drugs advertised to treat depression—their chemicals may temporarily lighten symptoms even as they deepen the depression itself. Drink a lot of pure water and healthful juices; avoid foods with chemical additives. Exercise—walking in areas where Nature abounds is especially restorative—and interaction with animals uplift the spirit. List the blessings in your life starting with life itself. Instead of being drawn into an argument, try to see the situation from the other's perspective—your calm reply can defuse the other's anger. Avoid violent "entertainment"; watch comedies and heartwarming shows, read light-hearted books. Volunteer in one of your community's charitable activities. Learn a new word every day. Make small changes in your daily routine. Listen to soothing music, and if you are talented in music-making, sing or pick up your violin or harmonica. Smile often—look in a mirror and smile at yourself, then laugh!

33. Is there a special or specific prayer that everyone could say that would help bring in more light? Indeed mass meditations and prayer circles with the same focus can have marvelous effects, and so can mantras or words that have special meaning to you. But it is what is in each person's heart that comprises the "collective hearts" and manifests light-filled happenings. Never are any special or specific words needed, but loving and honoring self and others always is!

34. The greatest power in the cosmos is the energy of love-light, that pure essence of Creator Source in which every soul has its origin—this is the Oneness of All, the inseparability of all souls in whatever form they may be wherever in this universe they are. It is why we feel both love and sadness for our brothers and sisters among you who cause pain for others, just as Earth families love their members even as they lament their foul deeds.

35. We honor the founders of The Love Foundation and Global Love Day, which is celebrated annually May 1 and whose theme this year is "Love Begins With Me." With gratitude for Harold's and John's permission, as our Fare well! this time, we share with you their beautifully expressed message:

We recognize this day as a symbolic expression that we can choose to love each and every day as we gather together and unite as a collective humanity through unconditional love.

We are one humanity on this planet.

All life is interconnected and interdependent.

All share in the Universal bond of love.

Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.

With respect and compassion we embrace diversity.

Together we make a difference through love.



Suzanne Ward

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  • What a lovely message, very upbeat, I feel good now.
    • Yeah Tom , it can't get hard enough for them before they get a chance to inflict more control on us and try to put fear into us or whatever thier next plan is . Power to the people.
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