May you walk in the love and light always.

Jesus always quotes people on Ignorances.

Why do you judge your todays, and expections of your tomorrows, what you have experienced in the past. Therefore, are your ills of yesteryears, continuously being repeated in the future?

You are enslaved by your memories and your undeviating belief that what was past must return again and again to burden and wound you in the presence, of the perpetual now.

You do not need to heal your bodies, or try to make your lives better, you only have need to heal your beliefs.


As you remove the belief in sickness from the person’s body, know that the “Fathers will of Health! Is flowing into your system; Then so does the appearance of sickness is changed into reality of Father Health and the body is made wholeness once more.

Restore Father-Life, to the True Intention, and plan of your system and the entire system functions as it should.


-ONLY THOSE WITH A PURE MIND AND HEART WILL ACCOMPLISHED THESE MIGHTY THINGS...................................................................................................................

FAITH IS FAITH! a Power of Total Conviction in the mind, possessing the mind and cannot be restricted in size.
Faith-arising out of your need to believe in something, because such a belief will serve your purpose in some way, can be powerful and strong, but can never nor could it be estimated in size.


BELIEF!.........Is even stronger. Belief is the offspring of hearsay and logic. Because you have heard something and been convicted that what you heard or read is true, you develop a deep belief it could be true. You believe in a total complete way which defies contradiction.

Jesus was constantly telling people, “Believe and you will receive”. And you will receive.
It is impossible then for people to have faith which would cause miracles to happen, since no matter how much Jesus might explain TRUTH to the masses, that they still never have that intense knowing Jesus had 6 weeks in the desert with the Creator.

Up to this time, some of you have had Faith in “Jesus Christ”. But you have been like precocious children best explained in Ephesian 4vs14....Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teachings and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Vs 15. Instead, speaking the truth of Love, we will in all things grow up into him the whole body, joined and held together by every support ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Your faith has been partially blind and accepting, yet interwoven with much doubt. Therefore, whatever you needed to be done for you, you depended on “Jesus”, for the work to be accomplished. Whereas, in fact, much of what you have believed in, you have in fact derived directly from “Jesus”, made visible in the form of things asked for.

And i say to you who read these words, let no one dare to deny the words of Jesus’s experiential truth, until they too, have walked the path of self renunciation which Jesus had done 6 weeks out in the desert as he walked on Earth and reached the same union with the Father and the heights of incontrovertible knowledge and understandings as he possessed so will you in time.

When you have achieved this, you will no longer restrain yourselves from joining Jesus and the Masters. You will want to only teach your fellow men what you have learned. But until that time, Jesus constantly kept saying, “Hold your Peace? And let no man know your ignorance.

In fact Jesus did not come to Earth to introduce a new in doctrine of religion or higher moral codes than that given by Moses in the 10 Commitments as it was never what you have known as the Commandments.

Jesus’s purpose was to bring a new perception a new perspective of God, as Creator and understanding of existence itself.

Out of knowledge would come a new way of life. The correct attitude towards his mission on Earth. In this third millennium, is to acknowledge that the “Miracles”, are beyond the capabilities of the average human being at this time.

However, such “Miracles”, were as of what can be achieved in the future when peoples minds are fully imbued with the knowledge of existence and are also, through faith, meditation and prayer fully attuned to and imbued with Universal Life, Universal Love Consciousness.




God never made commandments when it came to the


When Moses asked how must best That They shall Live in; Peace and Prosperity! God replied!
And this was what was given to him.

If you shall follow my 10 COMMITMENTS
You shall prosper Greatfully....

I shall know that i have taken to the path to Creator, for then, i shall know, that I have found the Creator, for there will be these signs, these indications, these changes in me.

1. I shall love the Creator with all my Heart, all my Mind, All my soul, and there shall be no other Gods set before the Lord. No longer will I worship human love, or success, money, or power, nor any symbol thereof. I will set aside these things as a child set asides their toys. Not because they are unworthy, but because they have out grown their usefulness.

2. I shall not use the Creators name in Vain. Nor will I call upon the Lord for frivolous things. I will understand the power of words, and of thoughts, and I will not think of invoking the name of the Creator, in an un-creative way (UnGodly Manner), For I cannot anyway, for the name;-The Great "I AM", is never used in vain, that is, without results, but nor can it ever be. And when I know that the Creator is with me, I shall know of this, without 'Doubt'!.....

3. I shall remember to keep a day for the Lord, and I shall call it Holy. This, so that I do not stay in my world of Illusions, but cause myself to remember who and what I am. And then I soon call every day the Sabboth, and every moment Holy. (The Sabboth's meaning, is being in kept prayer, with God), In all times.

4. I shall Honor my Mother and my Father, and when I will know that I am the Son/Daughter of the Creator, when I Honor my Father and Mother in all that I do, say, or think. And when as I honor my Mother and Father the "Creator", and my Mother and Father on Earth (for they have given me life), so too, will I honor; everyone else.

5. I shall know that I have found the Creator, when I observe that I will not Murder, (That is kill without a justifiable cause for doing so), and for a while, I will have understood this meaning, as that I can never end anothers life, in any event, because 'All life is eternal'. I will not choose to terminate any particular incarnation, nor change any life form from one form to another, without the most divine sacredness of justification for doing so. And when I have fully understood this, then my new reverence for life, will cause me to honor all life forms, which includes the plants, animals and mineral kingdoms, and to only impact on them, if it is for the highest good of all that is concerened.

And theses signs will the Lord send me also, that I know that I am on the Path:

6. I will not defile the Purity of Love, with Dishonesty or Deceitfulness. The Lord promises me, for when I have found the Creator. I shall not commit adultery. meaning: {Let them know 1st.}.

7. I will not take anything that is not my own, nor cheat, nor connive, that is, {To see a crime and let it slide on by, without saying anything}, nor harm another to have anything, for this would be to steal. The Lord promises me, that when I have found the Creator, that in Him, I would not steal.

8. Nor say a thing that is not true, and thus bear false witness.

Nor shall I.......

9. Covet my neighbours spouse (Desire them), or why would you want your neighbour's spouse, when I know all others are my spouse. (Those who are not partnered yet).

Nor shall I.......

10. Covet thy neighbours goods, (Desire), for why would I want my neighbours goods, when I know all goods can be mine, and all goods belong to the world.

I will know that I have found the path to Creator, when I see these signs. For the Lord promises me, that no one who truly seeks the Creator, shall no longer do these things. It would be impossible to continue such behaviours.

God said, For why would I want to command my Beloveds to such an act, for why would the Great I Am, doubt you, if you would but commit to them. So therefore; Why would I want to command to you, to follow these guidelines. Would then such an abhorrent act be considered (Freewill).......or a Contempt, to will.

If you would but follow these 10 simple commitments, then life would make it so much easier for you, if you but have the will, to only commit yourself to these, as a guideline to yourself.

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  • Divine Intelligence/Divine Love is my souls Divine Reality!
    Which I know is the ‘Powerful Divine Impulse’; within me, to grow, nourish, nurture, heal, protect, and to fulfill my every need with a system of perfect Law and Order, this is my reality which is the representation of my soul.
    Therefore; I know that I have overcome my ego impulses and invite my experiential soul, to combine with my holy spirit to become as oneness in Christ, in thoughts and feelings, in which I know that I will be driven to express all of the Divine Impulses described above.
    I know that I am being possessed by the desire only promote the highest quality good of all living things and the Open ended Universe itself.
    I know that I am being the true messenger from the Divine Consciousness, expressing only that which has the highest quality of Beingness.
    As I know at the inception of my time of my soul’s reunification with the Divine Consciousness, the psyche occupies the deepest recesses of my human consciousness, draws its awareness from my soul the hidden instincts of which knows right from wrong.
    At this moment of preconception, it is aware of the inner ego inside thy self.
  • Christ says: Some of my friends are like scholars, with 3 characteristics.
    1st. A discerning intelligence beyond what is natural to the brain;
    2nd. Wisdom without human aid, in as much as Jesus teaches them always inwardly.
    3rd. And that they are, full of sweetness and divine love, within which, they defeat the devil.
    But however, nowadays, people go about their studies in a different way.
    1st. They seek knowledge out of arrogance, in order to be called scholars.
    2nd. They seek knowledge, in order to keep and obtain riches.
    3rd. And that they seek knowledge, in order to win, honours and privileges.
    Accordingly, when they go to their schools and enter there, I will leave them, since they study because of their pride, where as I taught them humility. (It’s in the book of revelations).They enter from within, out of greed, where I had no place to lay my head. They enter, in order to win privileges, envious that others are more highly placed then themselves, where I was sentenced by Pilate and mocked by Herods: that is why I will be leaving them, because they are not studying my teachings.
    However, because I am good and kind, I will give each one what he asks for. So he who asks for bread will get it, but he who will ask for straw, will be given straw. My friends ask for bread, because they seek and study the divine wisdom, where my love can be found. Others, however, ask for straw, that is, worldly wisdom. Just as straw is useless, and is the food, for irrational animals, so too there is neither use for the wisdom of the world, that they seek nourishment for the soul. There is nothing from within their contextual hearts, but rather minute and small reputations and meaningless toil. For when a man dies, all his wisdom is blotted out of existence and those who used to praise him can no longer see him.
    I am like a great Lord, with many servants who, on their Lord’s behalf, distribute to the people what they need. In this way the good angels and the bad angels stand under my authority. The good angels minister to the people who study my wisdom I mean those who serve me, nourishing them with consolation and enjoyable work. The bad angels assist the worldly wise. They inspire what they want in them and form them after their own will, inspiring speculation along with a great deal of work. Yet, if they could turn their eyes towards me, I could give them enough bread they did not have to work so hard for, and they will still have enough of the world to satisfy them. These ones, they never get enough of the world, since they turn sweet into sour for themselves. But you my bride, should be like cheese, and your body like the mold in which the cheese is molded, until it has the shape of the mold. In this way, your soul, which is as delightful and good tasting to me as cheese, must be tried and cleansed in the body long enough for body and soul to reach an accord and for both to maintain the same form of continence, so that the flesh obeys the spirit and the spirit guides the flesh towards every virtue.
    - Ask for the right remedy. Let your CREATOR ask for the right solution?
    - Concentrate on the power you are receiving immediately into your condition.
    - Give thanks to the Creator immediately for the works before it was accomplished.
    Please note: Never and then go out of the room and “Tell People of your Ills you feel! This is a great insult to the Father Creator.
    To continue to bring up past negative conditions, you immediately undo all the work the Father Creator is Engaged in.

    Father-Mother Life, You are my life, My constant support, My health, My protection, My perfect fullfilment of every need and highest inspiration.
    I ask you to reveal the True Nature of Yourself to me. I know it is your will that I shall be fully Illumined, that I may better receive the True Reality of your presence within and around me. I believe and know that this is possible. I believe that you protect and maintain me within perfect love. I know that my eventual purpose is to express you. As I speak to you, i know that you are perfectly receptive of me, for you are Universal Loving Intelligence, which has so marvellously designed this world and brought it into form. I know that as I ask you to speak, I am sending out a consciousness searchlight into your Divine Consciousness, and as I listen, You will be penetrating my human consciousness and coming ever to my increasingly receptive mind and heart. I commit myself and my life into your care. I give glad and greatful thanks.

    Lord I am Sincerely glad and happy that all those terrible things took place. Because of them, I am where I am today. Because of them, I have been given an opportunity to test and experience the extent of my endurance, intellect, emotons, talents. I can measure myself against the achievements of other races, and perhaps continue to learn how to rise still further from my beginnings. I thank you for the strength and inspirations to show my basic equality with everyone else, I send out my thoughts of Love and Gratitude to those who laid the foundations for my present good all those many, many years ago.
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RandyFirstContact commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Light Ship Revealing Itself?
"You could probably ask for a physical contact Alternate Earth if you felt ready for something like that. It doesn't guarantee they would teleport you or land, they would have to assess whether you were ready to meet non-humans face to face.

And I…"
4 minutes ago
ET Hugger commented on AlternateEarth's blog post Light Ship Revealing Itself?
"I think it’s your bear buddies again. Does your family also see these ships and what is their reaction?"
1 hour ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Jon-he could get a ride on this Light Ship if he wanted."
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth posted a blog post
1/15/25-Caught this a couple of hours ago- after about a minute the light goes out and you can see a ship!
4 hours ago
John Jancar left a comment on Comment Wall
"On a totally unrelated subject, let me state, as I've stated to my missionary friends before lol That when and if Jesus comes back, it's gonna be on a UFO lol I mean HOW ELSE HE GONNA COME BACK. Floating down from space, on a cloud lol"
4 hours ago
AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Justin-I would bet that the Martians don't want 'the'-it is said that the most terrifying, intense energies is Pluto at the spirit levels -send them there."
4 hours ago
Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"Good start here as Red Dye 3 is set to be banned soon. I expect RFK Jr. to get more unhealthy ingredients banned when he officially gets in."
5 hours ago