Maya vs Hollywood on 2012--------

www.AlunaJoy.com2012 and the Mayan Calendar end date.Do you want your facts on 2012 from theMaya Elders or Hollywood?We have heard from everyone but the Maya on this controversial topic of 2012and the Mayan Calendar end date.The time is now to hear what Mayan Elder Cirilo Perez Oxlaj,a.k.a "Wandering Wolf the Voice of the Jungle"has to say about these times that we are in.This is the purpose of the film the Shift of the Ages.Synchronicities have their humor....Beginning this November, the mass consciousness will be assaultedwith the apocalyptic Hollywood version of 2012 by the director of "Independence Day."We were shocked to discover that these Hollywood film makersalso have a site called "Institute for Human Continuity" which is offering alottery for people to occupy their undergroundfacility intended to survive the "end of the world."How noble to offer such hope for the lucky few who win their lottery.Because of this overt fear mongering, we as light workers, healers,conscious beings and Maya supportershave an unprecedented opportunity to shift this fear into apowerful force for conscious transformation and human evolution.We believe it is time to drop the remote controls and take positive actionso we can organize together and transcend the fear regarding the shift.We can do this in part by rallying in support of The Maya people themselveswho are responsible for this ominous and auspicious 2012 date.An authentic Mayan perspective on 2012 has yet to be heard bya global audience and it is NOW TIME for their message.If the year 2012 has any significance whatsoever,it is because it points to Year Zero in the Mayan Calendar,which has been translated into "2012" by non-Mayan scholars.Don't you think it will be useful to hear the authentic account ofYear Zero by the presently living elders of the Maya?This is offered in the film Shift of the Ages.For over four years now this film has been gestating. It will be releasedwithin the next 6 months, with all of your help.The Maya Elders and Mayan Elder Cirilo Perez Oxlajneed your help to bring their message to a global mainstream audience.Because this is an independent film, the film's producers do not havemillions of Hollywood dollars to invest in advertising and publicity.The film Shift of the Ages producers, production crewand Mayan Elder Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, do not want to sell the film toa bigger company, as they might lose creative control,and watch the truth of the message get lost in translation.Instead, they have created an Ambassador-Affiliate Program designedto organize a grass-roots global outreach and support system.The Shift of the Ages Ambassador program allows everyone tohelp with the film's success.Ambassadors for this film are now unifying, forming alliances,and working underground networks. These alliances and networks willassist in the availability of this film to the mainstream world.You can help get this timely message out to the world during thismomentous and transitional time.See the film trailers - click this link: Shift of the AgesBecome an Ambassador for the Shift of the Ages.PLEASE forward this message to all your networks all over the world.Network this announcement on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Architects of a New Dawn, and iPeace Now!Clickable Link:

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  • Can you imagine trying to win a lottery to live underground to survive the 2012 so called apocolype????? Not on your life, I say. I would take my chances above ground before I would trust the illuminati controlled film makers.... Who knows what is in the underground facility or even if it exists....might just be an underground restaurant for hungry reltillians or grays who need to make some more nutritive paste to eat mad out of people, lol....So I will save my money and ride it out. No scary movie is going to panic me. The grays kept showing me terrible destruction of the earth, and I just told them. Bring it on, don't scare me baby (but it did a little I
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
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