So I have been looking at a lot of material from Ashtar and the other higher beings of light and I have just recently stumbled upon something that raises my eyebrow. Anyone have an insight on this one? This is from David Icke
They know: that once people realise that something very different is happening the dominoes will fall andthe game will be up. It was the Brotherhood who created the NewAge Movement to divert the awakening. The term New Age is thename of a Freemasonic magazine. A mind controlled slave of theAmerican Government, now recovering, confirmed to me that theNew Age was launched covertly by the brotherhood and others. WheneverI have made these points, New Agers have dismissed the idea because,they say, the Brotherhood would not want the people to encompassa different view of life. No, not in an ideal world they wouldn't,but this is not an ideal world for them because the energy changesare waking people up. The Brotherhood knew this was coming andwhat its affect would be. They couldn't jump in a spacecraft andfiddle with the Sun or go into the centre of the galaxy to switchoff the new vibration. Their only alternative was to hijack theawakening consciousness and lead it into another cul-de-sac, anotherrules-and-regulations-religion, where it would be no threat tothe Brotherhood Agenda. This they have done with the New Age Movement.There are some very sensible and aware people within the New Agedoing some great work, but so many others are in denial of whatis going on in the world. They are being misled by other dimensionalentities, Brotherhood transmissions on the psychic frequenciesand channelled communications from the lower fourth dimension.They sit around their candles or wait for an extraterrestrialAshtar Command to come and whisk them off the planet in a spaceship.Ashtar is a Brotherhood concoction and a play on words with ancientdeities like Ashteroth and Ishtar, another name for Queen Semiramis.Much of the New Age mentality will not even talk about the Brotherhoodmanipulation because 'it's negative'. Yes it is and it will staythat way until we acknowledge it and change it.
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You must aware and protect yourself to the Negatives side, Anti-christ, Dark brotherhood, Reptilian, Illuminati Organization , Rebellion fallen Angels, Negative E.T. and Negative Elements.
We need more high profile people like David to come forward.When I was a youth he appeared on Terry Wogan(Tv show) All the audiance laughed at what he had to say .But have you ever noticed maybe only a few people started to laugh then the rest followed.This showed that people have a long way to go before they wake up.He gives hypnosis as an examlpe of how the brain can be hoodwinked.I would think that everone on Ashtar knows and believes that hypnosis exists,fact.Why do you think he gives this as an example.Well for one he`s trying to tell Jo public(no offense) that he/she is in a state of hypnosis (psychic amnesia) and for reason number 2 ,he`s clicking his fingers telling you to wake up now.I know there`s some people that think he`s lost the plot ,but not me ,why isn`t he on this website speaking to us.I`m going to have a word with him some day! What a whistle blower!!,top notch.
I have always listened to David Icke and wondered, when will he get to the good part? lol.
To be honest, I read all of that above and found it very true untill what he said about the Ashtar Command, why would he personally relate it to something biblical or mythological if that is only myth, did he personally have to 'attack' the federation in itself, to be honest that doesn't seem like a very 'loving manner' and it kind of seems like he is looking for attention to me.
Ashtaroth is something else entirely, mainly a common bashing point by Bible believers who wish to debunk much of the extra terrestrial topics, well as far as I know. I have read alot of things said by Ashtar himself and they have felt beautiful and true, so how can he be a neagtive entity and a positive one (and WHY would negative beings want us to behave positively?!). It doesnt add up, but maybe that is part of the reasons we are here in the first place, to make sense of everything over time and fit together all the pieces of the puzzle if you wish to put it like that. It actually makes me sad what he said above, I don't know why, probably because I have been so sure about the real Ashtar Command for so long, it is hard to 'let go', but maybe they are true, how does David Icke know everything, he is only basing his proof on ancient studies rather than spiritually, when the whole goal is to connect the mind witht the heart, he is kind of causing doubt which we don't need anymore. So does this mean there is no cosmic family, star systems, galactic communities, societies, federations...? Don't be silly lol. OF COURSE THERE IS!! Why in the first place is this wonderfull website called the Ashtar Command Crew? Because it is a movement of love and all things positive, to onesself. In the end the truth doesnt come from David Icke, Mr Know-it-all from The discovery channel, Sherry shriner or anyone else, it is in you when you came here, meaning you are never alone. You came here with a being as you did in every incarnation, which is your higher self. I know it is not easy being the only one who stands out here as not really agreeing with him, but It is what I feel, and I wanted to share it so.
Love, Joy and Light to everyone here ~*
Oen ~*
3rfl3nfqndi4s > Oen LibertatumFebruary 21, 2010 at 5:30pm
Bravo, me laddie. :)))) You go!!! It takes courage to "go against the flow".
Now, while I believe a lot of what Icke and others say, I will go on record as saying that I don't believe there is another Soul on this plane who is AB-SO-LUTELY infallible. We are each such unique individuals because of our and past, that there will be no two human beings who think exactly alike in ALL scenarios.
I feel we're all pretty much just kinda "feeling" our way along to the Truth after 100's of years of being controlled and manipulated while we were sleeping. Personally, I have a burning desire to recover full memory so that I cannot be deceived again. I'm letting go of that naive, gullible girl I used to be.
You know I think a lot of this comes down to what "The New Age" actually is.
A lot of things that cannot be accurately defined (for those in rigid religious mindets) often get "dumped" in the New Age basket for lack of a better description.
UFOology? New Age
Wicca? New Age
Belief in the Mayan Calendar? New Age.
None of these things are actually new age at all, they are ancient knowledges being re-examined in the current age.
As soon as you find yourself in a religion/belief system that tells you WHAT do believe, WHO to pray to, HOW to act/think/react whatever, you are probably wrapping yourself up in a whole bunch of ignorance and denial-of-truth.
I agree with what the others above me have said - follow your heart, and your intuition. It knows the truth, even if your human mind cannot comprehend it.
Marique > ApocalypstickFebruary 21, 2010 at 5:14pm
I totally agree about what you said about everything gets thrown into the "new age" basket as a catchall. And I agree wholeheartedly indeed that as soon as someone or group system starts telling you WHAT to believe or shuns or ridicules you for not believing as they do, then it is time really watch and be wary not to get swept into something that makes you uncomfortable with who you are and what you believe. Then it is time to follow your intuition.
Looks the brotherhood is making a few revisions to the propaganda model so that they can still retain there power with out too much interference from the other truth seekers. It was working for a little while until someone caught on to it and now it's slowly breaking up with very little resistance from the other end.
Just keep in mind those "channelings" may sound and look really convincing. But sometimes you have to question the motives of these entities and the sides they take whether it's good or bad.
Also just to clarify I'm a starseed myself
Silent Observer > Silent ObserverFebruary 21, 2010 at 12:16am
May I also suggest you read the book Manufacturing Consent by Edward S Herman and Noam Chomsky. It gives you a basic outline of the propaganda model from an economics prespective.
Hmmm, yeah, I have been reading and listening to a lot of David Icke stuff recently. One thing I have learned is not to confuse the source with the legitimacy of the information they share. David Icke is doing some great stuff, and he is probably right about 90% of stuff, and his intentions and integrity are all good, BUT that still doesn't mean he's right about everything.
I am not even sure what exactly is meant by "New Age'. What is that supposed to encompass? If this movement was purposely launched for negative reasons, then I would say the plan has backfired.
I agree that there are probably plenty of so-called new age 'types' who are so caught up in the peace, love and light etc that they are not seeing what is really going on in the world. But even that is ok in my view, because focusing on peace and love helps these things to manifest and facilitates raising our vibration and our spiritual evolution.
With no disrespect meant to David, I think that when your focus is on all the negative stuff, it's easy to get a bit jaded and cynical, and to see conspiracies everywhere you look. I am not suggesting he is wrong, however I have personally found some channelled stuff very useful and helpful in practical ways, and I don't believe that this could be faked by lower vibration entities. The channelled stuff that I have found useful actually warns us about what is going on. It comes back to what others have said: trusting your own instincts and intuition to discern the validity of info from other sources.
David Icke is really a man that sits on the truth.
From mine point of view , this is a huge problem because the starseeds get stucked in false beliefsystems like new age.
The truth can be experienced like very negative and be hard to handle.
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To be honest, I read all of that above and found it very true untill what he said about the Ashtar Command, why would he personally relate it to something biblical or mythological if that is only myth, did he personally have to 'attack' the federation in itself, to be honest that doesn't seem like a very 'loving manner' and it kind of seems like he is looking for attention to me.
Ashtaroth is something else entirely, mainly a common bashing point by Bible believers who wish to debunk much of the extra terrestrial topics, well as far as I know. I have read alot of things said by Ashtar himself and they have felt beautiful and true, so how can he be a neagtive entity and a positive one (and WHY would negative beings want us to behave positively?!). It doesnt add up, but maybe that is part of the reasons we are here in the first place, to make sense of everything over time and fit together all the pieces of the puzzle if you wish to put it like that. It actually makes me sad what he said above, I don't know why, probably because I have been so sure about the real Ashtar Command for so long, it is hard to 'let go', but maybe they are true, how does David Icke know everything, he is only basing his proof on ancient studies rather than spiritually, when the whole goal is to connect the mind witht the heart, he is kind of causing doubt which we don't need anymore. So does this mean there is no cosmic family, star systems, galactic communities, societies, federations...? Don't be silly lol. OF COURSE THERE IS!! Why in the first place is this wonderfull website called the Ashtar Command Crew? Because it is a movement of love and all things positive, to onesself. In the end the truth doesnt come from David Icke, Mr Know-it-all from The discovery channel, Sherry shriner or anyone else, it is in you when you came here, meaning you are never alone. You came here with a being as you did in every incarnation, which is your higher self. I know it is not easy being the only one who stands out here as not really agreeing with him, but It is what I feel, and I wanted to share it so.
Love, Joy and Light to everyone here ~*
Oen ~*
Now, while I believe a lot of what Icke and others say, I will go on record as saying that I don't believe there is another Soul on this plane who is AB-SO-LUTELY infallible. We are each such unique individuals because of our and past, that there will be no two human beings who think exactly alike in ALL scenarios.
I feel we're all pretty much just kinda "feeling" our way along to the Truth after 100's of years of being controlled and manipulated while we were sleeping. Personally, I have a burning desire to recover full memory so that I cannot be deceived again. I'm letting go of that naive, gullible girl I used to be.
A lot of things that cannot be accurately defined (for those in rigid religious mindets) often get "dumped" in the New Age basket for lack of a better description.
UFOology? New Age
Wicca? New Age
Belief in the Mayan Calendar? New Age.
None of these things are actually new age at all, they are ancient knowledges being re-examined in the current age.
As soon as you find yourself in a religion/belief system that tells you WHAT do believe, WHO to pray to, HOW to act/think/react whatever, you are probably wrapping yourself up in a whole bunch of ignorance and denial-of-truth.
I agree with what the others above me have said - follow your heart, and your intuition. It knows the truth, even if your human mind cannot comprehend it.
Just keep in mind those "channelings" may sound and look really convincing. But sometimes you have to question the motives of these entities and the sides they take whether it's good or bad.
Also just to clarify I'm a starseed myself
I am not even sure what exactly is meant by "New Age'. What is that supposed to encompass? If this movement was purposely launched for negative reasons, then I would say the plan has backfired.
I agree that there are probably plenty of so-called new age 'types' who are so caught up in the peace, love and light etc that they are not seeing what is really going on in the world. But even that is ok in my view, because focusing on peace and love helps these things to manifest and facilitates raising our vibration and our spiritual evolution.
With no disrespect meant to David, I think that when your focus is on all the negative stuff, it's easy to get a bit jaded and cynical, and to see conspiracies everywhere you look. I am not suggesting he is wrong, however I have personally found some channelled stuff very useful and helpful in practical ways, and I don't believe that this could be faked by lower vibration entities. The channelled stuff that I have found useful actually warns us about what is going on. It comes back to what others have said: trusting your own instincts and intuition to discern the validity of info from other sources.
From mine point of view , this is a huge problem because the starseeds get stucked in false beliefsystems like new age.
The truth can be experienced like very negative and be hard to handle.