They cause us to make mayhem and feed on the neg vibes-I believe this, a little.
Updated December 20, 2013
Press Release from Robert M. Stanley
My fellow citizens,
It is time to expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not speculation, a hoax, or simply the figment of peoples imagination. These parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence.
Before reading further, please listen to my in-depth interview with Australian shaman Steve Richards about this very sensitive subject. We must take responsibility for our relationships with these creatures. Intention, Agreement and Manifestation are key.
Use the links below to listen to my radio interview re. this issue on Coast to Coast AM
Use this link to listen to me dicuss this on my show: The Unicus Radio Hour
Use this link to see my YouTube presentation of this issue:
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Although these parasites are not human, they are able to covertly influence our thoughts so we will do harm to oursevles and or others. In this way, they feed off the energy generated from the negative emotions of humans such as pain, fear, anger, revenge, etc.
It is unclear when these cosmic amoeba-like creatures and their reptilian counterparts first came to earth, but we know they were discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago and have recently been photographed.
The reason everyone is not seeing them on a daily basis is because these creature's energy signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call "visible light."
Here are a series of authentic, infrared photographs and other images of these creatures:
NASA photo
NASA photo of the same object enlarged and enhanced.
Yes I 've met them..
the peaceul and the wrathful dieties
Been around since the beginning of forever...
Free your mind from all concepts
abandon grasping and yearning and attachment
and enter into the clear awareness of the teaching
.. hes a bit grumpy in this one .. lol ..
Hi Feather, thats right .. I guess when everyone, everywhere eventually learns self forgiveness, self love and self trust, then the story of the Archons will only reside in history books for the purpous of history lessons .. sort of like Once upon a time ...
I find the Archon story facinating but I take it with a grain of salt .. I love the data involved, I like the subject because its interesting but I also like not dwelling on it.. its good to go for a stroll in the park and feed the birds, paint a landscape . .. or whatever .. put our mind elsewhere ..
The Archon story still holds my interest .. but I dont think we feed them by learning about them .. its healthy to gather research and to absorb light but to stay in our own power while we go about it .. the more we learn in regards to such matters empower us more and enable us to feed ourselves rather than giving our power away.
I feel its healthy to have a good grasp on something if we are to remove its unhealthy influence, like the expression To be forewarned is to be forearmed ..
and perhaps the lesson of self responsibility is one of the biggest learning curves in the world ..
eventually we will all get there, one soul at a time.
There were "archons" interfering with my life too, but.. I killed them. ;)
Thanks Eddie!! This is the way to go.
I clear disembodied energy vampire spirits like that all the time -in smoky vision, thank God-and they look ten times worse, horribly disfigured with the most evil faces
Whatever you say. They all look alike to me. I have never honored them with faces though. For that they'd hade to steep to a whole different level of interaction with me. ;)
Pet Rock, Thank you for the Great Post. I listened to the Coast To Coast Am interviews, & they are very informative, and speaking from first hand experience, "Spot On", so to speak; especially some of the callers experiences, which I could very much relate to, personally.
I had 4 Implants removed in December by Rev. Pam Plache, with Alexandra Meadors Essences to augment the process. (see for more info) that the Archons had placed in me, probably at birth.
Since then, I am sleeping the whole night through without being awakened between 2 & 4 am every night (and then up for hours), for the first time in at least 35 years.
Everyone has been implanted by the Archons, & through these implants they monitor our every move & thought, & can influence our behavior & thoughts in very bizarre ways...... Have you ever wondered why, at times you Sabotage Yourself? Have you experienced Attacks from people, out of the blue? Have you ever wondered why there is sooo much cruelty & violence in the world???.I used to wonder about these things (and so much more), until I learned about the Archons.
The Archons target Lightworkers the hardest.
Do Your Self a Huge favor & Blessing...Look into the Archons & their implants. Check out for lots of information.
Blessings from the Heart...........Starman Adami
your welcome starman-sometimes I wonder if they are a part of a larger picture -