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"New Galactic blog up and ready for those who are interested."
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The last…
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"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 7."
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"Sighting in Lake Erie Part 6."
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be a Dinosaurian/Reptilian hybrid group known as the Bellatricians who were at one time a very vicious and tyrannical group in the Anchara Alliance. They attacked this Solar System on different occasions. The…
Alex Jones explains…
we here almost all of us are aware how to stop that mental programming for ourselves. But the hard task will be to help others who are still in their reality to wake up and to stop this process within them!
I will do all I can to spread out love and light to the souls who need it ........
so now let us continue our task here on this planet and also pray for the divine help for supporting love and light here.
We are all one!
LE ;-)