Message from Archangel Michael

Message from Archangel MichaelTransmitted through Ronna Herman Michael: There is a natural progression to our teachings, as many of you have learned. It is important that you take the steps necessary to “clear the path before you” if you do not wish to experience a lot of stumbling blocks along the way. With regard to the ascension process, “faster and more are not necessarily better.” Those who have stepped onto the path of ascension, and who are serious about fulfilling their Divine Mission, are proceeding much more quickly than we had ever hoped. However, as you know, there has been a price to pay. The transitional process has been stressful on the emotional body and often painful for the physical vessel as you released old impacted energies. Some of these energies have become stuck in different parts of your body, and you have had to learn how to transmute, neutralize and release them through trial and error. However, you, the brave vanguard, have opened the pathway so that those following behind you will be able to traverse the valleys of the shadow lands more quickly and without as many obstacles and so many painful symptoms.While living in a Third-/Fourth-Dimensional environment, you will experience the lower realms of the Fourth Dimension while in a dream state, and you will travel in your Astral/Etheric Body to various places within that realm. In the Fourth Dimension, your concept of the past, present and future is more fluid, and you may experience both pleasant and painful memories in your dreams. It is the realm of the Emotional Body, whereby feelings and beliefs are brought forward from past lives while in a Theta or Delta state of consciousness. This realm is where you experience “nightmares” and disturbing dreams, for this is the realm of the mass consciousness belief patterns. However, your Higher Self will also endeavor to speak to you through your dreams in order to help you to understand what is happening, and to give you examples of what must be done to move through the negative environment of the lower Fourth DimensionThe Fourth Dimension is often depicted as a realm which is to be traversed as quickly as possible. However, there are beneficial aspects within the Fourth Dimension as there are in all levels of Creation. It is as if you are existing in a semi-awake state while experiencing the broad spectrum of duality within the Third Dimension. You gradually begin to awaken as you start to clear the distortions of the lower Fourth Dimension so that you may gain access to the gifts of Spirit that are available in the higher sub-levels of that dimension. If you are actively seeking to balance and harmonize your Energetic Signature, you will gain access to your Sacred Heart and the Portal to your Sacred Mind will open. You will tap into your higher creative abilities, and often times, you will be nudged to develop some of your latent talents. You will begin to feel the “Oneness of Self” which is the beginning of “Oneness with All That Is.”We have explained how you must have the ability to access the mid-Fourth- and lower Fifth-Dimensional frequencies of Light in order to access the Full Spectrum Metatronic Light, which is the Energy of Creation from the Cities of Light. This is where the transformational properties of the Violet Flame assume an even more important part in the process of ascension.We have explained how there were gigantic crystal sentinels placed in strategic places around the Earth. There were great labyrinths, passageways and crystalline caverns throughout the body of the Earth. Your physical vessel and your planet were not nearly as dense and compressed as now. Within the great crystal caverns were huge amethyst clusters which held the Sacred Violet Flame of the Seventh Ray. This was so that humanity would have available at all times the blessed Violet Flame to assist them to maintain balance and harmony within and around them, as they developed their four lower bodily systems in the denser realms of physicality.The blessed Keepers of the Violet Flames around the Earth knew that they must constantly bring forth the qualities, aspects and virtues of God-Consciousness, the Adamantine Particles, to feed and replenish the earthly Violet Flames, and some blessed Souls have faithfully fulfilled their duties for millions of years. However, as the Earth compressed and sank into density, the Violet Flames gradually diminished, until in most areas around the world there remained burning only the smallest flames. It is true, there are some dedicated groups around the world who have maintained the Violet Flames in their regions through their efforts of loving intention, decreeing and through the wisdom teachings that they have kept alive for thousands of years. However, much has been lost and forgotten by the masses. It is now time to reinstate that lost wisdom and to reclaim the power and majesty of the Violet Flame and its blessed gifts.The vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame are the only ones which are accessible both from above, via the Crown Chakra and the Sacred breathing techniques, as well as from within the Earth. Envision this beautiful Flame blazing up from beneath your feet, surrounding your body, as it transmutes any discordant vibrational frequencies you may have around you, before radiating this Sacred Flame forth out into the world in greater and greater concentric circles.This is why the Violet Flames from within the Earth are so critical to the transformation process. In order to assist humanity and the Earth and to facilitate the ascension process, it is critical that the Violet Flame of Transformation be made available to transmute the discordant vibrational patterns as they are released. It is apparent that a vast portion of humanity is moving deeper and deeper into fear, negativity and a sense of helplessness, as the Divine Radiance of the Creator increases in strength and resonance.As Keepers of the Violet Flame, when you lift your consciousness, you will gain the ability to integrate and transmit the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light in greater and greater measure out into the world of form. You must become aware that it is critical that the Violet Flame be made available to transmute the discordant vibrational patterns that are stirred up by the Light, so that the greatest number of Souls can make the transition into the Light of the New Age. Also, remember, Universal Law states that the only two Rays you are allowed to radiate to another person are the Violet Flame and the Pink Ray of Divine Love. These blessed energies will go directly into the intended person’s auric field, and will be available if they desire to take advantage of the blessing. Anything else is an infringement of the other person’s free will.You ask how will you know if you are a Keeper of the Violet Flame? It is true, there are those dear brave Souls who agreed to step forward during these times of momentous change and assume the role. We tell you, all you have to do is ask. You must make the request and ask to join in this noble endeavor. You could not choose a more worthy cause, or a better way to serve humanity and our Father/Mother God. Accept the gifts and blessings that are being offered to you, my brave ones, you are needed and the rewards are infinite. We shower upon you the blessings of the Celestial Realms. You are loved most profoundly.I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL

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  • Thank you, dear ONE.
    • Thank you, blessings!....... an important, uplifting and powerful message.We are offered so many tools to help us on this journey.
      My deepest thanks and gratitude to the Creator and his amazing, powerful, loving, patient and compassionate messengers and angels who hold the light for us so we can find our way Home.

      • The following was transcribed from: https://www.care2com/c2c/share/detail/632423

        Performing your own Angelic Soul Clearing with Archangel Michael
        Following is a simplified meditation version of the angelic soul
        clearing with Archangel Michael. Do this meditation if you feel negative and
        fearful and are ready to release it to the light. The meditation can
        take from 15 to 30 minutes depending on how thorough you want to be. You
        may want to read this into a tape recorder and listen to it with
        headphones on.
        Sit comfortably where you will not be disturbed. Begin by grounding and
        centering yourself. Close your eyes and imagine roots growing from
        your feet into the core of Mother Earth where they anchor you. Then follow
        this simple breathing exercise to relax your physical body: breathe in
        through your nose as deeply as you can, hold it for four seconds and
        breathe out very slowly, expelling all the air from your lungs.
        Tell your Ego-self to move toward your left shoulder. Let the Ego-self
        know that it’s only an observer during the clearing and know this is
        so. Ask your Angels, Guides and all that you desire to accompany you on
        this quest to clear now. Ask The Creator to send down a beam of
        protective white light. The Creator hears your request and in your mind’s eye
        you can immediately envision a beam of light coming down from the
        universe. Watch it surround you in a protective glow.
        Now you are ready to release. Mentally say, "Archangel Michael please
        come to me now and take away all negativity and fear from my being."
        Archangel Michael is instantly by your side ready to clear you of
        negativity and fear.
        Archangel Michael always carries a sword that he can use as a sort of
        metaphysical "psychic vacuum.” Imagine it going in through your crown
        chakra (the top of your head) and begin vacuuming out all the negativity
        in your brain. Go all around your head, your eyes, ears, nose, mouth,
        etc. Mentally guide Archangel Michael's sword through your entire body
        (don’t forget your organs, fingers and toes). This "vacuum" will remove
        all your fears and negativity taking it to the light where the dark
        energy will be cleansed and transformed into light. Then go outside your
        physical body into your aura and vacuum all negativity and darkness.
        Notice what you see. If you notice any darkness or shadows, linger
        there and make sure it’s removed. these areas may correspond with shoulder,
        neck or back aches because these are areas where negativity commonly
        latches on. As you clear the dark spots away, sense whether your guides
        and angels can relay any messages to you as what the darkness
        represents in your life. Don't discount any message you receive--pay attention
        to it. For stubborn negativity or shadow entities, ask Archangel Michael
        to throw a net of white light over it and immediately take it to the
        light. Thoughts of old painful memories may also pop up. That’s a sign
        that these memories need to be released for healing and clearing. Do
        your best to release it.
        Once you have vacuumed your entire body and your aura (be thorough,
        check all your organs and extremities) ask Archangel Michael to reverse
        the sword from a vacuum to an instrument that dispenses white light
        energy. Use this endless supply of The Creator’s loving, white, sparkly
        light to fill your entire body and aura. Imagine that the light is
        dispensed like toothpaste. Make sure you take as much white light in as
        possible because nature abhors empty space and negativity and fears and
        negativity can creep back in. Keep absorbing the white light as long as you
        can--the more you take in the better. Sense it surround and penetrate
        your physical and ethereal body. If you're lucky, you'll feel this
        physically and immediately experience a positive difference in your energy.
        Thank Archangel Michael and ask him to protect you from negativity and
        fears always. Envision a shield of protective white light surrounding
        you like you're in a giant egg. This shield will assure that only love
        and positive energy can penetrate. A pink shield of light is also nice
        as it reflects love both outward and inward, sending love out to
        everyone you come in contact with as you go about your day.
        Ground yourself again by remembering the roots from your feet rooted
        deep into Mother Earth.
        Now open your eyes.
        This is powerful energy work you just performed with the angels! You
        should immediately feel much lighter and more positive afterwards. Most
        people notice an improvement in their mood and attitude as the days go
        on. The fog will be lifted and you should have more clarity on how to
        reach goals and dreams. A few people may feel dizzy or nauseous for a
        little while. Some people get headaches. This is just getting adjusted to
        the higher vibrational energy and as you become used to the positive,
        higher level energy. Some people may not notice a difference at all,
        changes may be more subtle.
        After the clearing, you may feel like crying for the next couple days
        as you are in a period of releasing old fears and emotions. Cry your
        heart out and then let it go. Things you have not thought about in years
        may pop up and upset you and make you cry hard. This is a good thing.
        You have been carrying these negative feelings around too long and it’s
        time to let go!
        You can do this as often as you like although if you do it too much you
        may feel weak and lightheaded. A thorough clearing once a week should
        be great.
        Protective Shield of Love and Light
        Each morning upon wakening ask for Archangel Michael to envelope you in
        a thick eggshell of white protective light to shield you from negative
        people and situations you come into contact with (in all situations).
        This is especially useful for very empathic people who tend to pick up
        on the emotions of people around them (positive and negative). If you
        don’t do this each morning at least do this when you are going to a
        crowded place like a mall, amusement park, etc.
        Cutting Etheric Cords of Negativity
        Cutting negative etheric cords is important because they can keep us
        connected to people that drain us. Some people complain that when they
        talk to certain people they feel tired and drained afterwards. This is
        especially true when people we love are constant complainers and those
        surrounded by drama, chaos and dysfunction, . These people, whom we
        probably love very much, don’t mean to drain us but do because they are very
        needy. Besides being diligent to “shield” yourself before coming into
        contact with these people, cutting the etheric cords afterwards is
        Each night, before bed, say, “Archangel Michael please come to me now.
        Please cut all negative etheric cords of fear that are sapping my joy,
        energy and vitality. Please clear me of all negativity and fill all
        voids with God’s loving white light. Thank you!”
        If you give readings, make sure you metaphysically cut the cord
        afterwards each time (or ask Archangel Michael to cut it for you). Once I gave
        a mediumship reading for a woman and her mother came through. Her
        mother was very funny and chatty. However, that night, hours after the
        reading, her mother was still chatting away. I realized I had neglected to
        cut the etheric cord to my client and after I did so, her mother was no
        longer chatting in my ear and I was able to sleep.
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