gilliland.jpg?width=150Message From James Gilliland About 21-12-2012

Before the 21st comes and goes for the naysayers we would like to go on record as saying we do not and no one knows exactly how this is going to unfold. There will be as many realities unfolding, as there are people because we are all creating our tomorrow by the choices we make and the ability to access the higher consciousness and energy.

There are some who are thick as a brick while others are ultrasensitive. There are those living in areas where the Earth will be making major adjustments to the new energies. Here are a few things to consider.

We are aligning with Galactic core, Sirius, Alcyon, our Sun, the Earth and Moon all line up on December 21st, 2012. This has NEVER happened before in this Galaxy.
We are moving through the dark rift with our magnetic fields weak and down in some areas, a place with a lot of debris.
According to Russian Scientists we are entering a highly charged place in the universe what some call the photon belt or null zone.
The Sun is responding to these alignments and the highly charged space with massive solar flares and CMEs affecting all the planets following it in their helical orbits. The Carrington effect taking down the grind and satellites has had several near misses. The Sun is also sending new particles, accelerating the decay rate or isotopes, altering carbon, activating DNA.

Other large bodies have been spotted passing the sun much larger than Earth some say there are massive ships recorded by SOHO as well near the Sun.

Massive Storms, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes have increased exponentially.

The power elite is using every means possible to take advantage of natural disasters steering and amplifying storms with HAARP and generating Earthquakes in areas already under pressure. They have poisoned our air,”Chemtrails”, water with”Fracking, Fluoride, Chlorine”. Poisoned our Food, “Aspertame, GMO’s Roundup, pesticides and herbicides. Inoculated our children with carcinogens and toxins, virus etc in a massive depopulation program. Hooked them on dead acidic foods laced with preservatives, sugar and white flour in a profit driven path with no respect for humanity and the Earth. We have a corporate sponsored dictorial democracy with insane men/women who lust for power and wealth who will do anything including the killing of millions selling their souls to the power elite for power and wealth. They have created massive underground cities to avoid their fate yet there is no place to hide. Where ever you go there you are which includes your karma.

Ever hear of a Republic? Ever hear of Karma, action/reaction, what goes around comes around? You cant take it with you all you can take is your consciousness and if it is filled with shame and guilt for what one has done to humanity and the Earth guess where they end up after facing themselves in their light review? When the beast falls those who serve the beast will fall with it. It is unsustainable and inevitable.

Now considering all this how can anyone with any logic or critical thinking be lie ve everything is going to continue business as usual. For those with a business mind what happens when the banksters steal 16 trillion dollars and print 85 billion dollars a week with nothing to back it? This is just the tip of the iceberg.
We have divine intervention, inner guidance and actions based on inner guidance. We have individual and collective consciousness evolving and devolving.

We have the Earth and her destiny to heal and ascend to the next level. We have Masters, Saints, Sages, ultradimensionals, offworlders assisting in this process with whole fleets appearing over major cities. We have psychopaths we have given our power too doing all they can to stop the awakening and healing process, Unity Consciousness because there is no elite in Unity Consciousness.

It is up to us to see where we fit into this scenario, what are we creating, supporting, are we doing all we can to assist in the awakening and healing process? Are we living according to universal law? Are we entrenched in social consciousness, serving the beast in actions that are not in alignment with universal law and harmful to humanity and the Earth? Are we willing participants in the upward spiral or the downward spiral?

There is a grand awakening, action/reaction and karma is being accelerated, no rock shall be left unturned and the apocalypse, The Great Uncovering”, is upon us. Many will be caught unaware because they have chosen to ignore the signs and the information already given to them redundantly. The denial and attachment is too great for them. Despite their attempts to maintain the status quo it will be in vein because it is unsustainable socially, economically and environmentally.

Do we see it all happening on December 21st? No. These are peak periods with changes on every level building up to them and when the energy is set the changes continue. There is a process in manifesting which goes from consciousness, to light, then energy and mass. The old grid is failing, the new consciousness and energy grid is in place. The physical is the hard copy and is adjusting; which includes Earth, all its inhabitants and your physical bodies are not exempt nor your empires. Enjoy the ride we all signed up for it.

And for those who say nothing is happening do you have any idea what you look like to awakened ones? It is like the UFO debunkers when fleets fly over cities. They look rather silly. As silly as the power elite thinking they are going to escape being exposed and the reaction to their actions.

Be well,
James Gilliland

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  • Thanks for posting Krishna

    I like what James has to say.

    If you arn't in alignment or your vibration isn't high, then what James says will only appear as nonsense.  But those in tune, will get it, and find this message encouraging.


    BTW, I haven't given James any money.  Don't think he has asked me for any.

  • Great post KK.  I like the way you think. Time to contemplate, meditate, formulate and activate.  This time we won't be late.

  • That does seem to happen to be the case in this. But I kinda would like to think he's something different. I know I know, he might be doing the same similar things like the other people who have been talking about this whole 2012 thing. But at least he's not one of these people thats claiming the earth is gonna turn into a star -- when this date passes. Just doesn't make any sense.   

  • ill tell you again for the thousandth thimie, there is no special alignement once in a lifetime.  the alignment of earth sun and galactic core hapens 2 times a year every year.

    what is silly is when ufo believers think that something they cant explain in the sky is from whatever starseed planet/system they thnk they are from.

    james used to have my ear, but he has slowly over the last decade become like all the other gurus and frauds just looking to make a buck.

    • Why is it stupid to think UFOs are from another planet? Is this not the most logical answer?


      • it isnt speculation that is the problem.

        look when a video of some lights, just lights is shown and people have the gall to say it is a federation ship or a such and such ship.

        too many fools have forgotten what UFO MEANS.  it means unidentified flying object, not alien craft.

        when most sighting of the 50's and 60's in north america were triangle shaped lights and then the US releases their secret stealth planes, with you guessed it triangle lights, this should send the signal to a rational and logical person that what people were seeing was the test craft.

        just because you cannot explain what you see in the sky doesnt mean the kneejerk response should be "it must be from another planet"

        a sirian starseed will claim that light is from their system, others claim their own.  just like when something strange is seen on the ground level each religion claims the events as their own revelation.

        Ufo, UNIDENTIFIED.

        he lives right beside mountains with secret DUMB's.  all the black helicopter activity he sees is from the govt watching their own craft experiments.

        i also didnt say it was stupid, i said it was silly to jump to this conclusion without knowing.

        you took it to the stupid level, which in science no possible hypothesis is stupid until it is disproven, so far those UFO's are STILL unidentified :)

        • I appologize, One...that link was the wrong blog...Here is the correct.

          I wanted to demonstrate how different IFOs are to USAF F17 stealth aircraft....

          • meir was a fraud. proven done deal, only fools cling to proven frauds.

            i also was not speaking of the stealth fighters of the 90's.  a person who honours history would understand that i was referring to the blackbird and the vwing bomber,

            again you are playing the fool when you see three lights in the sky moving strangely and claim them to be sirian, since you know another claims those exact same event to be orion, another pleadian etc etc.

            you have proven time and again to be a bearer of ill will and false information.  your links mean nothing because they just promote more of your false logic and foolish unverifiable beliefs.

            • So "One," if you do not resonate, why are you here on this site...??


              You are the biggest fool here, "One," as you behave like a golfer who joins a cricketing club, and complains that the rules of your game of golf, are not adhered to by cricket-playing members...YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FOOL HERE, MATE.......!! A COMPLETE JOKE....!!

              • lmao ok so explain why his videos were all debunked, explain why he said venus has only been here a couple thousand years, yet we know ancient astronomers seen it before that.

                the fool is the one who believes lies and then calls others fools for pointing them out.

                why i am here is in my profile, like it always has been, and is also none of your concern, you need to be focused on what you are going to tell everyone on saturday when your buddy shelly fails again.

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