Message from Matthew Ward - 10th October 2010

1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. In a departure from our customary beginning, addressing issues that are uppermost in many minds throughout your world, we are turning over the podium, so to say, to Hatonn to launch this message.

2. HATONN: Thank you, Matthew and colleagues, for letting me have the stage. When will our ET friends land like they've promised? is a question that wouldn't even occur to most, but it's a very common one in lightworker circles. I don't know exactly when we will land en masse, but I can tell you about our new level of involvement that is good progress toward that time.

3. You've been told that we can't interfere with individuals' free will choices except by God's mandate that Earth's free will supersedes that of anyone who would deliberately cause vast death and destruction. You also have been told that with everything in acceleration mode, there's no time to waste getting this show on the road side by side, and that's why a new wrinkle has been added.

4. We have been given leave by God to use stronger methods wherever necessary to dismantle the Illuminati's remaining power bases. This does NOT mean killing anyone — God never sanctions killing, nor would we ever want to do that! For quite some time we have been permitted to override the dark ones' free will by blocking their powerful weaponry when they attempt more events like "9/11," and we have done that on numerous occasions. Now we also can foil their efforts to create major disruptions by blocking their communication systems and transportation modes and by diverting their intelligence couriers.

5. We also have God's permission to temporarily relocate a few key individuals to areas where they can do no mischief whatsoever. This is done somewhat like the cloaking of our ships in an invisible force field, which makes the disappearance baffling to those individuals' co-workers too. So, even though you won't see evidence of our new allowances, you know that now we're taking even longer strides to help you rid your world of dark deeds.

6. Also I want to debunk the warning that aliens posing as friends really are base entities who want to take over your world. Hogwash! The light grid around the planet prevents any civilization with dark intentions from being anywhere near Earth. And if the bad guys try to put their own "secret" craft in the skies and bring out some of the Greys living underground and claim it's an invasion, we can stop that charade before it gets going.

7. Matthew, that's it on the ET front. May I speak about another matter?

8. MATTHEW: In speaking for all of us, I say, please do continue, Hatonn.

9. HATONN: Thank you. Actually, it's a matter from three different perspectives. All souls at Matthew's station are highly spiritually evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings about souls on Earth. They love all equally and send healing light to all. They are able to honor all people as parts of God and separate that from their ungodly thoughts and actions.

10. We are physical civilizations. We don't have the capacity for that extent of unity and unconditional love. As part of our own evolutionary progress, we are in service to God by helping lower density worlds evolve when they ask for assistance. Some among you don't want anything changed, but Earth does — that's why we have been helping you technologically and many of us are living on the planet to help in other ways. We're spiritually and intellectually advanced too, so we know your thoughts, we know what you're feeling and see what you're doing. But unlike the souls at Matthew's station, we do get anxious, angry, discouraged, impatient and frustrated by some of what's going on. We have differing opinions and ideas just like you do, but we resolve the differences on the basis of what best serves all of us as a universal family.

11. Then there's your civilization. By your admission — and certainly it's obvious! — your world is in a mess, but instead of doing something to fix it, too many are just watching TV or are gung-ho about sports, "Yay for my team!" There's complaining and bickering about problems instead of solving them and criticism about those who are trying to. I'm going to speak about the one whose circumstances most concern us and why.

12. Generally speaking, people know US president Barack Obama only by what he says and what your media report. Most don't have clue about what goes on "behind closed doors." You see stubborn partisan politics. We see Obama's powerful enemies within and far beyond the government who are determined to smash to smithereens his attempts at reform. You see him looking worried and know some call him weak and say he's leading his country in the wrong direction. We feel his pain as his efforts to improve the lives of all who are downtrodden are scuttled by a few self-servers. You see him trying to end foreign conflicts and think he should stay home and fix what's wrong in his own country. We feel his discouragement and exhaustion as the dark ones keep stirring up trouble to dash his efforts everywhere.

13. The folks you call "pundits" speculate whether voters will give Obama a second term in office. We sing his praises for staying the course day after day! He has to deal with some of the very ones who threaten his life and his family's, yet his intention to keep working for a peaceful world without poverty anywhere remains firm. You know that he and his family are protected by the Christed light grid around them, but Obama doesn't know that. You know that he is a major part of the Golden Age master plan, but he doesn't know that either. He acts on his convictions, principles, aspirations and innate experience as an honored leader in a highly evolved civilization who agreed to serve Earth in the most demanding position on the planet. If everyone could know this soul as we do, all the doubts and carping about him would come to a screeching halt and you would thank God for this man's courage, wisdom, spiritual and moral integrity and his willingness to persevere!

14. You know that your thoughts create what happens in your life, in your world, and everything you do affects everything else in this universe. So if any of you are among the carpers and doubters, stop that and start helping Obama to succeed! He's working for you — do the same for him, yourselves, your world and our universe! You don't have to become political activists. Just keep your hearts and minds in the right place and help others do it too. We're in the trenches with you and we need your help—we have more than enough hindrance from the dark ones on Earth!

15. I know I've sounded harsh, but sometimes people don't respond until it's "tough love" time, and it is with love for you that I've spoken. And not just for myself and my people. I'm representing countless others who feel the same but don't have a forum like this to express it.

16. Now I'm finished, Matthew. Thank you for letting me speak my piece.

17. MATTHEW: We thank you, Hatonn. You addressed topics that are among the most numerous in emails sent to my mother, and it is very likely that your words will have greater impact than ours would have had.

18. You are right, of course, that we in spirit worlds speak from a considerably different perspective from yours, and yours is every bit as valid as ours. We may speak in gentler tones about what we observe from this vantage point, yet we have utmost respect for your position and are immensely grateful for your service "in the trenches" on behalf of our beloved Earth family.

19. And I say, too, you are a hard act to follow! Nevertheless, we shall move on to other topics in which readers also have expressed interest.

20. The teeter-tottering of the international economy cannot be sustained much longer, nor can the history of its control by the Illuminati's illegal manipulations remain hidden much longer. They are using obscure legal processes to hold onto their ill-gotten fortunes, thus we cannot tell you when the economic collapse will come. However, the time cannot be far off because many nations are bankrupt or on the verge, and their leaders and economists know that there is no financial backing for the daily computer transactions in the trillions of dollars and other currencies. When the collapse does come, welcome it in the knowledge that those who will direct the new system are at the ready and during the transition will keep financial disruptions to a minimum. You can lessen the anxiety of those around you by remaining positive, and you can do that confidently, knowing that Earth's Golden Age is right around the corner, so to say.

21. The facts about "9/11" will be emerging fairly soon as well. When foreign leaders publicly state their opinion that the US government was either involved or knew beforehand and did nothing to prevent the horrific events of that day and some mainstream newspapers report that — and state that many US citizens also doubt the official story — you know that the irrefutable evidence of the truth cannot be suppressed much longer.

22. Questions about ascension and the Golden Age are too plentiful to include in this message, so we shall address some now and others in the next message.

23. One facilitates light absorption simply by living in godly ways, and no, there are no signs that exclusively indicate cellular changes from carbon to crystalline. Uncomfortable conditions that may be caused by that transformation process also are symptoms of physical diseases, and that is why we have urged you to consult a trusted health care specialist if symptoms are severe or prolonged. However, as time passes there is a recognizable difference between illness and light absorption — as more and more light enters the cells, there comes a pervasive sense of well being, an underlying peacefulness and lightheartedness that persist even in the midst of challenging circumstances.

24. Will the International Day of Peace significantly help Earth in her ascension? Everything that is focused on peace, whether an international observance like International Day of Peace or the thoughts and feelings of a single person, adds light to Earth that assists in her ascension and hastens the day when your world will indeed be peaceful. The same is true about love and observances such as Global Love Day and international meditation groups whose focus is love — the words love and peace emit high vibrations in speech, writing, thought and especially feelings. And we add that the power of many focusing with the same intent increases the effects exponentially.

25. I fear that alcoholism will doom me to some astral hell. Dear soul, be assured that it won't, but it can make life here on Earth a hell for you. There are so many addicts and alcoholics...what are we to do if we can't overcome our addictions? Soul contracts that include experiencing one kind of addiction or another usually also include the intention to overcome it through spiritual strength; not accomplishing that chosen goal means another lifetime opportunity to do so. Many addicts do keep repeating previous life circumstances and experiences because drugs form a barrier between the soul and the consciousness that prevents communication between those two aspects of self.

26. Mother, please copy the part of the book that contains suggestions that can assist in overcoming addictions.


The key is wholehearted desire to overcome the addiction. This begins with one's self-honesty, admitting "I am addicted" to self, which is very difficult because the intended effect of drugs is denial that they are a problem even as the user's life is centered around the next "fix." If people truly understood prayer and the power of prayer, they could use this to overcome their drug dependency. No power on Earth is greater than the light, and the light energy in prayer is inestimable! Prayer is not kneeling in public humility or even in private — it is one's innate connection with God in thoughts and feelings, anywhere, anytime. In a calm, quiet way, ask for help: "Help me overcome my need for drugs" or "Give me the strength to stop drinking" or any other few words that are comfortable. The longings of the heart speak equally clearly to God.

Of course, the dark forces don't intend that anyone dependent upon drugs desire any help to forego its use. The weakened will and reasoning of the person due to decreased light within cannot permit recognition of his problem. This is an intended inherent effect of drugs! Consequently, the spiritual supportiveness of family and friends is essential, and the same from a rehabilitation clinic with proven success may be necessary. Visualizing the user in radiant health surrounded by light can be effective for both self-help and all in the supportive group. Visualizing light around and permeating oneself and others — and Earth as well! — is wondrously uplifting and healing.

Various methods of "alternative" health care can effectively reduce or eliminate dependence upon [addictive substances] and the holistic therapies that include one's approach to life offer great benefits. Changing a negative outlook to positive is especially beneficial in helping one achieve balance in mind, body and spirit — balance is optimum health!

Preoccupation with gambling, sexual activity, unnatural eating habits or any other obsession also is addiction. Individuals indulging in those activities can become seriously unbalanced — once again, the importance of balance cannot be overstated! — and my suggestions for overcoming drug [and alcohol] addiction apply equally to those kinds of behavior. [Amended excerpts from Revelations for a New Era]


Thank you, Mother.

27. We are not familiar with the methods of "karmic clearings" or "rejuvenation commands" as preparation for physical ascension that some of you wrote about. However, we can tell you that karma is not cleared by external means, it is experienced . Karma is unique to each individual, and it is important that you understand that karma is neither a judgment nor a punishment — it is the opportunity to achieve balance. Balance comes by following the soul's messages to the consciousness, messages that keep the person aligned with soul contract provisions specifically chosen for that purpose. And heeding the spiritual guidance in these messages and other channeled information you trust will help you prepare for ascension — offering that helpful guidance is these communications' primary mission!

28. As for the claim stated in those questioning emails, that bodies will perish at the end of 2012 if no clearings or rejuvenation commands are completed, we say that perhaps with the exception of a scheduled execution, nothing external can guarantee the time of physical demise. That is solely the province of the soul itself in accordance with its longevity choice prior to birth or by its request for an amended contract during the physical lifetime. While it is true that bodies that have not absorbed light cannot survive in higher frequencies, the degrees of light differ and bodies with the least amount will not last as long as those that have somewhat more. Furthermore, prior to the end of 2012, many millions of bodies, among them many that are light-filled, will die in accordance with soul contract choices.

29. How can we help our children clear their karma? Children who have not been programmed by "authority figures" act upon instinct and intuition, which is in consonance with their soul contracts, and the "clearing of karma" naturally follows. It is adults who devise unnecessary complexities for themselves by overly analyzing and calculating the very things that children innately know are simple.

30. No, physical ascension with Earth does not require one to become a vegetarian or vegan. Each person's body is as different as each soul, and some bodies thrive without meat in the diet while others do not. Anything that prevents bodies from being in balance is also a deterrent to well being in mind and spirit, and achieving balance is the goal of all souls.

31. As you continue your journey with Earth into higher vibrations, your bodies will become progressively lighter and you will find fruits, vegetables and grains ever more satisfying because those foods are light-filled, and meat and seafood will become less and less appealing. Due to the horrendous maltreatment of food animals, their bodies hold the energy of pain and fear, and that energy is passed on to meat-eaters. Much seafood is contaminated by various pollutants or its genetic modification reduces nourishment value. Pay attention to your bodies — they will tell you what foods they need for maximum well being.

32. We honor those who follow vegan diets to expose and protest the inhumane treatment of animals whose soul level agreements are to provide their bodies for human consumption — they did not agree to suffer in the unconscionable ways they are forced to live and die! And we ask that you make every effort to have food animals treated humanely and all animals respected and appreciated for their contributions to your lives. Humans' cruel treatment and wanton killing of animals over the centuries contributed in large part to the negativity that caused Earth to drop into deep third density, and her method of releasing negativity is what you call "natural disasters." Logically, ending the causes of negativity eliminates the need for the means by which it is released, but beyond that, animals are souls and need to be respected as such!

33. Animals' spiritual awareness, sensitivity to energy fluctuations, and extent of emotions and intelligence have long been underestimated or completely disregarded by unfeeling humans, the most brutal killers on Earth. Among some animal species, usually those most commonly considered pets, are highly evolved souls who have chosen to experience in animal bodies, thus they have far more wisdom and spiritual clarity than many within your human population. These animals have come specifically to enhance your relationship with all animal life because this is vital to your individual journeys into the higher vibrations where cruelty in any form cannot exist. Without the awakening that has come to those who are dedicated to improving the lives of animals, Earth could not have made the progress she has in ascending out of third density. [Excerpt from April 5, 2005 message]

34. While "eating organically" can assist in health improvement, it is not a necessity for physical ascension. And if the higher cost of organic produce precludes your buying it, please do not feel any anxiety — that negative feeling is far more harmful than eating non-organically grown foods. Simply eat sensibly and use the power of thought, that what you are eating serves your highest good, and feel gratitude for the food. It won't be too long before all foods will be pure, free of harmful chemicals and genetic alterations.

35. Since a lot of information currently being taught is erroneous, especially in the sciences and history, how can teachers help students prepare for the Golden Age; and once in that period, what materials with accurate information will be available? At this point, we can offer only the suggestion to initiate class discussion by asking if anyone has a different perspective of the information presented, which could encourage deeper thinking and reasoning in appropriate subject areas. We are aware that this is a sensitive issue as some school systems and families are strongly opposed to teachers departing from approved material, but possibly giving students an opportunity to express their ideas and making only noncommittal comments about those ideas could prevent backlash.

36. Education will be changing dramatically at every level, and in fact, this has begun with the recognition that fetuses benefit from hearing classical music and toddlers have the ability to learn with amazing speed. A selection of current books will be preserved as part of Earth's recorded history and the rest will be recycled. New texts and televised and computerized programs with accurate information, historically and universally speaking, will be developed in a comparatively short time for every educational level from infancy through what you could call "post-post-doctoral" studies, and they will include subjects that many now dismiss as "loony" New Age thinking. Music, writing, painting, sculpture — all types of arts and crafts — will be given much more emphasis because all forms of artistic expression come from the soul. Current concentration on sports and the intensely competitive approach to team sports, and certainly the disproportionate time and monies allotted, will change to a spirit of enjoying the games and camaraderie while assisting each other to develop proficiency.

37. The greatest change, however, will be the expanded brain usage and increased capacity for reasoning that will lead to much greater interest in acquiring knowledge. This glorious aspect of life in Earth's Golden Age applies to everyone living in that era's high vibrations.

38. To all who are fearful that there isn't time for Earth to be rid of all darkness so she can meet the celestial timeframe for leaving third density, we assure you, she will make it — in the continuum, she already HAS made it!

39. We wish you could know how eagerly we await the joy of seeing you consciously living in that world where peace and love reign. We cherish each and every one of you and, along with all other lighted souls in this universe, we are cheering you ever onward.



Suzanne Ward

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  • I like the clarification concerning the vegetarian debate which got pretty heated here. I like the answer given in this post. I never felt that a person is doomed to not ascend because of having some meat in their diet. I will not get the debate cranking again, however. I just felt good reading what was said here about that. Not absolutely sure how I feel about everything said, but definitely resonated with the part about animals...
  • Current concentration on sports and the intensely competitive approach to team sports, and certainly the disproportionate time and monies allotted, will change to a spirit of enjoying the games and camaraderie while assisting each other to develop proficiency.

    That was interesting..thank you for the post :) But does that mean No football...I don't like that...they do get paid crazy money along with the other pro sports...but I'm not going to be happy if I can't have my football on Sunday.
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