Take the challenges you have overcome and the lessons you have learned here with you into your new lives and your new beginning. This has been the purpose of many of your experiences here. You can now take this wisdom you have acquired into your new lives and apply it to the situations that will arise that call for it. Are you now beginning to see why you have gone through certain experiences in this lifetime? All your experiences have been for a reason, and none of what you have gone through will be for nothing, as the knowledge and wisdom gained from your experiences will be a very valuable commodity, not only for you, but for many others as well upon your return to the higher realms.

There are many beings who have not had the chance to incarnate into a 3rd dimensional world and learn what you have learned, but upon your return they will have the opportunity to absorb the wisdom you have acquired and gain so much from what the lower physical realms have to offer even without ever having journeyed there. This kind of sharing is but one example of how higher dimensional beings serve one another, and beings from many different Star Systems from throughout this universe will benefit greatly from you and your experiences in this way.

At the present time, there are many of you who harbor buried emotions deep within yourselves of negative experiences. Some of these experiences lie above the meridian between your conscious and subconscious, and some below. Many of you wish you had never had to go through these experiences, but we say to you that these negative experiences were an important part of your journey here, and that many of these experiences were carefully planned by you before your current incarnation. You will understand this much better once you are returned to full consciousness, but for now, do your best to see all of your experiences here as a blessing and something to be cherished and allow them to be cleansed as they must as you continue through your process of ascension.

Many of you have gone through so much throughout your incarnations into the physical, but we say to you that you are drawing so near to the completion of your long journey and you are almost home. Continue on doing your best to see every obstacle and every experience as an opportunity to learn and to grow, and your last months here will be a far more pleasurable experience.

We have spoken to you often of your need to clear your negative emotions that are tied to your experiences here, and we would like to touch upon how you can better achieve this. Find yourself a very quiet place where you can be alone, and a place where you can sit quietly in darkness would be very opportune. Sit quietly and begin to take in breaths slowly and deeply. Quiet your mind by focusing only on your breaths. In-out. In-out. Slowly, very slowly. Allow yourself to understand that all has been for your benefit and upliftment. Allow yourself to understand that nothing you have experienced here has occurred without your prior consent. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and understand the guilt you carry with you is nothing but a lower dimensional symptom that has no place in the higher realms and will vanish upon your ascension and your return home, and that you have the power to release this guilt today. Guilt and shame do not have to be a part of these lessons you have learned. Release them as you breathe deep and breathe slow. Release them. They are not necessary, and they mean nothing. Continue to breathe, and when you feel ready begin the rest of your day and the rest of your new life free of these emotions. They no longer serve you and they are no longer needed. You are free of them.

You may feel you would like to repeat this exercise again, and if you feel this need you are encouraged to do so. Each time you will benefit from this exercise and come away feeling lighter as you are clearing unnecessary energy, and energy does possess mass which you may experience as weight. 

Looking towards your return to the higher realms, you will be partaking in many similar exercises such as this to maintain all your layers of yourself in pristine condition and peak performance. Some of you already practice similar techniques through your meditations and breathing exercises and we are very happy to see this as the benefits you will receive from these efforts are great.

Looking forward now into the days ahead, we see the day drawing near where we will have the opportunity to work more personally with you, and at that time we may have the opportunity to discuss with you other techniques that you can apply that will assist you in your process of ascension. There will be many areas of knowledge discussed with you as time permits, and we are quite eager to share what we have learned with you, just as we are looking forward to learning a great deal from you as well. Such is the makeup of this universe, where all beings can assist one another to better their lives and the lives of everyone as one great collective. Wisdom, knowledge, technology, resources, are all shared throughout all worlds, and your planet too shall soon join your Galactic community and take part in this system of sharing and trading and lending assistance to all who may benefit from other’s generosity.

Your experiences through a system of lack and scarcity that has necessitated such a need for competition amongst you is ending and will soon fade away as your old economic system bows to your new system of abundance that will eliminate all your need for financial competition. The implementation of your new system is close at hand, and the path will be cleared for this upon the arrests of the leaders and many associates of your criminal Cabal. We see these arrests as a great milestone for your civilization, as many positive changes are scheduled to commence immediately upon these proceedings. We see the moment when news of these arrests reaches the public through your media outlets as imminent, and ask you for your continued patience and efforts to set the table by sharing the news of these arrests and what they will mean for the people of your world.

Please be advised that many changes for your world will commence immediately upon the news of these arrests, and we ask you at this time to stay alert and ready as it is necessary to begin immediately our many projects with you and many of you will be recruited to work with us either directly or indirectly. You will not be granted much time to prepare for your career change, so we suggest to you at this time to begin to think about what you will need to do at home in order to begin working with us.

The details of your opportunities with us, the Ashtar Command, will be fully explained at the appropriate time. Although we understand many of you would like this information now and we would be very happy to give it to you, we feel it is important at this time to focus yourselves on the task at hand, and that is to share the news of the imminent arrests of your criminal Cabal and what they will mean to the people of your world, as well as the news of our presence and honorable intentions to assist your world make the many necessary changes to allow your ascension into the higher realms to proceed as smoothly as is possible. This is the task at hand today, and we ask you to focus on this as the successful completion of this part of the overall mission will permit the implementation of the next phases of operation.

These next phases will entail the implementation of your new financial system and the beginning of our disclosure plans for your world. Please continue your efforts to clear the path for these events. You know what is being asked of you and we have nothing but confidence you will complete this area of your assignments. Keep up the fine work you are all doing, you do not have far to go before you begin to receive all that has been promised you. You are almost there. Keep climbing dear ones.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

Personal Message From Greg Giles 1st March 2012

The Galactic Federation of Light has assured us that once a suitable number of our human family understands that the imminent arrests of many members of the criminal Cabal means that humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of our oppressors and from the shackles of poverty and debt, we will bear witness to these events. The Galactic Commands have asked us to do our part and share this information far and wide, and the following announcement has been created to assist us in this task. Please feel free to copy and paste these following words on Facebook and throughout every online social network and in no time we will together accomplish our goal. (*Helpful hint* If you include a photo with this announcement on Facebook, it will not be sent to the ‘Facebook Notes’ page due to it containing too many words. This is advised as your post will receive more views on Facebook’s main page.)   

                                 We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Lives
                                            For A Life Changing Newsflash!

All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large-scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as the world's political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S.  Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt why they looted our hard earned money.

These arrests are groundbreaking, and these arrests are Earth changing. Humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical control of these powerbrokers commonly known as the Cabal. These arrests should come as no surprise to many of us as we all know deep down that there is something very wrong with this world, a place where so many go to bed hungry at night while a few others possess not millions or billions, but trillions of dollars, pilfered from the labors of the people. There has always been enough wealth on this planet to go around, yet these few men and women have been dividing up for themselves virtually all of the wealth of our world, leaving only crumbs for the rest of us to compete over. Upon these arrests, this will now change.

Many new projects will immediately be implemented under the new leadership of men and women of the highest integrity who are committed to restoring our world to the utopia it once was, governed by a constitutional and true democratic process. There are many men and women dedicated to this cause throughout the US Government, agencies at the Pentagon, militaries, the financial sector, as well as the private business sector who have committed so much of their lives to this effort, and they are so eager to present to humanity our new system of abundance that they have been working so diligently on in secret for years. As part of these proceedings, vast sums of wealth that have been stolen from the people will be redistributed through programs that will benefit greatly every man, woman and child on the planet. No one will be overlooked, and no one will be forgotten.

But there is more.
Upon the arrests of these many members of the criminal Cabal, the second phase of this operation will commence. Today our world is being visited by many spiritually enlightened beings who wish to openly reunite with their ancient family. These spiritually advanced men and women are assisting in the disarmament of the criminal Cabal which has controlled much of the world's military and possessed highly advanced weapons systems.

These advanced ancestors of the human race appear just as we do, although there are other beings that we shall meet as well that do not look like we do. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us make the changes we all know deep down inside need to be made. These beings are the original planners of this world, and are the same advanced civilizations that built many of the great archaeological mysteries such as the pyramids in Egypt. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are their ancestors, all of us.

A very important social experiment has been conducted here over many years and each of us has been a part of it. We have been left here, seemingly all alone, to work things out for ourselves. This experiment is now over and it has been a tremendous success. We are now about to reunite with our brothers and sisters from the stars and be welcomed into the greater Galactic Community.

As they are many worlds that go by many names, it is easier to refer to them at this time by the name of their peaceful alliance: The Galactic Federation of Light, although other spiritually advanced organizations are here as well including the Ashtar Command.

Upon these arrests and our reunion with our Star Family, all the problems of our world will be quickly and smoothly brought into the alignment of our new Golden Age society through the leadership of souls of pure hearted intent. Through a worldwide community effort, all wars, hunger, poverty, illness, and pollution will soon be a thing of the past, as will our lives of daily servitude. Advanced technologies will replace our need to labor our lives away, and everyone will be free to pursue every creative dream they have ever had.

All this will begin with the imminent arrests of the many members of the criminal Cabal, and these arrests will take place as soon as a suitable number of our planet’s citizens are aware of what these proceedings will mean for our society. This is why you are reading these words today, as many members of your human family are doing all they can to share this news with you and do their part to usher in our civilizations new Golden age of peace, freedom, and prosperity for every man, woman and child throughout our world.

Please participate in this great cause by sharing this message on Facebook and other online social networks. This is your chance to really make a difference and be a leader of your fellow man. If we all do our part to spread this news, we will all begin to witness these high profile arrests all around the world, and this will be your sign that everything you just read is true.

Greg Giles

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RandyFirstContact left a comment on Comment Wall
"This is all great news Drekx. Truly the apparatus of the deep state is being shattered into a thousand pieces.

These old corrupt systems will not survive in Earth's new ascending frequencies.

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8 minutes ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Randy that is actually a really good idea. I may just do that. Speaking of the Megalodon people say the best place for them to hide would be the Mariana Trench since that area is 35,000 to 36,000 feet deep. The Mariana Trench would be a perfect area…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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