I received this message on the 21st of this month when I was in the train, it is a short message but I was told it is not less important.

This was a personal message that I decided to share.

Before I post it I want to explain you about its context, you may judge what I am about to post but know that this will be of no relevance, you are entering this book to read it, your opinion might change yourself but not the book itself. This said there are several “Councils of Nine” being channeled, as far as I know there is a “Pleiadian” council of Nine, the Nibiruan Council, some others claim the “Sirian council of Nine”.

The Council of Nine to which I refer is the council of the beings who rule our planets, inicialy refered to the Greek Gods but they have many equivalent names and entities in other cultures. The council of Nine works as a body with several members that are identified by their lineage (one could call it bloodline but this is imprinted in the energy field of those beings not in their organic traits). The council of Nine is the home of the Ascended Masters, the Archangels and other beings who work along on several projects that not only afect our world but also other planets in our solar system (and possibly outside it).

The council of Nine is also refered to the “children on the sun” and the “rose lineage”, it is the home for the original illuminated beings (who are mistaken for the illuminati). Some of their beings are currently incarnated on Earth and carry a specific mission.

I am part of this Council of Nine and am one of their Directors working for the Violet Flame department, on Earth we are called “Masters” but the correct and apropriate name is “Director”.

I was told that two different shifts are taking place but they are happening mutualy, first one is a frequency shift, the other one a dimensional shift. I was told this can be noticed around the inner nucleous of the eart (through its magnetic field).

Gaia is shifting but not completely as this process will take place for several years, there is a place called “Domus” from where the shifts are taking place, this “Domus” is a type of “house” where the shifts are programed, developed and actioned.

I was told ascension is a program being launched and it can be re-programed or even deleted this is one of the major reasons you will not hear or find many specific explanations for this event, just like you don’t wish a hacker to fully understand a software.

There is a direct fusion from 3D to 5D and 4D is not part of this fusion.

How so? 3D is experiencing ascension and 5D is currently descending (temporarely) because humans are not able to evolve into 5D the way they were ment to, this is part of the current “Earth agenda” and the Galactics had to sacrifice a lot that was not ment to in order to keep everything in balance. For this reason 5D was “lowered” and 3D “went up” so they could meet somewere in the midle.

Now, you will think this is 4D? For what I was told 4D is the dimension who has been causing us several problems for this reason it is not part of the Human ascension process and is an isolated dimension from 3D to 5D, this is also why the dimensions are ascending and descending to compensate the loss of 4D.

Another reason why in other channelings 4D is rarely mentioned and the channelers do not receive much information about 4D. It is known to me that some “unwanted entities” come foward through this dimension and this has ben causing several attacks on our beloved co-workers.

You will probably not hear this from other channelers because this is a information the Council provides to their co-workers but I am hoping that some channelers who are still doing a clear job on this can receive similar information.

I get the idea that a large mess has happened up there and it’s not wise to search for the blame at this point but I will state this as my personal opinion, this whole “New Age Mafia” movement has corrupted the innocence of belief. You have decided tro create labels and to name yourselves Lightworkers under the veil of profit and lack of self esteem and if someone does not want to dance to your poorly composed song you point the finger at them instead of taking your time to listen, I can’t even take you serious but some people who are more sensitive do, they get hurt and feel disappointed and the biggest mistake of 2012 and the Lightworking community was to create a community in first place.

You can believe in god and never visit a church in your life, no one can judge you for your beliefs, this is a gift for you to keep and cherish.

I was also told by my guides sometime ago that the “detachment” form 3D is not what will help you ascend in fact the balance (and this is very important) between your 3D life and the 5D is the key. The happier you are with your job, your children or family, the more actively you do well and come foward with a good intention the faster your 3D will lift and the faster 5D will come down to you at the same time.

There is a time, and a place for everthing, the work, the entertainment and the spiritual connection we all have.

This being said, I wish you peace and joy.

As channeled through Amethyst :  http://thehouseofvioletflame.wordpress.com

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