Hi all
5th May, 2010
Humans of Earth: This CAN be your Shining Hour! In the waters off the coast of the United States, there is anenvironmental catastrophe unfolding. Some are asking why the GalacticSisters and Brothers haven't done something to stop the oil fromgushing into the ocean.
This is a time for you to remember just how powerful you are! You, collectively can affect this situation. What is the Cause? Isthis not demonstrating to you that you are ALL CONNECTED? ALLSPECIES? What have your Values been? How willing are you to changeHOW you Live? Are You ready to Demand an End to destructive solutionsfor your Physical Comfort (no matter how many people and other speciessuffer for it)?
We, walk side by side with you, and encourage you to be open to All life on your Earth. We are not in your skies in the thousands,hundreds of thousands, to rescue you. We are here to Assist you butYou must take your Power Back from those who hold it now! It is saidthat the word, "NO" is the most powerful in your languages.
It is time for Humanity, to collectively Change your Minds about what is Truly important in life. You are not little children to be ledby corrupt leaders. Open your Eyes, your Minds and MOST of All, YOURHEARTS! Take Courage with you into the Changes that are needed RightNow, on the Earth! You have a saying, "business as usual". This canno longer be.
You are the Inhabitants of a great Being. The Earth and all of her lifeforms are suffering and You Must Wake Up from the Somatic Statethat you are in! We have great compassion for you. Many of us havelived what you are living now; it was Our learning, our lessons to thePath of becoming a Conscious Galactic Family.
You are the Caretakers of Mother Earth; we are here to ASSIST!. Open your eyes, open your hearts, and gird yourselves with the sword ofTruth, Courage and INTEGRITY! USE YOUR focus to affect the physical. Come out of your comfort zone to help the Mother!
We are from a Water World. We are Wyste and Gebe and are similar to your Dolphins.
Bless the Earth Mother this day and sleep in the arms of the Great Goddess.
Views: 5
to buy bottles made from sugar cane, and they just use the same ol plastic bottle...
By saying IF we only use what we need... im afraid wont change the situation, bcoz ppl
from what i've seen till now they never use only the necessary, bcoz of course thats the way they
are brought up...like spoiled kids... Proper Education is necessary for this...
My point is that by "patching" the holes in a sinking boat, wont get us far...
And ppl need to realize that...
We need to build a new boat, and to build it from a material that wont let holes made to it...
Just like water....you can't make a hole in water..
but i havent seen till now any serious results regarding environmental betterment...in fact what i see from year to year, is that things go worse all the time as far as pollution, and forest destruction on this Earth...
despite that most of the ppl care about the environment, i dont see change for the better...
why is this happening???.... can we ask ourselves this simple question???