Channeler:Beth TrutwinGreetings. This is Lord Metatron.January 4 Solar Eclipse follows the Solstice Total Lunar Eclipse.The Cosmos conspire as the new energies pour in. All the Planets line up setting a vibration to bring justice to Washington D.C.There will be a struggle between politicians who wish to control and those who signal change. Keep in mind, things are not as they seem. There is a lot happening behind the scenes. Large changes are being put into play now that have been long anticipated.It will be like nothing you imagined. With this new foundation, the New Reality can come into form. It has taken everyone working together, asking for change, to make this come into play. Nothing can stop the changes, no matter what it looks like.New Shocking Truths will be revealed that have never been shared before.The greatest changes for all of us will be stripping away of all the old illusions we believed to be truth.Transparency brings with it freedom to be your true self. It is time to step into your new role.Just as we cannot change our world until we drop our illusion that we are something to be enslaved and manipulated, so too, we must have this revelation about what we do.It is not so easy to cast off a decades long professional career. Will your Mission involve you being something completely different then before? Will your Mission allow you take your dream passion to greater heights?It is only up to you. You are not granted a Mission. The Mission does not FIND YOU. You become your Mission by BEING it. How does that work?You must follow your hearts greatest desire and truth. You must do the work that only you can do. You will know because you will love what you are doing every waking moment.It will be something that will be a challenge and overcoming the challenge, though scary, will become fun.You have seen these reality tv shows where contestants compete to become a dress maker or chef? You have seen people work in their garages to make inventions?You have seen how when they speak of their work, they are enthralled with every moment.Finding your Mission, stepping into your Mission, means following your passion.We are so programmed by family, friends, job, society to believe we are ‘something’. We are especially programmed to believe our job title is who we are. Not always true?Many are asking ‘What is my Mission’? YOU define your Mission. You grow into your Mission.You do not have to accept the job you have now will be your Mission. You dream of a much larger view. You imagine there will be wonderful new opportunities to step into as new technology is introduced. That is all true.The question is, How DO I get There? When can I start my Mission? Why Wait? Many of you have found your passion and you know you are already doing your Mission and your Mission will simply grow.Others feel completely lost in a job which goes against their ethics with no way out. Some feel there is no way out because they must pay the bills and their job leaves no time to pursue a Mission.Many are out of work, dreaming of a new life and not sure what steps to take. One of the great improvements you can make in your life is to pursue new avenues to having fun.This is a fast way to find your true Mission. What is fun for you? Some of you never allow time for fun. You have no idea what having fun means, that’s ok.You can try fun on and if you don’t like it, try something else. Take a computer class, take a tae kwon do class, go dancing. Go see what you like. Make new friends online. Join a group.Find out more about something that intrigues you. Find a friend in your community who could use your help. Volunteer for a great cause that is important to you.You become your Mission by doing what you love. No Mission is worth anything unless it is suited to your best abilities and is your true passion. Go out there and try new things and find your passion today.Counselors will be here from the Ships to help you learn your new role. You create your new role by becoming it. Another important point in finding your Mission is freeing yourself from any and all relationships which hold you back from happiness. You will be judged by your actions, your choices, and the good you do for others.If you have good family ties and happy friendships, that does matter. Keep trying new solutions until you find the right one. It is no longer time to procrastinate in changing your life to one of happiness. The energies can no longer sustain immobility. Move!Another question that comes up often is about the Twin Flame. Each one of you, at the time of creation, were made into two, completely the same, except one male and one female.For much of the recent past Twin Flames have not incarnated together one Earth. One would incarnate on Earth and the Other remains on the Ships. There are some Twin Flames together now, though it is more rare.Often a person meets a soul mate and wonders if it is their Twin Flame. If it is your TF, you will know, you will both know, and you will both say it to each other. If either one of you questions it, it likely is not your Twin Flame.At this time of Ascension, Twin Flames will not be together unless they are completely ready to do so. By this, I mean, if you are in an intimate relationship with someone, likely you will not meet your TF by bumping into them at the bar.Your TF will not approach you that way. You will meet your TF when your heart and emotions have no other incumbrance and you are living a fulfilling life without your TF. The more you feel desperate that you do not have what you feel you should have, the more you repel meeting your Twin Flame.Most of you can anticipate meeting your TF after landings. This will be a worldwide reunion of deep love which will greatly grow the love on mother earth within which is born out a New Reality on Earth.Until then, your TF is linking with you, from their role in Space, assisting you in every step along the way. I encourage you to feel their love, connect with them, and develop your telepathic communication by doing so with your TF.The most important thing any person can do at this time is to live their life in a way which most reflects their idea of doing things right. Make a life of truth, no matter how hard it is.Follow your passion, no matter how many sacrifices you have to make. Keep at it no matter how much it is inconvenient in the beginning. Find a life of passion and continue to change things in your life until you are enthralled with every waking breath. Peace.~This is Metatron through Beth Trutwin www.GalacticRoundTable.comQuestions Answered by Metatron through Beth Trutwin:BateleurI do have a couple of questions for Lord Metatron:How do we, or should we, prepare our children for what is to come? I have an angry teenage son with Indigo (Asperger) symptoms.These kids do not have the opportunities to conquer the challenges that we had over the span of a lifetime to become conscious beings and perhaps raise their vibrations to the required rate?!Do not underestimate this Being, just because they express themselves differently. Often these children are angry because they see the imbalances in society and perceive the out picturing of the physical world is not the truth. They have challenges expressing this anger in an “acceptable” way.As the Ships land and Earth reflects her true inheritance you will see these Indigo’s anger subsiding, and they should, for the most part have a natural and happy transition in the New Reality. We will have much to learn from them.Secondly can you please tell me what my mission will entail in these final days and as I see it I might have volunteered to stay until the end?From where I see it, your Mission is not complete. As changes come to Earth, you will have choices which will have to be made.As one choice takes you on a new path, and then another, and another, your New Mission is formed. That is not a complete thought which is able to express itself at this moment. “Stay until the end”? I think it means, you will remain on Earth to help heal Earth, rather than traveling to a new Star destination to return to some other life?Truth being told, you are now living a life simultaneous to this one, in fact, more than one. There is no “end” as you perceive it. There is no “staying” as you perceive it. As you contemplate the possibilities of multidimensionality, you will begin to make the choices, the steps, which will carry you to forming your Mission.LindaI am wondering if Archangel Metatron can address the messages many are getting to be prepared and move out of the cities and to the land. To stockpile supplies and be ready for disaster.This message of moving out of the Cities to the land and stockpiling supplies for a disaster is a story from a mischievous renegade ET who likes to make people feel afraid. It is a way to get their jollies.There will not be any disasters which need stockpiling, you will have all you need.Where to live? As the Ships land, many of the old ways of doing things will be removed and replaced with free electricity, self-sustaining homes, new travel methods and wonders beyond your belief. You will be able to live anyplace you desire. You will live in the place which most suits your personal needs.Cities were developed as a place to keep slaves commuting to their slave job making industries about nothing together. Dream Big! One of the biggest “sins” is limiting your thoughts to hoarding food and looking to “buy land” or some peril will befall you. Instead, imagine if you dream of being on a farm, a beach, a mountain?Imagine what you desire and know anything is possible now. Form your DREAMS, Dream BIG!Also, is my twin flame on the ships? I feel that I am to be in divine union now, co-creating with him.Yes, Your TF is on the Ships, he is on Niburu now and does co-create with you. Each night you see each other and make plans for the next steps, as is true for a majority of TF now.CinZia PMy Question:Do our Physical Bodies Die at Ascension?Ascension is an ongoing evolutionary process which never stopped from the first moment of creation. Not only do your bodies ascend but so does Earth, the Sun and Moon, other Planets, the Galaxy, Universe and Cosmos.Earth Ascension effects absolutely everything in the Cosmos. That is why ET is here to help us. It effects everything they are doing in other places. We are them and they are us. The body dies when the person feels it is time to die. Some believe they never die and their bodies do not die.It is possible to remain in the physical body on Earth for hundreds of years and longer without death. Others decide they have had enough time as the personality named, for example, ‘cindy’ and they lay that body down and take the Soul energy to incarnate a different personality body.Some are taught in Church, as the trumpet sounds the body rises up and lives on. This is an illustration of truth. Through the sound, the vibration, the light soul becomes incarnate into another life. This is the Divine Blueprint of the Adam Kadmon body. Ascension does not cause death.Teachers used to say that if you ascended, you could no longer hold onto the physical and you would die to live on another higher dimension. This is not true from the 5th Dimension and we are there now. It is no longer true.JosephHow may we assist you on your missionPlease advise us on raising our vibrationsRaising your vibrations assists my Mission of Earth Ascension. You most significantly raise your vibration by being filled with love. It is important for Everybody to learn to drop all preconceptions foisted on them by their ancestors. You must learn to drop hate. You must learn to accept all people for who they are as they are in this moment.Many reading this are nodding feeling they have accomplished this. Do not give yourself too much credit, because there is much more to do. I am not saying you desire these prejudices, I am saying many of you continue to LIVE them out of habit.You can raise your vibration by understanding truth and taking steps to become a sovereign being. That is where the freedoms for all the disadvantaged on Earth lie. They lie in the awake and aware crowd following thorough on becoming sovereign, understanding what it means and integrating it on all levels.StacyDear Lord Metatron, I would like to ask you a few personal questions and thank you very much for answering them. I believe I met my Twin Flame on Earth earlier this year, and the energies and spiritual connection we felt were incredible!We were floating on top of the world, and at that time, we tried to make plans to be together as a couple, but then things suddenly came painfully crashing down. Why did
this happen? Are we meant to be together romantically in this incarnation or not?Why are we both incarnated on Earth at the same time and as the same sex, especially since we aren't gay? Could you please tell me if my soul vibration is masculine or feminine? Have my Twin Flame and I found our 'mission' in our new callings? Please, could you also tell me if I am of Pleiadian origins? 
How about my Twin Flame?Your Soul Vibration is feminine. This one whom you love so much is not your TF. She too has a feminine Soul Vibration. You together are remembering a lifetime at the Isis Temple. You are both strong female energies which will transform the Planet.Your strong feelings of love together result from many lifetimes together in close family relationships, mother, daughter, sister. Finding each other again had you experiencing so much love it felt a couples relationship was called for. You both have TF who are male on the Ships and partnering with you every step. Your strong identification with the feminine spirit is helping Mother Earth and all on her to heal.You have an important Mission here, as does your friend. You do have part of your origins on Pleiadies, as does your TF, and there are other places you have spent much time. You are a Kumara, as many here are.Yvonnewhat are my 'roots'?You have a strong background at Vega. Vegans are very very loving Beings.why seems everything in my life always so temporaryYou are a strong personality who learns something, then desires to move on. You may experience grief at these separations, however, they are always for your highest good, and you are orchestrating it.I am unemployed right now: how can I be guided into the direction my heart and soul wants me to and how can I earn an income with it until Nesara will be announced?Can Lord Metatron give me some guidance?You are good at many different things. I suggest you focus in on one thing. There may not be time between now and when NESARA is announced to create something you will make money at. It is best to do what keeps you free to develop yourself rather than look at something as a way to make money.Sometimes having a job which does not complicate your life is the best choice. This keeps the mind and heart free to develop into the Mission after NESARA.can Lord Metatron say anything about my twin flame?Your TF works with you from the Ships.who is the spirit/guide in my house giving me messages?This is a fairy spirit who you have known from other lifetimes. He will tell you his name, if you ask.RANDALLDear Metatron,I was wondering what the new plants, food, and gardens will be like, and will we all have our own starships to travel in?I have had dreams of being on ships, one time I was standing in a room and a lady stood before the entrance of the door, I walked up to her and I felt completely in love. She had the most radiant smile, she then walked away down the hall, I then peeked through the door to my left, she turned around and as she was walking away she gave me a beautiful smile. Was this my twin flame?This was your TF reaching out to make a higher connection to you now.What is her name?This is for you to explore with her. She will tell you, if you ask.I was wondering what star family I am from and what type of work I do.You have incarnated at many Stars. What will be difficult for people now is learning their Star heritage and seeing the role they played in wars, like at Orion.This is true for millions and millions of people. In this format it is too difficult to personally relay to each One their own Star heritage.This will be done with your Counselors as the Ships Land. You will be told everything.How long will it take to house and feed all the people across the world and what will the new technologies be like that assist in this mission.It will take no time to feed all the people, this will be instant. There are enough Ships with supplies to take care of all of that. There are houses built and ready to go on the Day of Emergence, at Announcements.It will take no longer than 3 months to house everyone in every rural place across the Planet. In less than 3 months, no one will ever be homeless again. There will be no charge for this.The seeds we will bring germinate in hours and fruit in days. The gardens will have a magnificence you cannot imagine.KyleHi new here. Anyway, here are my questions:What is my purpose, what am i supposed to do here? The very idea of a 9-5 job and money are repulsive to me. I'm a total misfit in society, yet love being around people. I need a little guidance here…Yes. Most Starseeds feel this way. No one need work 9-5 unless they WANT to work 9-5. Not working 9-5 takes a lot of guts, hard work, talent, and stick-to-it-ivness (if thats a word?).Most people do not have the tenacity to do that, and give in to 9-5 to pay the bills. If you are so repulsed, prove it. What you are supposed to do here is BE LOVE. Let love light your path to your purpose.YesikaYES! Who are the Blue Beings that I saw in the ethereal plane and they took me to the spaceship?Who are the Blue Biengs that my dad saw in his lucid dream and my mum was one of them as well... ?The Blue Beings are a species from the Planet Ceres which was formed when Maldek exploded into the Astral Belt. Ceres is a Planet whose buildings are all under the Sea.JeffMy family and I had a very public fall from grace. We have seemingly lost everything. In my heart, I accept what happened as a learning experience. The problem is that every time I think I am moving in the
right direction since then..nothing seems to come from it.I have been following my heart and have always felt a need to help others in whatever I do. Even when I was absorbed in the darkness I always looked for the good in others and have always wanted to help people. I feel I am a protector in some manner.But, I have been unable to support my
family or create any source of income from my new endeavors. What am I
doing wrong and what can I do right?There are vestiges of the former life you felt you had put behind, though you have not. You will need to become very honest with yourself and your life partner about what you both want. Each of you on your own and together created the former life.You have very successfully walked away, brushing your hands, declaring, ‘lesson learned’. Now you have to take it the next step and remove those things from your emotional body and change the way you react in situations. In some ways you are still carrying around the ‘old you’.Also, you and your partner have to decide if it is best to go on together or healthier to try it on separate paths. Let love Guide your way, not what you ‘have been told is right’. Everyone involved will survive. Do what is the highest good.You are on a good path now and having those old nagging issues, creates an environment which yields no fruit. Clear up one, and all else will follow.ErinHi! I was wondering what I'm currently doing during my sleep time?You are a Rainbow Crystal Being who has come to Earth to help it change into something beautiful. You have creativity in all you do.You like to help other people. In your sleep time you are preparing for your work in the New Reality. You are going through trainings in the holodecks. You have a very important Mission. Will be a teacher to the Teachers to Guide a new vision of what Mother Earth can be.Also, I was wondering what my guides/guardian angels names are? & if they have any advice for me?Your Gaurdian is Archangel Michael and your Guide is Archangel Chamuel.Read more about them. Call on both of them in your waking hours anytime you would like to talk something over. Call them in times when you have uncertainty and they will light your next step.zezoMy questions are:- I would like to know if I have a divine path on the new earth and/or what kind of service I can give to humanity?I have been thinking about this for a long time, to find my joy, but I can not identify.Lately, it seems like there is nothing left here for me to do and I might have a chance to go back to my birth country, would that be a good step for me to do, could you please shed a light on this.You have had many happy times where you are and also some significant disappointments. Overall, you would be happier going back home. I see you working with woman and helping them make their connections to the New Reality. This will feed your joy.Is my twin flame on the ships? I am lately,communication (telepathy) with him, and it seems like I am getting messages and also does he have ties with Alpha Centari?Yes, your TF comes from Alpha Centari. This is a very loving place.DwayneMy name is Dwayne Connor, I have asked "How do I contact our Space family". I have tried to no availe. Also I would like to know where i'm at in referance to all that is going on.I feel the changes but I do not know what to do. I feel lost with no where to go and I'm not sure if all this is real. Please help.For you, the changes you have woken up to go completely against the grain of how you were raised. This is causing internal conflict you are dealing with resolving. As you explore your Star Family, a little guilt or unresolved emotions kick in and this blocks your next adventure.That is perfectly normal. In order to heal the imbalance, a good step is to read material which have you resolving the differences between what you KNOW by knowing and what has been programed into you.Get the book, The New Earth, by Eckhardt Tolle and learn to master your ego mind and pain body. Everybody has to take this step.Go outside at night and call to your Star Family, they will flash their lights to show you they are there, the flashing is saying, ‘I love you, keep going, job well done, we are here beside you’.JenniferI was wondering what Star Family I am from and also if I will join up with my Twin Flame soon? Jennifer K. Brock smileYou have spent much time on Arcturus and at Andromeda. Your TF is incarnate and goes between Earth and the Ships regularly and is in support of your Mission. You both will be together soon.MonicaPlease ask Metatron the following:I just woke up and feel like I am grappling with so many issues and questions (much like a preschooler learning all this wonderful new stuff about the true reality of what is really going on with ascension and the monumental historic times the universe/solar system/earth are in and also about us "human angels").I have two children and struggle with how much to share with them and was wondering about my 9 1/2 year old and my 4 1/2 year old.Can you shed any perspective on either of them being indigo or crystal children or whatever else they may be? I find myself sharing stuff I have learned (ho opono pono, St. Germain and the violet flame, Mother Sekmet and the Ashtar Command even about the 5D Terra Nova) with them.Stuff that they can grasp and understand. I have my own garden to tend to (and boy, do I have my work cut out for me) and thought how much it might help parents that struggle as I do with how much to teach them.I want to tell them about the night work during dreamtime, asking for assistance from guides, using the violet flame, protection from Arch Angel Michael, the Office of the Christ, the elementals (yeah! the leprachauns and gnomes and elves and fairies are real) and so much more.Your 9 1/2 year old is an indigo warrior. Your 4 1/2 year old is a Crystal Child. They know they are Starseeds and chose you so they would be unhindered by their parenting. They both have important Missions. They are working with Lord Michael and the magical Kingdoms in their night work.It is possible they do not bring these memories back from dreamtime, tho they are fully awake and aware. It is ok to watch movies about leprechauns, gnomes, elves and fairies with them, declaring during the movie, ‘you know, these Beings are completely real and living in our world in hidden spots’ or something to that effect.Although, your Indigo child will become fascinated with stories about warring elves, such as Legolas and warring dwarves, such as Gimili.These Indigos are warriors of the Light and still enjoy epics. It is ok to share information with them in the car driving to the grocery store. If they are interested, they will listen. If it is too much, they will change the subject. Listen to their needs.There is nothing wrong with sharing all of these things with them. It is akin to sharing the stories of the Bible, Angels and Saints. Truly, all the same story, of the Goodly Company, through the ages.On a conscious level, I'm not even sure where I came from? I feel so out of touch with where I came from (star/planetary system) and have no clue to any of my past lives (incarnations).Can you shed any light on (no pun intended) on anything you would like me to know that will stear me in the right direction?You have lifetimes on many Stars and Earth is more new to you. You have come to share magic with the world. You will learn more as the counselors come and help Guide you to your next potential possibility.You may enjoy sharing your magical knowledge with larger groups of children, you love children. When the Ships land there will be new ways of teaching that you will find fun and exciting times are ahead!SamWhat is your take on WikiLeaks and the arrestment of Julian Assange? Is this all a Mosssad operation, or does Assange have pure and good intentions?Assange is an ET Ascended Master from Andromeda. He has his Mission and is working with the Galactic Federation to raise consciousness and help tell the stories so more will be prepared for Full Galactic Disclosure. The Mossad wish he was not telling their secrets and how they have kept so many in control for so long.My second question relates to me personally. Me and my wife are struggling with fertility; we both want to have a baby, but this has not happened yet.What is the reason behind this? Is it a health issue, or does it have a deeper meaning on a soul level?The deeper Soul meaning has to do with self-love.There are old wounds on your wife’s part which need healing. On your part, you fear fatherhood because you want to be the best father possible. Both of these issues can be easily healed. Our society often leaves little time for self-reflection.More meditation, time in nature, more relaxing, REAL relaxing and time spent falling more deeply in love will help the healing. All is in Divine order and you will experience the joy of parenthood in ripe time.Its a New DayMetatron about a very powerful crystal being that has come into my life: does he have any advice or info that he would like to pass on to me about this extraordinary entity?I would like to be better at communicating with it.This Elemental Being carries the lineage from the Amethyst Mountains at Arcturus and through to Java on Earth with the Monks there in their Sacred Temples.When you invite this Elemental Being to spend more time with you in sleep time, it will show you new ways of magic. You may be exploring new ways of opening portals to other worlds in your waking hours. Spend time with it during the day. It also likes to work with water.A message from your TF:“You are growing by dimensions now. It is exciting to see you taking on new challenges and cutting away the past. Keep going in your work, I am always with you.”Seani was contemplating the effects of sound vibrations (tones) mixing with magnetism and what effect that would have. my intuition tells me it does something, but my intuition is also telling me that the attributes of those effects wouldn't be recognizable to me.could you comment please? maybe describe what happens when these two things mix? is there is a certain combination or design that can produce audible or visual results?An electromagnetic force field is what contains antimatter from touching matter. When vibrations, sound, hit antimatter, it breaks the force field releasing the antimatter to combust making light.This brings new creation into the matter universe. Sound disrupts magnetism. It is these elements which together form new life. Light and sound in the every moving, every evolving universe, combining in new patterns as sound is placed on them, forming something new. Maybe you WOULD recognize this?IrvinI been able to bring my soul out of my body consciously but i have felt some kind of blockage after it, why is this?, why i just can perform this seated in a comfortable couch?What you are describing is good, you just need to practice and it will come.You can do this on a comfortable couch, practice and it will happen. As you connect with Higher Guides, be in a very relaxed place with no distractions and plenty of time. Make sure you keep a healthy diet and get enough rest. All of these things contribute to a better experience.AnnetteCan you please give me guidance on my specific role in assisting the ascension of the planet?This is an important time to clear old clutter, things, relationships, and unwanted attitudes. Sometimes these things slow you down and get you feeling down.Anytime you are needing a spark of creativity, go through your things and clear out anything you do not need anymore. Give it away to the needy, or throw it away. Clear your life, clear your mind, clear your heart, and you will open up more opportunities for growth.Shazif the man named Peter that I have re-connected with recently is my Twin Flame. I feel that he is, but there is a challenge to be overcome with this relationship...& I was wondering if perhaps it is just wishful thinking on my part? We love each other deeply & seem to have a spiritual connection as well.Also, have I done the right thing by starting up my own business? Will it be profitable enough...or is there another path I should take?As you start up your own business, you are learning a great deal. You are honing your skills and meeting new people.These qualities are wonderful and will take you to the next step. Profit means money and satisfaction. How much you attain of either will depend on the quality and quantity of devotion you put into the work.Peter is not ready for commitment.It is not if he is your TF or not, it is, are you both going to go along in a relationship which is imbalanced, or wait, until it can be cleared? The answer to the question, and the results, will tell you if he is your TF or not.BWI am creating a reality that for now seems to be something that is unknown to me. I go to a hill through a patch of trees and I passionately proclaim that " I HAVE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF CRYSTALINE LIGHT AND EVERY CELL IN MY BODY IS RECIEVING THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF CRYSTALINE LIGHT ".Although I have not tapped into this yet it just feels like the right thing to do. So in earthly words if you could educate me on what I know so little about?It also feels so correct to proclaim that " THE ENERGIES OF ELOHIM ARE AWAKENING IN MY BODY AND I AM BEING SHOWERED WITH THE GRACE OF ELOHIM ".?As you reconnect with the Creator-Gods of this Universe, the Elohi, you receive more grace into your crystalline cells. This lights up your body and raises your vibration. Light is knowledge and wisdom. You connect to the Ancients as you make your declaration for more grace, more light, to enter your system.With greater wisdom, you become the Creator God and learn to manifest in your own life. You learn to connect with the resonate harmonic of all things in the Universe and pull into the physical, through alchemy, all changes you desire in the world. You begin to remember your Home is not Earth, your Home is Light.Voice of the Drumi recently have been gifted with 12 diatonic crystal bowls,i wish 2 tune the bowls with the OM CRYSTAL in SHASTA & the LIGHT/SOUND CRYSTAL in BAHIA, my intention should be enough for this, but reading your recent metatron channel i thought i would inquire about methods of programming the bowls & guidance regarding sharing this sacred art with othersBahia is in Atlantis and Shasta is in Lemuria. There are 12 bowls and 13 Chakras.The bowls work in pairs, half are male and half are female. Tune the female bowls in Shasta and the male bowls in Bahia. Teach your students about their 13 chakras and how the sacred sound tunes into each of their chakras.The 13th chakra is where the masculine serpentine from the base chakra merges with the feminine serpentine from the crown, launching the Soul out of their body, past the 13th Gateway, into the Ethers to explore out of body experiences. Enjoy!~Lord Metatron through Beth Trutwin www.GalacticRoundTable.com

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