* View Christopher OV Admin's blogContemplation vs. Meditation:The benefits of contemplation are feeling more relaxed, focused and closer to nature. Contemplation develops an awareness of the beauty that surrounds us, and a connection to all living things. Meditation will help you delve into your inner self and the Universe, where contemplation helps you to feel one with all living things, including our Universe.The art of contemplation is a simple one. Instead of meditating on being closer to nature, go outside and be quiet. Look around you. Breathe in the air, feel the trees, the rocks, the ground beneath you, and focus on their beauty. Contemplate on the beauty and your connection to our living, breathing planet. You will find that eventually you will hear a humming sound with your audible ears... and you will feel the breathing planet moving beneath you with every breath it takes. You will feel totally one with our Mother Earth. You may begin to see the auras around the trees, plants & animals... and yourself. You may begin to hear the trees whispering to each other, and sense their unique personalities... and their unique gifts to us. This information is based on my own experiences, and feeling one with the planet and all its Beings is a beautiful experience. Through living in harmony with nature, I became telepathic at a very young age. To this day, I telepath with the trees and the plant-life, and they surround me with a peace beyond words. There is so much that I learned from trees, such as how they are able to think and what they feel (it's interesting that recently scientists have been exploring this, and wrote books on the subject). They also give to us in many ways (and not just oxygen). The pine trees being peace & harmony, the Horsechestnut trees are very nurturing. All the different species of trees communicate in different ways and have different personalities. When you feel totally one with nature, and with one another, a whole world opens up to you.In the 1960's, James Lovelock, a notable scientist, came to the realization that the biosphere is one Holisitc, functioning ecology... a complete and integrated organism. This is the Gaia Theory: The Earth is a self-regulating, information feedback machine, and one ecological system is in communication with other regulatory processes simultaneously.Being Heart Centered:The benefits of being heart-centered are that you will have more compassion for yourself and all living things. It will be easier for you to not hold judgment of yourself and of others.The mind has become an active force in our evolution, rather than the passive structure and tool that was originally intended. The heart knows everything , will always offer the best and highest guidance, and will always direct you to your highest good. For many years I would ask my spirit guides questions about which direction to take when facing a crossroad in my life, or what should I do about this or that, and they always said, "Follow your heart". For a long time I didn't realize that what they meant was so literal, and so true! Listen to your heart, and be guided by it. Your heart will never lie to you.The mind's original purpose was to be a faculty in service to the heart, and not the other way around. It is the mind's role to learn and analyze. It is the heart's role to choose and do. Hearts connect, while minds separate. Living in the place of the heart brings unity (feeling one with others & all life, including plants and nature). Living in the place of the mind brings duality (or feeling separate from others).Awakening to a 5th Dimensional Consciousness:The 5 th dimension is a vibration. All dimensions resonate at certain frequencies, and it's just a matter of tapping into the particular frequency of the vibration or dimension you wish to visit or stay in. The 5 th dimension resonates with unconditional love (for yourself & all other life), and with non-judgment . Love and be non-judgmental of yourself and others at all times, and you will begin to vibrate at the 5 th dimensional level. Below are 4 steps or exercises you can practice to help you become the compassionate, non-judgmental person you wish to be - living in a state of grace.The Four Steps = The Evolution of Self:* Step One - Learn to question yourself, as to who you are and your belief system, but not from the insecurity of the ego or the lower mind. Let go of all you think you know about yourself, and discover your forgotten Source. Question your Belief Systems and witness your contradictions. This takes some deep delving into your soul essence. Gratitude raises the frequency of the heart, and helps us realize that living in duality is an illusion (an interpretation that contradicts "reality", as defined by general agreement).* Step Two - The recognition and dismantling of belief in all that you think you know (Belief Systems & what we've been taught). Compassionately allow all of the other possibilities of creation that your human mind has not yet awakened to. Develop faith in yourself that you are a master who is capable of co-creating with the universe all that is possible. Whatever you can imagine can become reality.* Step Three - Experience a sacred communion with your soul as a doorway to your GodSelf. Your soul contains every emotion you ever experienced, and relates to all experience in the now moment. De-construct the belief system that keeps you asleep and in illusion. Heal all that holds you back. Make a list of the belief systems that limit you, and reclaim your energy from them.1st List - Make a list of the Belief Systems that limit you. Before you detach permanently from the belief, you must reclaim your energy from it, or part of you will continue to be in separation from self.2nd List - Make another list of what you know, in the depths of your heart, to be true about yourself, and be non-judgmental. Move aside old teachings and delve beneath the layers of limitation. This list comes from the heart in the form of vibration.3rd List - Make a list of judgments you still hold about yourself. Release these judgments.* Step Four - Contemplation & Compassion. Take time every morning to contemplate your being, honestly and without judgment. Throughout the day, work with the energies of love, trust, faith, compassion, grace & gratitude. Each evening, recognize and embrace all that you have given yourself that day.**Every strand of the DNA is designed to evolve the physical body very rapidly based on shifts in consciousness.Meditation: Fill your body and your whole being with healing love (rose pink color), then healing light (emerald green color). Breathe in the colors, and as you exhale, let the colors permeate your whole being.The 7 Keys to Ascension (Rising to a 5 th Dimensional Consciousness):* 1st Key - You must first desire this level of perfection and state of consciousness with all your heart, mind and soul.* 2nd Key - Renew your intentions to reach your goal. Constancy is the 2 nd key.* 3rd Key - The fountain of youth and rejuvenation you are seeking lies within you always. Your DNA will shift as your consciousness shifts.* 4th Key - Your DNA is another key to your infinite vitality. It evolves at the speed that you evolve your consciousness & increase your love quotient.* 5th Key - Your thoughts, words and feelings bring up the subject of the quality of your internal dialogue from moment to moment. How well do you monitor your thoughts, your feelings and the words you speak to yourself and others with each now moment? How do you feel about yourself and your body?* 6th Key - To activate with this wondrous fountain, you must first unite with it and become it. The true fountain of youth is a fountain of pure light, a 5 th dimensional tool. In order to activate it within self, you must increase the light in all the cells of your physical body and also in all your other bodies and more subtle bodies (your entire Being). You must cleanse your emotional body of negative human emotions; you must monitor your thoughts and begin to think and act like a master would.* 7th Key - Begin to live your new truth, and the results you are seeking will follow. It cannot be otherwise.The 7 Flames to Ascension - The Seven Flames of God for Seven Days:The 7 major Rays or Flames that are listed below will bring much greater balance and ease to your present life. In the process of ascension (raising your vibration to a 5 th dimensional consciousness) & enlightenment, all 7 major Rays must be balanced and mastered in order to move on to even greater wisdom and mastery in your cosmic future.All the Rays/Flames work together in great harmony to assist the restoration of your soul. Spiritual progress is brought forth as the result of daily applications of God's laws, God's energies through the main 7 Rays, and the clearing of one's karma and emotional body. Your emotions and thoughts show you the state in which you are living right now. Clear your negative emotions, and think only positive, loving thoughts, and you will cleanse your emotional self and be more whole. You will also heal... physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually.Visualize the following Rays/Flames permeating your whole Being... filling every cell in your body, and filling your whole energy field. Contemplate on each one of these Rays/Flames as you do this. Each day of the week, focus on that Ray/Flame for the day, but also fill your Being with every Ray/Flame daily.* Sunday, the Yellow Ray of Wisdom & the Mind of God is amplified. This divine mind will open your own mind to greater and greater wisdom. True wisdom always comes from the mind of higher perspective and higher consciousness. As you merge this divine mind with your own, you will begin to make decisions and conduct your life in ways that will bring you greater satisfaction and ease, and you will be more in alignment with the highest good of all.* Monday, the Royal Blue Ray of the Will of God is amplified. Focus on the Will of God for your very surrender to that Divine Will, no matter what our present circumstances appear to be. This is the fastest way to gain your spiritual mastery and freedom. As you align with God's Will, you will notice that your life will also align with greater harmony. Bathe your mind, body and soul each day with that energy, and soon you will reap the many benefits.* Tuesday, the Rose-Pink Ray of Divine Love of God is amplified. Focus on the transforming and healing influence of the energies of Divine Love. Love is the glue that creates, transforms, heals and harmonizes all things. Take time in your life to breathe it in and merge with this Flame of Divine Love. Love is the key to the power of multiplication of all good things you desire. As you merge with this Flame in a greater and greater measure, limitations start dissolving and you become the master of your destiny.* Wednesday, the Emerald Green Ray of the Divine Flame of Healing, Precipitation and Divine Abundance is amplified. Focus on the energies of divine healing in all aspects of your life. This is a balancing and soothing energy that will assist you to align the many distortions you have created with your lives. Invoke and visualize this radiant green liquid healing light for all areas of your life that need transformation. The Green Ray also governs the laws of divine abundance and prosperity. Also invoke this great emerald green Flame to pave the way for the manifestation and precipitation of all your physical and spiritual desires.* Thursday, the Golden Ray of the Resurrection Flame is amplified. Focus on the energies of this Flame for the resurrection and restoration of your inherited divinity. You are a divine being, experiencing human life, and learning from it. Because you have strayed in consciousness, your divinity has been veiled. As you invoke and merge with the purple and gold energies of the resurrection Flame, you will start resurrecting all the gifts and attributes of your divinity. This wondrous Flame prepares you for the final ritual of ascension. Ascension to the 5 th dimension has been and still is the main purpose for your many incarnations on this planet.* Friday, the Pure Dazzling White Ray of Purity of the Ascension Flame is amplified. Ascension is the alchemical marriage or divine union of your human-self with your Divine Essence through the process of purification of all misuse of God's energy throughout your many incarnations. Focus on purifying and clearing all negativity, false beliefs, poor attitudes and habits that do not enhance your spiritual mastery. Fill your auric field, every cell of your physical body, your mental, emotional and etheric bodies with this pure-white dazzling Ascension Flame. In your daily meditation, do this with all the Rays. It is essential for your spiritual progress.* Saturday, the Penetrating Violet Ray of Transmutation and Freedom is amplified. Focus on the many tones and frequencies of the Violet Ray. This Ray is most magical. The Violet Flame is the frequency of change, alchemy, freedom from limitations and much more. As you fill your heart with the wonders of this Violet Flame, its frequency will start clearing from your life the obstacles and karma that are obstructing the way to the realization of your mastery and divinity.http:/www.lighthealer.net

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  • Wow, very good stuff here! Well written, easy to read and easy to follow...

    Good job!
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