Greetings, Maren
Greetings, Maren
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Yes, Marianinia,
I think you met it! The problem is, that if major governments like the US government with its scientific ressources doesn´t admit the presence of Aliens and UFOs on this world, all the people who tell about their sightings and contacts with them will be seen as nutcases by the majority of mankind. And because of that also the mainstream media won´t report anything about it!
There are still just a few people (if you see the 7 Billion people of this earth) who believe in intelligent, extraterrestrial life forms.
Look at it. On Youtube you can find hundreds and thousands of UFO sightings from all over the world - in China they had to close airports because of this several times. Did you ever hear something about that in the US mainstream media? Or in Germany? Or in any other land in the northern hemisphere?
There are two possibilities: 1. Our star sisters and brothers show themselves in the skies so often, that no government can deny their existence anymore
2. they admit it and open their UFO files to the public.
You can find a few elder UFO files from the CIA on this site:
Very interesting!
Love and light, Ajanura
What do you mean by.. Mexican Government admits UFO's EXISTS....THEY ARE A BUNCH OF FOOLS AS UFO's EXISTED BEFORE THEY WERE BORN