Michael 12-12-2009 The Blue Stargate December 12, 2009 This is an answer to a posting on The Blue Spiral over Norway ! ( Esoteric ) I'm Michael, Prince and Regent of the heavenly host. Beloved Masters of Light and Starseeds, please welcome our presence. Receive blessings, love, in our meeting. I come to you, accompanied by the presence of the Archangel Uriel, Angel of the Presence. Beloved Masters of Light, I just tell you, at the end of the year, the return of the Light within your density, not only at the men and women who have received the light but in the whole of humanity. In a few days of your time will come true terrestrial integration of Light. This final integration within the Global Awareness mark the end of your insulation in your universe. You now go back on one level in the return of Light and unified in the Unification of what you are. As I said, I come back, so prior few days before, giving you the conditions that will allow you, if you want to host (in your presence, in yourself, in your unit and your reliance on the Source, in the triple Radiation) Light Unit revealed. This is mirrored at the individual level, for those who are ready to merge, you, the radiant crown of the head and crown of radiant heart that these two crowns intermingle, blend and fuse in the middle of your chest. The merger of the two Crowns radiant, will, from December 17, individually and for those who are willing to accommodate the cancellation of the Master of Light in your inner temple, at your humanity, at the collective consciousness of humanity. This sign of the shock revelation of Light. Together, you and us, Conclave Archangelic together you and us and the whole circle of the 24 Veterans Fire, spill, your humanity, a light, a light whose main feature is to unify in your Presence that you are, for all eternity, beyond the veils of illusion and beyond this veil of materiality. Be Joy, do not disturb, as I say and I repeat, by events outside of the shock. Light is awakened in you the dimensions, which for most of you, you were hitherto hidden. Beyond the beingness beyond even your access to this beingness, you find yourself, in this dimension, the intensity and the Truth of Light. During this month, between December 17 and January 17, you will establish the foundation, in your inner temple, in your Heart, merging with the energies of Christ and the energies that are mine. You realize, you, and, individually and collectively we hope, the truth of Unity, the Truth of Light and Truth of Love. As you said the spokesperson of the Ancients Master Sri Aurobindo, I come to you, Truth, Unity and Materiality in order to dispel the shadows that remain in your temple, but also within of Humanity. Anything that takes the reins, the reins of the division, must cease. Anything that maintains the illusion and falsification become a dead letter. Together, you and us together, you, us and the Fire Circle of 24 elders realized on this Earth, and for all, vibratory, internally and externally, the truth of the Light. This Light is a light blue, it is the Mantle of Mary, she is my coat and her coat is the Buddha. This Light is compassion, understanding is that Light, it is reunification for you and sign the open tabernacle sacred and open your Heart to the unit size. By the power of the fire of love, by the power of Vibration Unit and Triple Removal of the Holy Spirit, the Source and the Ultraviolet, we allow the light to be blue in this humanity. Although loved Starseeds, many things will be yours, in your consciousness, in your lives, in what you have to establish as a rule on this Earth and other dimensions. You are there to establish the reign of truth, the reign of Integrity and Honesty reign. Together we will achieve that. As you know, and as was announced so fast, Master Sri Aurobindo, you are now and a few days of your final entry in the Light of the Supra mind on this Earth. This will perform a shock like no other, a shock of revelation and a shock of love. Many people who were hitherto sleeping awake and understand. Do not go judging, condemning, external events related to opposition to the establishment of Light. This does not belong to you. You are asked to prepare internally. You are asked to focus, you align and, especially, to welcome the light of grace for the Light Blue is Grace, because blue light is love and compassion. It is your responsibility you take, for you watered, you eat. Deconstruction will soon reach its end. You do not have to worry about your future because it is now in the present moment, and the Truth of your unit. Throughout the Celestial Weddings we initialized together a number of processes and activations to prepare for what comes. Between the end of your year and January 17, will stay and access to the Walk of your 4th lamp, to activate your chakra Heart, wholly. Today, the radiant crown of the head is activated, each day a little more, allowing you to direct this flow of Light into your Heart. You have to do this, many ways to access and there. You, you, enabled by the Archangel Metatron, Metatron Keys of the Light rectified and authentic. This is the radiant crown of the head. Within your radiant crown of the Heart, is the home of Christ the Light, in Unity and Truth. Combining these two assertions and the two pronunciations is connected and in tune to the crowns to unify, to marry and merge in your Inner Temple. I personally return all of the Earth at the precise moment of December 17 to 12 hours French time, and for an hour, so you can achieve this integration. What you have to do is simply repeat to you, the OD ER IS AL IM, activating the fire crown of the head and repeat, making sure that you welcome Christ the Light, in Unity and Truth and allow the two vibrational Consciences be yours and be your truth continuing. I am here on this Earth, in Radiation in Presence and Manifestation in this density. Do not dwell shock, but much to the joy inherent in this reconnection, in you. The vibration will happen, and that happens already, within your radiant crown of the head and above your head at what we have called the Bindu or the Crystal Fountain, must now enter in Your Heart and Conscience of Vibratory your Heart, Your Heart chakra, must rise, in turn, to Bindu. Beyond the pronunciation of internal IM ER OD IS AL and host of Light Christ in Unity and Truth, you will help your hands, as follows: your left hand is placed at height Fontaine Crystal to host the Blue Light. Your right hand will be placed on your heart light and you bring him gradually along the inside you will repeat the IM ER OD IS AL, Light Blue (the one I'll give you the level of your Heart) and you go up, the Similarly, the Light of your Heart, at the Crystal Fountain. By this gesture, and repeated the gesture, if you wish, you allow your structure to integrate fully, the Light Blue. Beloved Children of Light, from the time the conclave Archangelic is met, and as you know, the presence of the Archangel Uriel has been a major help to prepare for the return of the Light. Connected to the source, connected to your unit, you also vibrate at a different octave of your Truth. The beingness will seem easier to connect and live. You start for some of you, the phenomenon known as dimensional translation or climb, conscientiously and in full. Many of you will decide, perhaps, to finally leave this dimension. This decision is not a personality but a decision of the Intelligence of Light, Intelligence of the vibration you. The external events, related to the elements, will now enter into their full power. Do not worry about human reactions, resistances and oppositions that may occur around you and in this world, in government, at all institutions of power. These are designed to disappear so that you will find, collectively, your sovereignty Unit. During this period you will prepare the reception of the Light Now I'll talk to the 4th march. What we accomplish together, you and us, Unified, December 17, at 10 h. you can reproduce it every day together on this planet, and we'll be with you, and we will achieve together, you and us and the Circle of the 24 Veterans with you and with us. Thus, by the light blue, we discuss and we will call the Consciousness of the Divine Mary so that it can enter your size. We will establish and the communication channel between your dimension and the dimension of the Divine Mary. Do not worry about anything but what is this Light. You have enough to do that. You have enough to metabolize, integrate, digest and manifest that Light. The eternal feminine and back among you, the Lord of Light is back in Vibration. Do not believe any human being on this planet who would claim the title of Master of Light incarnate. The Master of Light will come back as he moved through the air. It is not flesh. Do not look in a body. This will be a snare and a delusion. Stay focused on you, live peaceably, Soak up the source, rediscover your sovereignty and let all the systems of control that you have prevented access to what you are, to dissolve themselves. You do not fight, you do not resist. You have to be. You have to go through this and nothing else. Do not allow yourself be carried away by emotions or ideas. Let you live in the Light of Truth. Property Beloved Masters of Light, the whole conclave was pleased that you've done so far on this Earth, the courage with which you progress and joy that you have manifested in your life that reconnection you are. All the illusions of this world are falling and this is irrevocable and immediate. There will be no further delays and I did not say to you, but I announced to all those who still resist the establishment of Light. We will not allow, we, Conclave, the Source, 24 Sunset Circle and all of the Intergalactic Confederation, that any resistance to oppose the establishment and the coming of the Light. We have nothing to impose, neither you nor us. We simply restore the truth, to restore the kingdom of Light, to restore the reign of the Unit. This is now. By the end of your year, many things will change. Keep the Heart light, keep you in the vibration of light blue, experiment this ineffable joy because this is one. You do not fear, you do not construct, you have no hope. You just have to show, you just have to be in this and this is now. Property Beloved Masters of Light, and so rare, I will now give you the floor. If you need further clarification in relation to what comes from and what is, then, well loved Starseeds, we will collectively share. Question: until the date of next March, would it be to reconnect with the energy issue was still at 12? Beloved, from today, you will, in French time, the realization of the work I have given, from 17 daily at 12am, during the time that is acceptable to you, a few minutes or an hour at your pace, your way and your way. At the same time (I leave the master Sri Aurobindo, overseer of the 24 word Melchizedek, speak in more detail above): the continuation of the work of the Circle of Elders 19 hours 30 to 20 hours, you'll simply have to accept this relayed to you by Melchizedek 24. Number of vibrations you arrive. During the vibration of the Circle of Elders, you will also have the vibration and the Radiance of the Archangel Uriel or Angel of the Presence. Question: what will it take for people who could not prepare the Heavenly Marriage? Beloved Starseeds star, as I've said from the beginning of Celestial Marriage, a lot of people do not yet know our presence. Nevertheless, they reveal in them the same process, without necessarily being able to put in words. They will be connected to the Source in the same way, and their unit. You are the transmitters and the Pillars of Light you are first. But remember: the first shall be last. Question: should we expect to unpleasant or changes in the physical level? By yourself, and individually, it is clear and normal. Many things have changed in you. You get into the age of the Honesty, Integrity and Purity. The transparency of your Being will. Thus, you eliminated interference, eliminated what you do not participate in the Light and Unity. You do not have to work on it, you just have to accept the Intelligence of Light and, in particular, the Light Blue. This will work, you pacify and purify you in the Fire of Love. The vibration perception will be extremely powerful in you at the radiant crown of the head and Crown Radiant Heart and for some of you at what you call Kundalini. Vibration cell of your entire cellular system, will change. You become, you know, impervious to anything that tries to prevent your unit. At your immediate environment as the level changes induced by systems that resist and oppose. They do not have long to live. Light, as I said earlier this summer, has finally won. She won the right to settle in this dimension and make you return, if you wish, spheres Unit, spheres of light real and authentic. However, just simply with a little logic, focus, within these spaces vibration, and in the coming month, the moments of quiet moments in nature, the moments that you would call meditation without wanting anything, just by being aligned in the Presence of Vibration in the Vibration of Light Blue. Call in the Light Blue, call the Angel of the Presence. Question: animals are affected by the same kind of evolution? The whole of creation, forged in this dimension, must return to her degree, her unit. I said that it concerned all of the solar system, all of humanity and the whole Earth, and this, from December 17. Question: When we say that "the first shall be last," what does that mean? This simply means a given time. Although loved Seeds of stars, most of you have participated in the Marriage and Heavenly have awakened in you, what you are. In this sense, you are first. But, in this sense, you'll be the last to leave this dimension. You have a role, as I have defined the foundation and stabilization of Light. By your presence and your posture in this dimension, you stabilize the interaction of dimensions tampered with unit size and you allow your brothers, your sisters, animals, plants and your entire Creation, regain its Unit. This role is key. Question: how best to act against our children? As has been said by many speakers, you do not have to worry about each other. You have to be and to transmit the light. The rest will be done by the Intelligence of Light. Gradually, as you enter, more and more forward in the radiance of the Light Blue, you find that things become obvious and that things become easier. This is the essential characteristic of the Intelligence of Light. The trust is part of it, whether in your life in your family in your surroundings. Ask the Truth, simply being in the truth and everything else will match the best to you and in line with the intrinsic desire of Light. This is what the Archangel Anael taught you to surrender to the Light. Remember and never lose sight of that light is intelligent, that it is related to ultraviolet and Adamantine particles, that it is linked to the source or the Holy Spirit or, as now, Radiation to the Blue. All Lights Unitarians are smart. If you stand under the influence of this release, if you place in your center and your unit, connected to the Unit and the Lights, absolutely everything will go well. You do not have to worry about your safety. As Christ said when he walked among you: "Is that the bird is concerned about what to eat tomorrow? . You get into the Age of Innocence. You get into the era of intelligence and the era of the Unit. Many things in your lives will change and settle in smoothly. You will not need to object or resist, but simply to receive the Truth. I would say that you are where you should be, depending on events at your place and in the place and the place where you are, you can complete what you have to carry. Question: What is the difference between the Light Blue and Golden Light? The Golden Light is a different octave. So far we have talked all energy without color, we discussed the Ultraviolet, invisible to your eyes, which is a vibration and radiation. We have, together, talked and lived within this density where you are, Radiation Source and the cancellation of the Holy Spirit. Today is the first time I use the word colored light. The Golden Light is the light of liberation. It is the Light that makes you, in full, your beingness. It is the Light of the Sun. And this is for January 17. Question: what is the phenomenon seen in the sky over Norway as a Light Blue Light from a spiral? This is related to your energy? Although loved Starseeds, I simply ask you for what you report, you connect simply to your inner Being and not listen to what has been announced by different routes. This is false. This Light is the anchor in your size, the first inter dimensional portal revealed to mankind. The second portal will occur shortly. When I say shortly, this is number of days at the other side and the opposite of this planet, at the Antarctic. At this point, you know that the time has come. The time has come for the blue light to pour in whole, in you. Deconstruction would then be in full. However, you bathe in a love untold. Then, of course, until the last moment of your humanity in your size, everything will be done by the forces of resistance and power are still trying to control you so you did not acknowledge the truth. But it is too late. More and more seeds of stars and wake up, in nonviolence, but in the affirmation of their Light, their truth and integrity. C'es what enables today, and has recently, the Angel of the Presence, to accompany you, everyone, without exception, and make you vibrate at a different level. So, yes, the inter-dimensional portals allow light to enter in your size, in a visible and collective. It is also a way to deal with any eventuality, for the Inter-Galactic Confederacy. All options in hardware, are open. Everything depends on how oppose the forces of resistance. They have shown their limits. They understood that the pressure and the weight you were almost finished. But we, as a responsible awareness (both at the Conclave, that the 24 Veterans that Forces Inter-galactic), we will be ready for any eventuality. In this sense we have created at the surface world, which was created at the vortex (the one who appeared and who will appear) in direct relationship with the worlds intra-Terrestrial and extraterrestrial worlds and the worlds ultra-Terrestrial. This does not mean, I stated that the Intergalactic Confederation intervene in a visible sign but, actually, that the Light will speak clearly visible. The rest is adapted for the events. Question: What about the installation of twelve stars of Mary? The twelve stars of Mary were part of the installation of Celestial Marriage. When you are activated five points with Vibration permit the rotation of the radiant crown of the head, connected directly related to Metatron. The seven keys remaining to enable all in the twelve points of the Crown Marian, will be revealed later, from the moment you alchimisé Crown Head and Crown of the Heart, through six points Vibration located in the Heart (which you have been disclosed, for over a year, by one of 24 Melchizedek, the Lord Ram). These six points of the Heart will merge with five points on the head, plus another point, forming, then the Crown Radiant Unified in your whole being, visible both in the head at the level Heart. But this is not for now. Question: Do you have information on the period of 3 days of catalepsy Earth? This will occur when the Divine Marie you have announced 72 hours before individually. You do not have to worry about yet. Simply host the Light, knowing that you will be warned before. In any case this will not occur until the announcement that Mary has not taken place. We have no more questions, thank you. Beloved Masters of Light, well loved Starseeds, Ancreurs, Transmitters Light, I'll see you then December 17, individually and collectively. There will not, during this hour of spoken word. There will simply, in you, my presence. I return now, words, and if you wish, to explain, in the same way, the Fourth Walk will take place, I remind you, January 17. I return a few days earlier, on Sunday before the day of 17. That Sunday, I will intervene, at 10am in the morning, French time. You can also connect this day. I give at this time, the elements that you will live the Golden Light, coupled with the Light Blue. Please accept and collect you, all of the Radiance and appreciation of the Conclave Archangelic. Welcome to your eternity, welcome to what you are, beyond the appearance in which you live. We bless you, we cherish you. We share this information seamlessly. Thank you for doing the same, if you are running, reproducing the entire text and citing its source www.autresdimensions.com.

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  • Sooo...The Blue Stargate is 'real' or not...? Everybody says differently...
    • I suspect there is some truth in some of the apparently contradictory versions. I don't think we have the full picture yet.
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