Michael & Lucifer

Michael & Lucifer

Archangel Michael, the Price of Light, and Lucifer, the Price of Darkness,locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so thechurch would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged andmisinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quitedifferent version of events.

God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still unitedas One. Creation existed, but individual experience of Creationwasn't yet possible. It's like having a cake, but not getting to eatit, what fun is that? Creation wanted to experience itself beingCreation, and so the Divine Plan was formed. Some of the Angels wouldenter into a dream, where they would pretend to be outside theOneness so they could participate in the unique aspects of theOneness. The one you know as Lucifer was the first to volunteer to“leave” Heaven, while Archangel Michael was the head of theangels who stayed. No conflict here, rather everyone working togethertowards the same Goal.

The real story of what happened afterwards is that of the prodigal son,not of a war between “good and evil”. Lucifer, literally the“light-bearer”, was the son who left his Father's House (Heaven)to share his inheritance with all of Creation. Michael, literally “hewho is like God”, was the son who stayed at Home. Note how thepeople judged the son who left for spending all his Inheritance,while the Father was overjoyed. Lucifer was meant to have a good timein Creation, not to be stingy with the blessings he was given. Whenthe prodigal son returned, the Father gave him the other son'sInheritance as well. What would be the point of leaving it withMichael anyway if he's not going to do anything with it?

Not that Michael minded at all, he already was Creation. Michael isCreation, Lucifer is the experience of Creation. Of course, if you'rehere experiencing Creation, how can you be outside of Creation? Youcan't, so you are Creation experiencing Itself, and hence Lucifer isMichael and Michael is Lucifer. Two aspects of the same Oneness. Andyou're not separate from this, which means both aspects are withinyou as well.

Speaking of you, how did you get to be here? How did you get to the so-called“lower realms”? We were born of Oneness, so how did Humanity getto be separated from God? Simple, every Soul in this realm is one whochose to join Lucifer, a “fallen” angel. There's a little bit oftruth to the story, but you aren't a “wrong”, “bad” or “evil”being, rather a very brave and adventurous one. Not one who rebelledagainst God, but one who disconnected from God within themselves forthe wondrous experience of Reunion.

And it wasn't Lucifer that caused people to be so mired within theirillusions. When Lucifer “left” Heaven, there was still theunderstanding that one was still always one with Heaven, they weresimply dreaming. This is the Garden of Eden of legend. It wasn'tuntil Humanity lost the Violet Flame and couldn't effortlesslycleanse the lower vibrational energies that things started reallygetting messed up. Then the angels forgot they were even angels andstarted doing really funny things, like working at walmart andjoining the republican party.

Now, what I'm saying is probably going to bother a few, if not a wholebunch of people. I'm telling them that they're a part of what they'vebeen told is the most evilest of evils. These beliefs are sowidespread that pretty much everyone has been conditioned by them.Hell, Lucifer and the fallen angels, they've got many other names indifferent cultures. People sure don't want to hear they're the“fallen” angels, what would that make the world they live within?The world most people are in is hell, though the Planet they liveupon is the Garden of Eden, a Living Starship. They super-imposedtheir illusions upon the Truth and missed the Reality altogether, yetthey still are the prodigal sons and daughters, and the door Home isalways Open. This is Lucifer, the Light Bearer's, message.

The illusionary conflict between Michael and Lucifer has been projectedout into people's everyday lives. There isn't, and never was, a warthat divided Heaven against itself. It's a metaphor for people's owninternal conflict. The angels came to the manifest to enjoy it, yetreligion teaches us this realm is ruled by evil and the whole pointof us being here is to escape to heaven. This creates a dualisticillusion of two paths, one of the “wicked”, who indulgethemselves in physical pleasures, and one of the “righteous”, whodeny physical pleasures believing they'll get some reward in Heaven.Both of these so-called spiritual paths just lead around in circles,Buddha shared this over 2,000 years ago, yet people still don't quiteget it. There aren't two paths, there's only the one you're walking,and when you learn to enjoy it you wont need to wait for some rewardin Heaven, you'll have brought Heaven here to Earth through your ownjoy. Dividing Lucifer and Michael creates conflict within your ownBeing, and separates Heaven and Earth. Letting go of the conflictunites Lucifer and Michael and creates Heaven on Earth. Lucifer neverleft Heaven and neither did You, You simply forgot that Reality ofthis whole situation and Heaven was hidden behind the lie ofseparation, reinforced through twisted, superstitious mythologies.


Will, Mother and Father God


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  • Awwww, Will, now why did you go and give me something ELSE to contemplate? LOL It seems to me that the more answers I receive, the more questions I have. Is this a never-ending question/answer session?

    Seriously, though, I've wondered so many times if Creator/Source (I dislike the word "god" anymore....too many implications here)is total Light and there is no darkness in Him/Her, then how did Lucifer "fall"?

    Here's my latest question: Does the Creator know EVERYTHING, or is He/She learning and experiencing through His/Her creations? I would be very happy to hear anyone's response. I Truly believe that for EVERY question there is a True answer. We just need to "find" it.
  • Hi Will
    Don´t you mix up AA Michael with Christ Michael , our creatorson of Nebadon - our localuniverse?
    Lucifer is now gone because he chosed uncreation instead of starting over the whole incarnate-journey again.
    Urantia book is a great lesson in theese topics.

    • I tried reading Urantia, but I found it mostly just confused things. It has some truth, but it's absolutely full of things that really aren't very important. For instance:

      "The grand universe number of your world, Urantia, is 5,342,482,337,666. That is the registry number on Uversa and on Paradise, your number in the catalogue of the inhabited worlds."

      Parts of it make the "Higher Realms" seem like a bureaucratic nightmare...
  • Thank you...
  • Michael and Lucifer aka Jesus and the Holy Spirit or Brahma and Vishnu are God's 2 elect souls born out of his limbs. (Arms) They are the 2 cherubs that adorn the Ark of Covenant and the 2 christs/witnesses/messiah's. They are also Lords of the entire Kingdom of Light and are ONE with each other united in the body of God
  • Same with the second comming of Christ...it is internal. It is a pitty that so manny people are waiting for him to come back in flesh and blood.
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