Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, November 14, 2011

The big Love Wave has peaked and that is not the end as it continues to lift the vibrations upon Earth. From hereon the levels of consciousness will noticeably rise, with individuals experiencing it in there own way. The whole affect is to bring more harmony and balance into being, thus lessening the need for changes of a catastrophic nature. You cannot help but have noticed that in spite of dire predictions of a physical nature, they have not been as far reaching or serious as you have been led to believe. We are responsible for keeping the outcome to a level that does not have serious results.

Our activities never cease, and we are involved in a constant monitoring of many occurrences whether natural or man-made. Mother Earth will however need to push on with her own cleansing, but again we are involved to ensure that all goes as smoothly as possible. We would stress that the souls who find themselves in what prove to be dangerous areas, are where they planned to be as part of their life contract. Often these situations are a means to an end, so that they may exit the Earth before the end time comes. We know it is hard to understand the thinking in such circumstances, but moving out of your body and passing on from Earth is little more than falling asleep. Clearly we know that where illness or accidental death are concerned, there can be pain before the end. However. immediately you are out of the body you are released from it, and any emotional affect is quickly overcome. You will feel free and elated as you will have thrown off the yoke of the physical body, and the burden of carrying it around with you.

When you reach our stage as you eventually will, the body is much less physical and not subject to the ills and other problems you experience that you have now. It does not age or need the degree of attention that your present one demands, even to the point that it absorbs energy rather than your need to feed it. However, we do enjoy what you would call delicacies and juices that are extremely tasty and satisfying. Your path will soon take you towards natural foods, and chemical additives will be a thing of the past. In fact they will be unnecessary, as when foods are grown in the correct environment you will find that they are far more tasty and nutritious. Yes, you have heard of food replicators and you could view them as an interim measure, until your needs are properly provided for.

We find you are slowly getting used to the idea of change, and ready to set your life on a higher level. Much of what you enjoy now is in many ways harmful, and why you suffer so much illness and discomfort. Strictly speaking, even now you should be able to go through life and maintain a healthy body at all times. It has been entirely your choice but you also have to experience the consequences of them. We must however admit that your dark Ones have followed a plan to keep you in an unhealthy state, through adulterated food and waters. Plus the immense degree of drug use, with the attempted elimination of natural healing methods. You have in fact coped quite well in the circumstances, and proved that you have immense willpower and wonderfully adaptable bodies. Much valuable information has been obtained this way, so your experiences are not wasted.

As you are beginning to realize, the changes ahead are numerous but all to your advantage by taking you into a new level of existence. But for the fact your progress has been held back, you would by now already be enjoying many of the benefits and life would be so much easier to deal with. The dark Ones have effectively kept you in a 3D time warp, whilst secretly using and enjoying them for their own advancement and military purposes. By doing so they have made you continue to toil and work hard for what is often a meager existence. Now you know why it is so necessary to rid the Earth of the dark Ones power and influence. Their day is all but finished, and you will not have much longer to wait before you see proof of what we tell you.

Knowing what awaits you should enable you to handle the present period of chaos, by seeing it as a necessary and unavoidable time of discomfort that must precede the New Age. Fear is as ever the biggest stumbling block to a smooth transition, and this is where those of you who are informed and aware of what is happening can be of great help. There are bound to be questions asked and few in authority will have the right answers, but you will. Without imposing your knowledge on other people, try to guide them onto the right path of understanding. A few words here and there can set off a line of thought that will lead people on to the right track. Understand that most souls already hold the answers within their subconsciousness, and just need waking up to it.

In the seeming turmoil around the world people recognize the urgent need for change, and when the right leadership emerges they will have no difficulty getting support. Our input should ensure that all proceeds well as at some stage disclosure will have been made, enabling us to help and advise the newly emerging government personnel. We oversee such appointments, as we obviously have the means to know all that needs to be known about any individual. Most importantly, we know the spiritual level at which people operate and their true intent in what they are engaged in. In doing so we observe the privacy necessary to avoid delving into your private life.

Dear Ones, you are wonderfully loyal to those you respect and we are pleased that many still hold President Obama in high regard. That is in spite of continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position, to show him in a bad light. Be aware that he is a great Being of Light, who is having to play a role that requires him to "play" along with the dictates of those who advise him. He has achieved a degree of success even although he has faced opposition all along. He needs your continued support and love, and you will see him blossom and take charge once he can fully implement his own policies without interference.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and bless you again for standing solidly against the attempts to divert your attention away from your path to Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light


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  • "Dear Ones, you are wonderfully loyal to those you respect and we are pleased that many still hold President Obama in high regard. That is in spite of continual attempts by the dark Ones or those who do not understand his position, to show him in a bad light".


    Only that discredits this channeler forever.

  • yes, i can clearly see the "Good" that Obama has done so far..change we can believe in..where is the change?? more troops in Iraq and Afeganistan despite saying otherwise..he"s" Good" is just to the Banks and corporations and his buddies and the Billions he already took for hinself..so he is going along with the bad guys in our favor?  give e a break..would you support or even order the killing of inocent people in the name of being a "light being undercover agent"?? would you bail out rich people, in stead of people that are in the streets with no job and no food? what kind of "light" being is this? his time in office is nearly finished and what has he done?? c"mon, wake up! he is related to the Royal family, Bush"s, clinton and others by blood; he has been a CIA asset and potential Future President since the 80s;both his mother and father has long ties with the CIA;he is arming the Drug lords in Mexico; the troops are not coming home, they are just going to be relocated to the next war, the usual take over of resorces, country and killing of their people(and the us army soldiers)..for the ones that still think he is a nice guy, he got into power in Chicago by getting read of the oposition by making the nunelegible to run against him..you Obama supporters like him so much because he uses a very orquestrated and smooth kind of Hipnotism, while you are awake..its forbiden to use outside of Medical supervision and clinics and he does it for the all world to see and get everyone in(just google obamas speech/hipnotism).

    Not really the Saviour everyone is looking for. If you work with criminals, you are also a criminal, end of story.

    He does not take decisions, he just read the telecast, with the desicions being made in the background by you know who..

    This Salusa channel and all the others who keep postponing the "divine" plan (Stankov, Dratzo!, higher council of this, higher concil of that) c"mon just desappear and give the people their power back and their chance to choose things for thenselves and make their own ascension, their happiness, their mission their own.No one on this planet can be sure of dates and even on what really is going to happen! everyone and their mission is diferent and you wont go untill you are ready for it, no matter how many channels, Aliens, etc tell  you otherwise. its your decision and your free will to do whats best for your life. how many people i see posting here how they didnt feel anything on 28th/10 , 11/11 etc..you were programed to expect this things , in wich a shift did happen, but not in the way people thought it would, feeling let down..well you know now..carefull with the desinfo channels; its just as misleading as the Maisntream Media sometimes..find what is good for you and get read of the rest, but never give your power away to anyone..we will never achieve anything or go anywhere if we dont believe we are a master encarnated, powerfull and already perfect..we dont need to ascend anywhere, a part of us is aready in the place we wan to ascend to..you just have to realize..





    own.no in parked
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