Eve Lorgen begins an in-depth series on MILABS & Super Soldiers on
"Shattering The Matrix" Radio. MILABS are people who get abducted by the Military usually right after experiencing ET encounters. It has been found, via speaking with the victims, that the US Military is working in conjunction with the ETs for mutual benefit and to further a dark agenda. Many people are given false memories and are made to believe everything is normal. These are abducted over and over again, sometimes for many years and for various purposes. The amount of people experiencing this is too numerous to ignore any longer! Many people are taken to underground bases, experimented on, tortured and brainwashed. Others are taken off-world. Many are turned into Super Soldiers.
This information is crucial to know, as this is all part of the darkness that this planet is under and is part of the empowerment necessary in order to regain our sovereignty.
Learn how these programs work, who is "abducted" into these programs, what happens to the abductees, and what a Super Soldier is. This series will also present solutions for the healing of the victims of these programs.
Please join us in the first part of this series with Eve Lorgen!
Visit Eve's website at: EveLorgen.com and pick up her books: The Dark Side of Cupid and The Love Bite
Join us at 2012Emergence.com for more matrix-shattering information!
Tune-in at 6pm PST/9pm EST this Saturday, August 3, 2013!
Click Link to listen to the show:
Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counseling professional, UFO/alien abduction researcher, Anusara yogi and writer. She began her pioneering work with alien abductees while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992. She also holds a BS in Biochemistry and worked in the Biotechnology industry for 7 years. Eve started a support group in 1994 in San Diego County, CA for experiencers of anomalous trauma and continues to consult with anomalous trauma clients worldwide today while living in Western North Carolina. She was a close associate of the late Barbara Bartholic and is dedicated in continuing and expanding the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner.
Anomalous Trauma is defined as traumatic events that are out of the normal range of human experience. These experiences may include alien abductions, near death experiences, shamanic initiations, military abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse. Early on in her career counseling alien abductees, she discovered a plethora of unusual experiences that often accompanied those who reported alien encounters and milabs. The most prominent aspect of Eve’s counseling and support is with those who are experiencing some form of alien or paranormal orchestrated love relationship issues, or what she calls “the love bite”.
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This is a great interview. Don't miss it!