Military Insider says Troops are moving into Position to Begin Mass Arrests of Cabal (Audio)
Short clip: (15 min)
5/12 Drake Addresses the U.S. Military on MASS Arrests of the Dark Elite - YouTube
Full version: (1 hr 46 min)
MAKE THIS VIRAL! Freedom Reigns-Mass Arrests for the cabal - YouTube
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I deeply hope this will happen as expected! What an incredible sigh of relieve this would be...
Indeed marianinia. I wouldn't publish this info, untill I finished the mission, but who knows... maybe is part of the plan.
Just keep your hopes up and if this doesn't happens don't lose faith.
Solarkid, How many times should things not happen, before we lose faith? 70 times 7?
Hooah!! So Exciting!! :D
If the paperwork was accepted to free this country, on 02/07/12 then why is Obama and his cronies still signing crap like they have been doing? And why even run for office if all those corrupt politicians keep campaigning? Its like they are completely unaware of this other facet of reality? How can you have a smooth transition when major government factions are taken out of office and or shut down? I hope they are, but it seems weird. Are we the teachers of the public for this, because you are going to have people freaking. Hey I am prepared. And I am not afraid of ET's coming in, I am cautious of the humans! hahahah they can get crazy.