I am Mira. I speak to you today from the Pleiadian High Council. We are here to let you know that we follow your earthly situations. Weknow your struggles and challenges. We monitor those of the Earth.
During the best of situations you fly in the higher dimensions with us, your Pleiadian ancestors. You might remember some of ourconnections. There are many and we stand side by side with you in ourexperiences. During the other times you slip and slide in your third dimensionalroles which currently seem obsolete to many of you. We agree that these feellike you are backsliding at times.
It is all in how you view it. Attitude is everything. At some point the third-dimension will come to a grinding halt for those of youwith the correct attitude. This means that you welcome change. Even if thechange is uncomfortable and uncertain to you, you know it is necessary. Youcannot retrace your steps and revert back to the old 3D way of living. You arealready changed in your consciousness and attitudes. There is help along theway. You must be open. This requires a willingness to step into the unknown. Itcould mean releasing all that is familiar. It takes some boldness and we knowthat you possess this trait.
Think of all of the joyful potentials that await you in a new reality. Imagine us being able to visit you openly and travel back and forthtogether. Perhaps our children could attend your children’s concerts and otherperformances. We can exchange cultures together. It works both ways. This ispart of how we will get to know each other. There is an art to it and weanticipate creative experiences.
We will be available for educational purposes in important areas of your lives. As each old institution and organization needs re-vampingwe can work together to help you find improved ways that will help them tosucceed. We only work together in co-operation and have no attachment to youdoing things our way. We share ideas. This is how we work. It always comestogether to serve the highest good. Perhaps this is one of the differences inour cultures. Your planet has groups of people who only want things forthemselves and not for others. It will be heartwarming for you to livedifferently, to see that life does not have to be about competition and greed.The need for money will cease to exist at some point. We have no need for it onour planet. This will be a relief for most of you. You will be able to take abreath and follow the energy of your heart in the direction of your divinepurpose.
It is wonderful that our destinies are linked together. This applies to other members of the space family for we are one. We have giftsand abilities that will serve you and the Earth. We look forward to creating ourworking relationships and to having a fun and pleasant time. You will find uspeaceful and helpful. In the future we will begin a whole new way of living. TheEarth will be a part of the great central plan of love and forward motion. Welook forward to sharing this with you as we explore the full range of our livingpotentials together.
Today, we wish you the best and send you great Light and love.
I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

In Conclusion
In some ways it can seem like the best of times and the worst of times. The changes are rampant and chaotic. We are making progress intothe higher dimensions. We are seeing the truth of the density of the thirddimension. For many of us this has been a long anticipated shift. Asuncomfortable as it can seem it is all worthwhile. The lessons need to belearned. We need to be freed from the restraints that have held us back frombeing our fully divine expressions of our Creator.
I align with you, ground crew, to be of service and to step forward faithfully into the Light of a new way of being and living on ourbeloved Earth. Walk with me into the future Earth, dear family of Light. Let usbecome the masters that we are intended to be and rise above the chaos, fear andcongestion into a beautiful, peaceful new Earth. Are you with me?
Blessings, love and Light,
Valerie Donner
Valerie Donner is the founder of The Ground Crew Website. She is a spiritual counselor, intuitive healer/reader, energy worker,teacher and channel. She is available to work with you to help heal the body,mind, heart and soul. She has been meditating twice daily for over 35 years. Sheworks with the Masters and Archangels, her guides and teachers to facilitatequantum healing. She has been doing this work for many people for many years. Ifyou have a need for guidance, a channeling, healing, or understanding, you mayreach Valerie at: *  925-287-8976 (In theU.S.)  * P.O. Box 5705 *  Walnut Creek, CA 94596 *  e-mail: valeriedonner@sbcglobal.net  * She does work over the phone as wellas in person.  * 925-287-8976, or tollfree in the U.S. 866-281-2402  *

The information on this website is presented for the benefit of humanity. All of this information is copyrighted by The Ground Crew and mustnot be used for any other proprietary purposes. Permission is granted forpersonal use only.
©2010 The Ground Crew  * Permission must be granted for any use other than personal. *  www.thegroundcrew.com  *  

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
5 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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