
  • We have always known that people are always transmitting various energies, and always receptive to various energies.

    One of the mechanisms of energy transfer, is through the eyes. The left eye is receptive to vibration, the right eye transmits. Doing the following meditation regularly will, over time, train you to be in the habit of looking into a person’s left
    eye. This will allow you to instantly “plug in” to their vibration, transmit yours, and avoid being unduly affected or influenced by energy coming through their eyes into yours.

    The mirror exercise develops: Concentration; Self-discipline; Your abilities to “read” higher frequency vibrations/”auras”; Your visual communication abilities; Your abilities to influence others via energies transmitted through the eyes; Your abilities to defend against others influencing you through the eyes; Awareness of previous incarnations of yourself and others; Your circumvent force (the area of vibrational influence that surrounds you like a giant aura).

    This exercise should be done in a darkened room, using a candle or two in front of the mirror you’re using. The mirror need not be large; as long as you can see your eyes it’s fine, although it’s more desirable to see your entire face. The mirror should be placed one to two feet from your face. If you can, burn a little pure (crystal, gum, or powder) incense before starting the exercise (Frankincense & Myrrh are strongly recommended if possible). You may either sit on the floor or in a chair, whichever is most comfortable for you; the important thing is to keep your spine straight & erect.

    To begin the exercise, look into the eye of your reflection that is on your right side (this would actually be your right eye) and start chanting a mantra. Refrain from blinking if you can, especially when you are seeing phenomenon or other faces (it can jolt you out of the altered state that is allowing you to see these things). Continue doing the exercise for at least ten minutes. A half-hour will generally yield more results.

    Selecting a Mantra

    Select a mantra (word or words used for chanting) that you feel drawn to. “Om” and “Yod-He-Vau-He” are both excellent mantras. A mantra helps develop concentration, and can affect you in many ways through the vibration of sounding the words. It can stimulate upper chakras, stimulate your attunement to the “sound current” of the Universe and thus Universal Consciousness, and invoke the energy of all the chanting that has been done throughout time, by those who have used that same chant. But it is also important that you understand the meaning of the mantra you choose, and it is best if it represents a profound idea or ideal. You may experience a great deal of phenomenon doing this exercise, i.e., seeing all kinds of faces from past lives, “auras” etc. Whatever you experience, stay focused on what you are doing, don’t allow anything to lure your attention away. You may come to experience what some call “The Dweller on the Threshold”, the hideous devil that is nothing but your selfish separate self, your fears, desires, etc., If you do, let me remind you that the Dweller is also “The Angel guarding the Gates of Eden”, and the only way you can pass, is through love, Unselfish Love. Look that beast right in the eye and love it. In this way you can transcend self and return to Paradise, Oneness with
    the Universal Spirit.
    • Perfect. I will let you know how it works out. What does this mantra mean - Yod-He-Vau-He?
      • It is the Hebrew name of/for GOD. Also known as the Tetragrammaton.
    • Wow, thanks Einstein for passing this along. Tonight I will try it, but if I see a gray alien staring back at me I don't know what I will do, haha....All kidding aside, this seems awesome and I am going to try this. Will let you know how it goes. My favorite meditation mantra is "No Ham" said repeatedly over and over. ( I am told it means I am that I am). I say this over and over when I go to sleep as a meditation and it immediately takes me to the most wondrous state of grace and sleep, and during the day it takes me to the state I want to be really quickly....I highly recommend this mantra (unless of course you love HAM and take offence to the NO part of it, hehe.....) Easy to remember too. Thanks again.
      • Just a precautionary note here: This is a very powerful technique and I'm pretty sure you will encounter some sort of hideous creature, but as it states above this creature is something that you created and no matter how hideous it might be, it IS an Angel!
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