After reading somethings. I can see why the rest of the Families out there in the world, would really worry about one of there family members apart of something that they don't understand. It is a scary thought for anyone here on Planet Earth, to worry about a family member gone missing. I think that most families in the 3D reality world, would really start to worry about anyone member of there family that was missing from them in the physical sense. I don't think that we can ever take that part of reality from someone who has families out there. I mean even those who are living alone in life, without being married and kids, have someone in there family that worries about them
When you find a group out there that talk about Spiritual matters, it is easy to be pulled into a kind of pattern thought base thinking. It is easy to get swept in, because everyone on Planet Earth wants to belong. That part is very understandable. However I don't think that one realizes after joining something like this, how the rest of there family would feel if they have been missing for a few days. The reason is this.
The normal average family in life, aren't always showing there affections towards one another everyday of there lives. Families in the 3D reality are a bit more complex then ones that we are joining in on. Families in reality sense are very real, because we can say that they won't miss us, but they really do
They really do care, and they really do worry about us, even if it isn't always shown. Real Families out there care, and worry about there members.
It is no wonder that a Family out there, would worry about there child and even Adult who has moved out of the home, as to where they are going and what they are doing, and who they are meeting up with. It is a scary world out there, and when we aren't with our own blood line family, we can get lost and caught up into a web that we can't get out of.
Sometimes our Family we are born into, can't always help us, when we get into trouble, or meet up with something that isn't healthy for us to be joining in on. Sometimes we have to know ourselves that this isn't good for us. We have to wonder what our family we are born into, would think about this
My heart goes out to all of the families out there, who are missing any members that have joined up with something that isn't good for them.
If you feel that you have been awakened to finding missing family members out there, any thoughts on this would be good
Bless the Nite,
Families and friends are nothing but the relation formed due to the debts to each other ... When the debt is cleared we part unknowingly or some times deliberately ...
The nature is planned in such a way ... think how many friends you had in you school days say 1st grade till 5th grade... your very very good and fast friends ... by now you must have even forgotten about them ... just memories in tits and bits .....
So what I want to say is dont get too involved in any relation but only relation with your TRUE MASTER and THE ALMIGHTY .... others are there just to clear debts ....
Frankly even your life-partner comes under that relationship ....
Let Love, Light and Divinity fill us ALL ........................
Hey Rajeshy, I respect your views on this. Yes I agree on some parts here about the friends thing. A lot of times it is said that we have debt which would called Karma to work out. However though Friends that come and go out of your life in reality is one thing. I can understand when you part ways with a friend in this life time, that it is basically due because of old Karma burning off.
However though we are born in to a real life Family here on Planet Earth, and those members of the real life family, may not even realize it, but they are missed when they go away from that family. I'm talking in a physical sense, because these are real emotions that one goes through in life, especially when it comes to real life family. I don't think that Spirituality or Cosmic can invade in this. Sorry to sound really blunt about this. Family is really important in the 3D sense, and this is world we are living in right now is real.
It may not be real to some, but it is real to those who are living in it, and for a blood related family line, to have someone missing from them in a physical sense really sucks. They aren't going to understand when you tell them things like it was due to old debt in a past time, when a member from there own goes missing, because of some Spiritual Quest they had been sent out to do. That just doesn't happen in reality. No, this family out there that has a missing member from them, are going to wonder what had happened and why they had went missing for. It's because our own blood relation cares about where we come from, and knows there members by name and as to how each person in there family are. They care about these things, and that is where personalities are important in the 3D sense
That is why we can't always throw caution out to the wind, and say we are all one for, because some families out there wouldn't understand what one is saying, when they have someone missing from them in a physical sense of the matter.
That is why my heart goes to the families out there, who have a member that is missing from there lives in a physical sense. IT is a shame that the families have to go without there loved one in that kind of sense.
I appreciate you responding to this, but don't agree with everything on it.
Life Long partners are sometimes meant to stay in our lives, whether we know it or not.
Husbands missing there wives that is something that is felt as well, and same goes vice versa. Wife missing husband as well
Bless the Nite,
Hi April,
I very well understand what you are trying to tell here ..........
Sorry if I have hurt you in any sense ...
But I will still keep to the point what I have said about all the relations...
Frankly it is what we have to learn , Even in many books I have read about spirit communications it is said that when we think of the departed in sad mood it also makes them sad ....
And also we have to learn this from inside and keep it inside ... I do not mean that we have to learn and say or act to our relatives that I do not care for you ....
It is such that we have to take care of them ... have to love them .... have to exchange of feelings ...
But but but not get to much involved in them .....
Now you will say how can we Love someone with out getting involved ...
Think carefully ... this is how the Saints ... the Siddhas.... Love people ... THEY Love everyone around them .... but go not get to much involved .....
It is little difficult to explain in plain words hope to understand what I want to say ....
Let Love, Light and Divinity fill us all .........................
Hey Rajeshy, No you didn't hurt me at all in this. I think that this is just a different take on what Missing Family members would mean in a 3D sense of reality. Not really like in a Spiritual sense, but what we are living in today.
I know there are a lot of amber alerts out there for things like this as well, and that is one of the great things about Technology today, it keeps us informed as to what is going on in our Society world.
I understand where this all comes in on a Spiritual Note of things
However this was about how family members who aren't on the path feel about someone missing from them. In other words what real families go through on a day to day basis when something happens to one of there members.
That can be a difficult period for them. I know for an example that my family would miss me very much if I wasn't around them in a physical sense
That sort of thing.
Nothing wrong with thinking about this on a higher level or anything like that, but this more like those who are living there reality of things yet
Bless the Nite,
Hi April ...
Thanks a lot for the response ..
I understand what you are saying .. and it is true very much ....
I like to look upon this in a slight different angle ... saying that to love... to care is my duty but my REAL LOVE is for the ALMIGHTY and MY MASTER .... ..
And looking towards it as a duty to fulfill and go ahead on the path we are all trending upon is main ...
Please I am not trying to argue with you on your point of attitude .. but we must learn to go ahead on the path .. rather than sitting down and cribbing about what we have lost or missing ...
We ALL have to walk ahead taking all as lessons in life ....
Bless us ALL
Let Love, Light and Divinity fill us all .................
Hey J, Thanks. That does help. I know there are Starseed Families out there as well. The thing though with Starseed Families, that one has to think of. Is that we aren't always in direct contact with them in a physical sense, which is y Telepathy can come in handy. :0)
As for the Missing Members of a family out there. I can understand as to why this would be a hard thing for them to understand these things, and as to why it happens for. I don't think we really think about the fact that we all come from our birth 3D family, until something happens. Kind of like we take it for granted at times that we have one, and that they are always there, but we have to realize that at times we give up to. Meaning that just because they don't understand the things we are going through, doesn't mean we can't talk with our families about these things.
I think that is why it is hard, when we lose a family member in a physical sense. We just always thought they would be there, and then when they aren't it's hard to imagine that they are missing from us
Thanks for your thoughts
Bless the Nite,
Good food for thought. Something to consider outright, the "body reality" of families, and as the same feelings/energies apply to larger non-biological families <3