Misunderstood and hated

I just recently had my awakening early this year and it was such a painful and confusing process for me.Especially that i had such heavy karma along with me.Thank God,my husband and family and some few friends were supportive..especially my spouse..our relationship has gone through such trauma amidst the complexity of the situation.He never left my side,our kids and especially God,Jesus,Blessed Mary,St.Michael,St Uriel,Sr.Raphael and all the angels struggled with me through this soul journey.I had to pray,meditate and do a lot of researching to understand myself better.It was all so hard for me..i must admit..at the same time wonderful knowing my Gifts.But,what i cannot understand was the pain,ridicule,insults,persecutions i had to go through..all the cyber bullying..the profane words,disgust,hatred,envy..of which i shouldered it all so heavily..the pain was so excruciating inside my heart especially knowing how people i am close to are ashamed of me and of what i've become and of how much i have been hated and treated so lowly.The more it became too painful when i had to hide deactivate my account in facebook because i can no longer handle the emotional and psychological trauma i experienced..by only expressing myself there and what i have gone through.It got so much to me and my health that i was rushed to the hospital...some mild heart problem and hypertension.I was so painfully drained with all the negativity from others and the energy i gave away in helping people heal and making them aware of this phenomenon.I did out of the purest of intentions and i must admit maybe being proud a bit for what i have maybe to spite people who hated me there for which i know was of my own doing.I have been facing my fears now..i returned there with a new account and has been finding inner peace within me..so hard but i have to do this because if i cannot express and create myself i might as well die.My poor husband and kids also suffered with me..and really breaks my heart especially for my loving husband. Up to now i know some have been stalking,hating and ridiculing me there but i just try to live each day with a tearful smile and joy in my heart for i know this is how i am designed by Our Creator..to fulfill this mission with a peaceful and loving heart.Love,Peace,Light and blessings..i am feeling more in sync,safe and with a sense of belonging here,everywhere i go had such a hard time fitting in without being misunderstood,hated and ridiculed even with those of the same race that i am and the same as we are or if some of them are not yet adept..thank you,Ashtar and fellow Star brothers and sisters.

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  • Thank you so much,Kelly..i can feel all of your Love,warmth,peaceful Spirit...you and the rest of ur Star Family are all such beautiful souls...i am feeling the positive and healing energies and because of this it enables me to expand this Love within my heart to others and all around me.Such joyful beauty of Loving.I Love you and the rest of our Star Family..i can now be my loving and joyful self here..~Love,peace,light and blessings,Kel~*~*God is Love and He is so good~*
  • Hi folks, Hi jamesryan, thanks for the heart felt reply. Well, shes a saint again today. I really do wonder if what some others say is true, about humans being manipulated in some way by an external force. Maybe creator of all that is heard my call.
    peace love light
    • Happy to know..Don't give up one her,VioletRay..you are Love..keep up with the Light and love..~*~
  • I am so much enlightened with your very informative reply,Commander LightSpeed..thank you so much for accepting me and welcoming me in our Star Family,we do need such loving and supportive website such as this,joining others like us.Yes,that is how i also am viewing the world right now..i have been through such Negative emotions.The desperation and helplessness..the hatred,fear,anger,envy and pain.And what is more we have to feel the energy with such intense pain that it reaches the very core of my heart.I still wanted to live long for my husband and kids.These people just does not seem to have such connection yet with their inner selves to know how it really feels.I have surrendered everything to Our Almighty Creator..they just would not seem to stop on me.. i am embracing it as a blessing anyway that i have some importance to them even if they do hate me so much.I agree with you that we are so far behind..because of how those who does not believe retaliate and push it all away out of fear.I am so happy and loved and loving to be a part here..souls connected..:)If it is okay i would like to post this message on my facebook notes.I am asking for you soul permission with such high regard,Commander Lightspeed.God bless and may the Cosmos bring us all Divinity,soul Love,Peace,Light and blessings! I am so honored to be receiving these very informative,resonating words of powerful wisdom from you and Our Almighty Creator.~*~*~*~*~*~*
  • Wow, a whole family? That's beautiful!
    • Thank you,Brav3h3art..we are assisting each other here through prayer,meditation,sharing our points of view and doing our part in researching as well.Love,Peace,Light and blessings to you and our Star Family! i am so happy to belong here..:)
  • Everything of all which you said are so true now,Sereyel..yes,i guess we should start one(a club),happy being different now from them and none of it matters anymore because i know i have you and the rest of our Star family.Thak you so much i am now happy and healing already,i will hold on to this,continue on..I will stand strong for you and the rest of us,Sereyel!Love you,dear one and the rest of us here!Love,Peace,Light and blessings always~*~*~*~*God is Love!
  • Thank you,Eagle..love to be a part of our Loving Star Family...Love to Love us all!i know i will be because we are all One..i can connect and healing myself already.~*~*~God's Love,Peace,Light and blessings~*~*~*
  • Yes,Anne..i can now stand up for what i believe in because of you and the others here..thank you so much..the Love from you and the others here are now resonating inside my heart.And i am feeling the pain replaced with a feeling of lightness.Very beautiful emotion.I can breathe and relax here and no longer be stiff,anxious,fearful,hurt and angry the way i used to.That carrying this negativity has been too much for me already and it is time to unload all the baggage.Grateful for your words of wisdom,Anne..i am learning a lot here.Love,Peace,Light and blessings!~*~*~*~*
  • I am so grateful and can vibrate positively with your words of wisdom.So gentle to the heart and very healing to the soul..beautiful words of advice from such a Loving soul. That i am now doing and it really does work wonders..i am taking every moment of Life..one soul step at a time..grateful that i am blessed and i no longer have to take this Gift as a curse because of what i've been through and of what others think about me.I now have you and the rest of my Soul and Star Family here.Praying for a peaceful,happy and loving soul journey with you.Love to be learning,healing from you and the rest of us here.We are all One..and now i am starting to heal and be loved,i am starting to overcome my fears,finding balance each step of the way..all of your concern really overwhelmed me.Thank you so much,James Ryan!~ Love,Peace,Light and blessings~..yes of course,Karen i think is a facebook friend of mine..our name resonates..:)
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