Abundance is not just money, most of us know that .. however, for the purpous of this thread, I would like the conversattion to center around money. It appears to me that most folks could do with a little more of the green stuff, even if its just for being able to go to the local store for a bottle of milk .. it still costs money to do that.

So in my understanding, Abundance is something you tune into. So if that is the case, then it goes to show me that a lot of people in the world are not tuned into their Abundance, hence the reason there appears to be so much poverty, illness and struggle in the world. Is that an illusion? .. yes and no.

I wonder if is it a combination of factors...In terms of financial abundance, do some people choose to come to this Earth with poverty conciousness because in a past life they had it all and so they reincarnated again and have decided to expierence the other side of the coin this time around, so to speak?

Why are some people filty rich while others have zero in terms of money? ... Are the rich people simply in vibrational alignment with their financial wealth while the poor of the world are out of sinc with their own Abundance?

Maybe wealthy people were poor in a past life .. who knows.

Whenever I read some of the channeled material concerning the prosperity program, such as the thing called Nesara, which is apparently supposed to be all in place and all systems go etc, I tend to switch off because nothing .. ever .. happens.

Where is the financial abundance we have all been promised by the likes of people like Sheldon Nidle? ..I have followed his work for a long time and I enjoy what he writes and yet I tend to wonder from time to time just how legitimate all of this stuff is.

Most of those messages are repetitive and perhaps designed to be so but that is not the point of this discussion. My point has to do with the Law of Attraction, vibrational frequency and how the correct use of energy can work for us, depending on where we are at in our conciousness or how it can work against us, again, depending on where we are at in our conciousness.

If we attract to ourselves what we are vibrating, then how will something like Nesara work if millions of people are not in tune with their financial abundance? .. If everyone is at different stages of Spiritual growth, then each person will expierence something different unless there is a mass awakening on the same level, at least that is how it appears to me.

I find this perplexing in a way. If someone is out of alignment with their own properity and financial abundance, then surely they are not going to attract it into their conciousness... therefore, a lot of those channeled messages do not concern those who are stuck or blocked in their conciousness.

If anything imaginable is possible, then is it also possible to manifest anything we can imagine? .. because to deny that is to limit oneself and thus create blocks along the path .. just like saying no it is not possible and driving a wedge inbetween belief and faith and knowing and accepting so on.

For example, no matter how much I visualise Godzilla, I simply cannot envision Godzilla manifesting .. however, if I am in vibrational alignment with the manifestation of Godzilla appearing in my back garden, and if I take all the steps nessesary in terms of visualisation and action then Godzilla MUST manifest in the back garden according to one of the principle Univresal laws .. the Law of Attraction .. otherwise the Law of Attraction is not true.

Where is this Nesara? .. to my understanding, it might exist .. because in my head I am not sure, I dont know if it is real or if it is just a big hoax. Maybe Godzilla will appear and I will find him there chewing away on the apple tree as I stare out of the kitchen window when I am eating my cornflakes in the morning .. maybe he wont ... if we send out mixed signals to the Universe, we will only recieve mixed results !

I like Sheldon Nidle because I believe that he believes in what he writes and that he truely wishes for the highest good of all and he believes it to be the truth. However, one persons truth may vastly differ to that of their neighbour and if the neighbour is not vibrating on the same frequency as someone like Sheldon, then they are going to have a completely different expierence, no matter what he says in his messages.

Now, I know that some people in this website are totally supportive of Nidles work and some people are not ... Personally, I am supportive of him as a soul, as a person, a human being who believes in the highest good of all but I am also aware that each person creates their own reality and therefore may not create the never ending supply of abundance that he speakes about, until they are in tune with it.

Where is the new prosperity that we have been reading about for years?.. Maybe the question should be, where is the balance within everyone to enable that flow of abundance to enter into everyones lives?

People are not centered, that is the reason why things are out of balance...

I dont see any signs of this so called Nesara, only what I have read about in this website over the years. I dont believe everything I read but I am prepared to give everything a fair chance and if it resonates, then fine, otherwise it goes into the recycle bin.

Is it because the Governments of the world are keeping the masses under control from claiming their devine power and keeping the people of the world well away from accepting their abundance or is it the other way around? ..  Perhaps people themselves are keeping their abundance away from themselves because they have given their power away and are too afraid to accept themselves as devine, all powerfull co creators building a new Earth out of the ashes of the old one.

To my understanding, the Creator dose not care whether you are wealthy or whether you are poor .. its only concern is what you put into it because whatever you put into it is what you get out of it. If you want to learn to play the Guitar, then you will only get out of it what you practice putting into it. In fact the Guitar is a good analogy if we are talking about being in tune.

I know Abundance is more than just money and I see it has a lot to do with acceptance .. because people feel unworthy of claiming their abundance and that could tie into a whole load of karmic and past life stuff. This discussion is about the green stuff and you are most welcome to add your own thoughts and opionions on the subject. Do you feel worthy of having enough money or do you feel you deserve more? .. Are you happy within yourself and feel money is not such a big deal in your life? .. Can you live happily without a penny or do you need to make an income or some sort? .. Would you like to have more money or can you live off the land? .. Can you see yourself living in a cave, eating berries and drinking water from a stream or do you feel the need to possess a steady supply of spondoolicks? ... Money is just an exchange of energy but what is your energy about when it comes to food, clothes and a roof over your head? .. These are just a few of my present understandings, thoughts and ideas .. I am not saying I am right or wrong and I dont mind standing corrected if it resonates . .. so feel free to contribute .. the floor is yours ..

P.S. I have chosen to moderate this discussion so anything negitive will not be allowed .. so .. have a nice day... yall.. !

Godzilla. .. I hate how all of the funny stuff like this is buried under tons of thumb whores.

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  • Yes, abundance is a state of mind and a state of beingness.....

    As sovereign beings, full citizens of the GFL have access to unlimited funds, as a matter of birthright....Simply being sovereign and sentient being, upon the cosmic degrees, entitles each to the full fruits of wealth....Noting that wealth is but a means, but a tool, but an energy, to be employed in service to assist the common good.....The "Commonwealth of Cosmos".....which is another term used to define the GFL, along with the "Lighted Union"...aka, Galactic Union...

    Simply being born into citizenship gives each the right to funding....One serves one's life contract, not for money or wages, but as a duty to the clan, and/or the star nation....The funding, the means, are a given.....

    Money per se does not exist among fully conscious beings...They have no need for money, as they can create anything needed.....Technology is key...that and the powers of manifestation....

    Yet the natural resources of the Federation are vast and owned in common....There is only a collective ownership, YET, some actually seek to own scoutships of their own....A concept acccepted in practice...


    The exchange of goods and services does exist in a form, that is based on the princliples of societal gifting...The gifting of an individual, or a clan, for services rendered, as an act of gratitude....

    For example, our beloved Sirians did gift an honoured member of a fellow GFL star nation a prized Sirian scoutship, for his lifetime of services to the lighted cause on earth's evolution....decades past...

    That was the Plejare known as Sfath, who was the grandfather of Semjase and father of Ptaah, who did received a Sirian scoutship, from Vashtar of the Sirian Samanet peoples.....(Samanet is Sirius B4.)

    This gifting of a highly valuable technology between GFL star nations, was described at the link provided...

    Wealth can take many forms and a scoutship is priceless in earth human terms, because of it's potential usefulness...


    Notice that the Plejare, Ptaah, tells Billy Meier that the Samanet peoples are humanoids, which nullifies the fake propaganda that Sirians are reptoids...

    This contact report has endorsement for it's truthfullness...




    Moreover, Billy describes the scoutship as "pear-shaped," noting that such craft are actually spheroids, so a close approximation placed by him...in the language correspondence...


    Here is a triad formation of Sirian craft in flight....Just imagine the wealth these beauties would fetch on the open market, if they were ever sold to earth humans....?? In practice, these are freely used by qualified pilots...





    The Future Of Mankind - A Billy Meier Wiki - Contact Report 311
  • "If you feel poor, then I guess thats what you attract"

    I were rich, but I attracted the eyes of the Cabal, and they changed my immediate environment into forced poor'ity.
    I have products that can sell by the millions, but I have no legal way of presenting them to the world right now.

    "on the other hand, if you feel abundant, then abundance comes flowing into your life"

    that may be, but in a world controlled by the Cabal, it isn't that simple.

    Although, I DO have the ability to get rich again. All I have to do is to build some undetectable "Anti-Washington"-bombs for Al Qaida.
    I KNOW how to do that, but... I don't want to.

    So, poor'ness will have to be my Forté until I'm once again allowed to run a business in the Legal World.

    "the Universe always provides and all your needs are met"

    All my TRUE needs ARE being met. I have food, I have trees (heat) and I have wild animals (meat) that loves me.
    if I scale back my demands of what life is really about, I'll live in a total paradise.

    No internet, no phone and NO bullsh!t. ;)
    So, in that aspect you're correct.

    Problems arise however, the moment you want something more than just the essentials of survival.

    "its just a matter of perspective and what you focus your energy on"

    Don't tell Me that. Tell it to These people http://www.canadiancatechist.com/?p=333
    They need to hear that more than I do. ;)

    "hope you're not on bread and water for too long bro"

    Compared to many others in this world, I am living in an absolute paradise already.

    Please Help Iraqi Christians!!! Caution, Graphic Images!!!
  • "I think you can buy a new laptop for around $200 or $300 these days"

    That may be, unfortunely that is far too much money for me. Come back when you have something at 1/10 of that cost and we'll do biz. ;)

    "or a good Sony VAIO for less than $400"

    Jesus Christ.. Do you know how many months I'd have to save "hardcore", to be able to get $400 to spend on anything other than food and electricity?
    I'd have to eat nothing but water and bread for 6 months.

    ". although I am sure Macintosh is cool .. :-) ...."

    I'd eat a small child before I'd allow a Macintosh to enter my home. ;)

    "Here I am working away on my PC ...."

    Ooo, that wouldn't be one of those nice and old "klicking"-keyboards would it? (I miss those. I grew up with them) :)

  • §§§

  • 8116379896?profile=original

  • you are funny ... i was speaking more about our 'social control based on currency' ... before it was bronze, silver, gold ... now it's paper ... nothing much change ... well except our clothes maybe and some ... ;)) if all of us move in to the forest ... there wouldn't be any civilization left, no art, music, painting, science, no paper to write and etc  ... and if one don't have the money it makes people bitter and than eventually it reaches the heart, and it becomes poison ... based on recent currency system - it's difficult to attain knowledge, education to follow dreams ... who knows what future hold for us, we are not there yet ... but at this moment the the lack of money is 'evil' ... well in my opinion anyway ... ;))

    nice tune Luke ... ;))

  • Luke...I think you have  good point there...

    yes...PM me your address and I will send it...

  • Luke...OK, I will relax a bit....hugs.....

  • ~Arrogance? No... looks like a simple misunderstanding, Barry. Didn't occur to me that when 'text-wall' was used that you guys meant my post wasn't formatted correctly... I thought Acute felt it was just too long. Nonetheless, I think there's something up with the systems you guys are using as well, as when viewed through my Mac, all the text is clearly separated into paragraphs etc. I've actually viewed the post through a few different devices now & everything looks fine. Well... as they say, Macintosh is the far superior product.

    Whoops... was that too arrogant? Sorry ;-)

    • "I think there's something up with the systems you guys are using as well,"

      No kidding... ;)

      My 'puter is 8 years old and it will be another 3 before I can afford to replace it. Until then, I'll just keep on bitching when I run upon things that my 'puter have a hard time handling. ;)

      PS. I'll be putting up a kickstarter-page very soon. I'm in need of donations to be able to keep up my good work, and it's time for the lightworker community (and others) to begin paying me for all the neat services I will then be able to continue to provide. :)

This reply was deleted.

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