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"Thanks guys-"
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"
Revised comment;#2 & #3Many of the Awakened lightworkers and even the newly awakened have been searching for not only the Divine Plan but also for there own personal Ascension Plan. There are many different paths that one can take out-there.Every…
https://By Derek Knauss March 8, 2025 THE PLEIADIANS Caylin, a representative of the Pleiadian collective, is a guiding force in humanity’s ascension process. The Pleiadians, known for their benevolent and higher-dimensional wisdom, are assisting…
"NO ceasefire, surrender without compromise or destroy this Nazis nest to the last one with daily the amazing Oreshnik Hypersonic Missile…"
"Good footage as usual AE."
Revised comment;#2 & #3

Thank you dearly DrCarla, I am very gratefull to you indeed.. :-)
I shall listen to the call later today, I have to use an internet cafe tommorow because my computer is jamming and slow to upload, but I am very, very interested in this and I would love to talk with you more about it.. I will get in touch with you via your website and I hope we can talk soon..
This is deeply facinating to me DrCarla, I have heard of the White Powder Gold many times but the prospect of being able to (as you say) ''clear all the toxic debris within your cells, Immortalize your blood, attain such a serene state of poise and inner power, manifest whatever you desire, charge your water, and food with this material'' is very appealing to me.
May I just ask you one more question in this thread before I reach you via your website? I am wondering, and I hope you dont mind me asking you this, but how do you mean by ''Immortalize the blood''?
hope to hear from you soon, with warmest wishes of Love and Light to you, always ...
Luke :-)
Dear Luke: I speak of this in detail and tell the story of how this discovery came about, on that archived conference call that I hope you can listen to. Also, youtube had the video of Dr "Bob" C Beck talking about it in '96 or '97. His companion, a friend of mine nqmed Jane Stilwell, had called me to relate the story when the info of the experiment came to them...I have it on an audio tape somewhere, but I definitely saw him on a youtube video relating the story. His full name is Dr. Robert C Beck.....Dr "Bob" Beck
Then, there's the other info I've not related yet about the TRUE Philosphers stone...which is red, not white.
Lots of good news coming!! Thank You for your enthusiasm with my work.....DrCarla
Dr Carla's Natural-Sourced Mono-Atomic Powders of Gold are heavily saturated with authentic "High Double Digits of Milligrams" they are rich in monoatomic Gold, Rhodium, Iridium. Her "White and Pink Powders of Gold" are a Warp Light Speed Formula to clearing the heart Chakra of toxic emotional debris. With the 'White Powder of Gold' all energy systems are activated for a tremendous High Spin State of Being and is the True Foundation for jump-starting the process into the higher dimensions. She has a totally unique system which is a 5 point protocol system for igniting the Ascension Process to de-tox the entire body into the sub-atomic layers of cell structure in the subtle body and gets rid of all your mutant DNA.
You people need to go back and read what Dr Carla wrote on the previous page and what she is offering you, because you do not understand what you are involved with if you are purchasing anything other than the real deal that is totally natural authentic WPG and is very powerful stuff.
Liquid formulas are diluted and are not authentic and most websites selling you 'so called' WPG cook their stuff up in a laboratory process that is 'man made' and is not 'natural' and you do not know what you are getting for the sake of someone that is not a Doctor selling you something to make money from a false story about David Hudson that is perpetuated from people who don't know what they are talking about. Hudson is a charlatan, liar and a thief coming from a dark entity for his own self serving endeavor. Dr Carla has more knowledge, information and understanding about monoatomics than anyone can offer you and has the only real product that comes from an actual gold mine that you will ever find available that is off the charts. It has saved many peoples lives and proven this over many years. You are wasting your time and money if you mess around with anything else.
It is my advice to be VERY careful with anything you ingest. I have read that mono atomic gold can be addictive in a way. and it may destroy a persons DNA from the bottom up; therefore actually hindering your ability to move into the higher, and much less heavy densities. My studies have indicated that the recipe for such; was stolen by Thoth from the Emerald Tablets in Ancient Egypt; and there is punishment for using it due to the breaking of the Law of One. Do you understand? If I am correct, there may be some lasting damage. I've never been 100% sure of the things I dig up from the ancient manuscripts, etc.., because I'm learning through my own perceptions; but, this was an important enough subject for me to bring up, for all of you to decide on. It may be better to wake up naturally.
Thank you,
Dear Lorraine Anderson: Thank you for your comments and therefore the open opportunuty to correct your complete mis-understanding of this subject...especially pertaining to my particular "White Powder of Gold Products" because I have several COLORS of Mono-Atomic Powders, and had a complete line of Homeopathic Formulas based on the various colors of powders for various conditions. These were prepared (In 1996) and private labeled at an accredited FDA Laboratory where all their Homeopathics are HAND SUCCUSSED 100 times, each element, against a Sacred Bible Verse...just as was done a few hundred years ago in Germany by Hanneman, the Father of Homeopathy. Homeopathic Medicine is one trillion percent complimentary.....NOT POISENOUS. My products are very labor intensive, not a molecular "imprint" from a replicating "frequency" device to produce a cheap picture of elements infused into a 10% alcohol based water imposter for the real deal. My Mono-Atomic Powders correct mutant DNA....Instantly....hear this clearly now...INSTANTLY, &, balance the right and left hemisphere of the brain, INSTANTLY. This was proven years ago at a Clinic in Switzerland that tested a conterfit product that had been infused with my products energy pattern and the results were outstanding. Imagine what could happen if you, or anyone else, used the genuine sourced product that only I have? A lady in Australia used my products and my Protocols that are explained in detail on the Archived Conference Call that I invited everyone to take advantage of...her result? Her small son, aged about 6 at the time, is now 99.99% normal in all brain tests and activity from a SERIOUS CASE OF AUTISIM....think of the magnificent possibilities, Lorraine, for those of us who are not 6 or 7 years of age and do not have autisim caused by deadly mercury poisening from vaccinations. And on another note: Please take my 39 years of in depth study all over the world, that our Beloved Toth never stole anything long ago here on planet earth, or any other planet in any other galaxy, quadrant or planetay system, EVER. Please, give yourself the gift of common sense, down to earth really good information that is found in the 2 1/2 hour Conference Call that I have archived just for you, and others like you, that are on the noble path to enlightenment at one of my web-sites: 661-673-8609 pin 488708#....Invest a couple of hours of your time that covers subjects that has taken me 39 years to put together in a simple, easy to understand concept. As far as staying young with my products, be assured I've taken more of the White Powder of Gold own...more than any human on the planet, and my photo here was taken by my youngest son (8 years old at the time) just a few days before my 63rd. the end of this month I'll be 69 and still feel at least 39, and getting younger. There's a very good reason I offer products under the label, Age Reversal Tecnology, for Life...aka A.R.T. For Life. Thank you for this opportunity to share just a sliver of light that I hope everyone reading this will be curious enough to take the initiative and listen to my information, and may no one ever know through experience of their own, the treacherous horrors I've endured in order to survive & to bring this information into the public domain...Richest Blessings to you, now and Forevermore. Dr Bozajeski
Thank You, Mr. Ed...please allow me to give the correct number to call in order to listen to the archived Conference Call that is 2 hours + of what I consider valuable information which includes comments on how to Immortalize The Blood and how to use my products that are O.R.M.E.S. NOT ORMUS, the man-made product that does not contain the Sacred Elemental Substance called "Electro-Magna-Etheric Properties". Archive number at is: 661-673-8609 access pin: 488708# It would take several Conference Calls of several hours to explain the true story of this discovery of mine, which began in November of 1972, in Argentina, and culminated in August of 1994, which opened the chapter of the story of actually finding the powder in gold mineing activity in the California Mother Lode area where the Gold Rush of 1849 began. If there is enough interest I could plan a special Conference Call just to focus on the information and background; my collaboration with Dr Robert C Beck...Dr "Bob" Beck who speaks about the syndrome we called "The Immortal Blood Syndrome " on one of his youtube videos from the middle '90's...or maybe it was around 1997 or 1998...There is, and has been so much dis-information and mis-information over the last 17 years, that I would love to give background revelations on what really happened between David Hudson and I, his Chemist Dr. Don Carl Dukes & his assistance to me...a most unusual story that is still going forward today to enhance the Acension process...Thanks Mr. Ed !!