Monsanto is at it again

Dear Friends, This is a matter of the most serious consequence for all of us.Nowhere in this bill does it state it applies only to food for re-sale.It refers to all food grown anywhere - including in our own gardens.Please call your Senators and Representatives, the White House immediately. Please share this information with everyone you know.Our capacity to feed ourselves without poisonous chemicals and genetically engineered foods is at stake. Imagine that we would not be permitted even to organicially garden in our own backyard. You may be subject to $1,000,000 in fines if you do not tell the government about every stick of celery you plantSubject: House & Senate will vote on bill to end organic gardeningFor goodness sake any sane person know why?House and Senate will vote on bill to end organic gardening.. . HR 875!n the name of freedom,Friends,Please pass this around. It is Senate Bill 875 and Senate Bill 425. We need to get the provisions out that effect organic farming. Or get a protection in it. A call to your representatives both Senate and House will help.____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _THIS IS REAL, FOLKS! PASS THIS ALONG TO ALL CONCERNED ONYOUR MAILING LISTS & CALL TOMORROW!Subject: House and Senate bills to kill all organic farms (FAST track bills in 2 weeks)Food Safety Modernization Act (HR 875): Criminalization of Organic FarmsBills are:House H.R. 875 S 425 YOU LIKE A GARDEN OR BUY ORGANIC FOOD YOU BETTER GET ON THAT PHONE TO YOUR CONGRESS CRITTERS N O W !There is an enormous rush to get this into law within the next 2 weeks before people realize what is happening.Main backer and lobbyist is (guess who) MonsantoBill will require organic farms to use specific fertilizers and poisonous insect sprays dictated by the newly formed agency to "make sure there is no danger to the public food supply".This will include backyard gardens that grow food only for a family and not for sales.THIS IS DICTATORSHIP in any way you look at it.If this passes then NO more heirloom clean seeds but only Monsanto genetically altered seeds that are now showing up with unexpected diseases in humans.There is a video on the subject. name on this outrageous food plan is Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009(Really makes it sound like the feds are trying protect us. LIES )Let me be crystal clear here......This has NOTHING to do with food safety.This is only about TOTAL CONTROL by the feds in our lives.Get on that phone Monday and burn up the wires.Get anyone else you can to do the same thing.The House and Senate WILL pass this if they are not massively threatenedwith loss of their position.... . they only fear your voice and your vote.

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  • Thats just the dark hats again, they have an agenda to poison us, its not enough
    to also want to enslave us and ruin our lives. Monsanto wanted to introduce their
    seeds here in Germany and the government already said no to one type of their seeds.
  • Hi from Germany,
    shocking message!!!!!!! What is happening in the U.S.???? Ithought that under Obama things could only be better.
    But this sounds like war against the own people living in the USA.

    I hope and pray for you all that this crap-decision will definately be prevented!!!

    ORGANIC food for ALL!!!!!!!!
    Love, peace, trust and special help from the higher realms for all of You!!!!
    • I think this is not Obamas working at all, but of the old bushites box gang members,
      which will soon be totally gone from government
      • "....but of the old bushites box gang members,
        which will soon be totally gone from government"
        Sorry, Thomas not true (yet!)

        Obamas Inner circle is filled with Bilderbergers:
        Timothy Geithner- Treasury Secretary
        Paul Volcker - Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
        Rahm Emanuel - Chief of Staff
        Lawrence Summers - National Economic Council.
        David Axelrod - Senior Advisor
        Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State
        Joseph Biden - Vice President
        Bill Richardson - Commerce Secretary
        Robert Gates - Defense Secretary
        Tom Daschle - Health Secretary
        Eric Holder - Attorney General
        Janet Napolitano -Homeland Security Director
        Gen. James L. Jones _ National Security Advisor
        Susan Rice- U.N. Amabassador

        Thomas, Obama needs to go as well as his NWO, Bilderberger, CFR, Trilateralist cronies!!!

        I know their time is limited but their "end" cannot come soon enough. It is time for the positive CHNAGE we were all seeking and wanting and not what was sold to the American people and the people of the world who by and large (being mostly asleep) bought it hook line and sinker!
        • yes thats true, they must leave soon

          the reason why Obama has so many of those dark hats around him now,
          first it protects himself best and secondly its the best way to let the dark hats
          trap themselves in front of the whole world
          • An update about Obama, the reason why he sometimes seems to suddenly change his
            mind, there are still some dragons left in inner earth and sometimes they come up and
            lean on Obama to change his policies and when the dragons go back inside earth they
            get tracked by the GFL and then caught. From what I heard latest, now at least 70%
            of them have been caught (the -dragons- are about 40" to 50" tall, probably draconians).
  • This is a serious issue.. I just want to cry.....
    • There is a section in the bill that talks about penalties for food safety violations. I think it would be best if people would just read the bill because if farmers encounter a misstep in food production, it could spell big fines for them. Big-time food factories like Monsanto who are into genetically-modified (GM) foods would obviously benefit from this.



      (a) Civil Sanctions-

      (1) CIVIL PENALTY-

      (A) IN GENERAL- Any person that commits an act that violates the food safety law (including a regulation promulgated or order issued under the food safety law) may be assessed a civil penalty by the Administrator of not more than $1,000,000 for each such act.

      (B) SEPARATE OFFENSE- Each act described in subparagraph (A) and each day during which that act continues shall be considered a separate offense.
    • yes the last fact is truth, its not gone through yet and most likely will not ever do so

      I just wrote a message I got in email, to warn people about whats happening,
      I myself believe they will not get it through, although many lobby hard, in the end
      it will be in vain because the dark cant win
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