Channellings via a channel that I consider to be reliable (Mark Kimmel) talk about how our moon was moved into place artificially, and about how this has affected Earth and women's menstrual cycles.
I am curious to know if anyone else has come across info about this.
Monthly menstruation seems so inconvenient and unnecessary.
I bet our ET friends don't have to put up with it. Or at least, not in the same way.
And I bet they don't have to take artificial hormones and get their partners to wear rubber sheaths to avoid conceiving. By the sounds of it, unwanted pregnancies are a non-issue in ET civilisations, and pregancy only occurs by choice.
Any thoughts or info to share about this? Have Earth women always had a monthly cycle?
How astute of you to recognise that there is something not quite right about the female energies/menstrual cycle here on earth, and how the moon is connected to all of this. I will refer to to some talks given by George Kavassilas who gives a very detailed explanation on this subject. It is one that I agree with wholeheartedly as recognise it as truth for me.
Watch them through - you will find your answers. If you resonate with the information I would encourage you to view the others in the series :)
Our Enigmatic Moon
My point is this... I'm doing away with the conventional science thinking of "oh we've just had the right amount of this, the right amount of that, hence we developed life here." No way. It was because of the moon that we developed life here? I really wouldnt think so. I do know that the moon does have its affect, tides, transport of heat, plant n animal cycles, etc. But look at the evidence. This is infact conventional scientist discovery. When NASA plummeted one of their probes into the moons surface, the entire sphere pinged like a hollow ball for over 12 hours after that. Also, the moon is the oldest body in our solar system...WHAT!!!???!! How can that be?? Alex Collier, the andromedan contactee, who I feel has some very good info, says that our moon was transported from a star in Ursa Minor(or major) from a sytem which contained 21 planets. Our moon was one of the four moons from the 17th planet according to him and the andromedans. Guess what happens when you put a small planetoid around the orbit of a life bearing planet??? It starts affecting its various cycles. Hence we're back to the topic about how women have to menstruate every month because of the moon.
Well I do not know the exact science behind it. But if Civilizations have had millions of years to evolve before us on this planet, wouldnt you think that they'd have evolved the technology to create new planetary objects and stars much less move them? Our planet has been subject to an intense negative agenda for quite a few thousand years. Hence our short term memory loss of who we actually are. But things are changing now...people are waking up at a massive pace.
Love and peace