It seems more and more people are loosing their inner cool and are argumentative, abusive, impatient, some in fear, some just fed up, loosing trust, having late nights, some shopping and buying items just to cheer them up, eating at irregular times, sleeping less or sleeping too much, have carving for certain type of food at a certain time, rushing here and there, some in near state of panic, some talking aloud in public places, forgetful, loosing items, worrying too much, careless, dropping things, shouting, over eating, some drinking too much and some smoking to much, some not listening and some in their own World, most trying to make money by any means, most getting tired very quick, some deceiving and lying, people on the edge, a lot more
in the ‘olden’ daze..this was called PURIFICATION...similarly ‘Initiations thru: fire/air/water/earth..four elements.
this is very complex simplify from what i have gleaned from spiritual studies..ancient wisdom from
White Brotherhood..Yoga Philosophy of Pantanjali et order to Evolve..Ascend to ‘higher’ planes..from 3rd
‘earthly’ ‘physical’ existence..we need to go through process. Some souls who have ascended choose to return
to this ‘plane’ to help/guide those still ‘stuck.’ feel this is an important topic to discourse & examine. most of it boils down to ‘common sense’... how best to ‘work through the negative..the ‘dirt’ accumulated passed on from earthly ancestry. many here on this site have knowledge and ability...hope to meet and share with like-minded others.
from Joyana Suwati Brookmeyer
Wow great posting, Ravinder :) Personally I am in a quiet space right now... although some energies may try to batten me down I am feeling very calm, happy and peaceful. LOL, maybe this is to do with the fact my energy is very low right now, I cannot feel my chakras, my inner awareness is not "turned on", and I cannot feel the people around me as I usually do. I feel strong physically, like I could run a marathon... I either have to remind myself to eat for days at a time or I eat out of boredom but I don't feel the "need" for food like craving sugar or salt as I used to. My customary habit of waking up at 5 am after "night lessons" has ended and I am sleeping full nights more often.
I am sure this feeling will change but for now I am the Eye of the Storm... my heart is large and my ego is small (ish) lol... and the biggest change is that I don't feel as though I am running out of time to research/learn/prepare. Not sure why but that is how it is :)
How about you Ravinder?
i agree I started shifting about four years ago and i have come to understand that everything that you where and was will be unraveled and transformed and moved to a higher vibration. when parts are moved within it can be unnerving because there are parts within that have sat deadlocked for years and when that hits the light things change, and sometimes the change is so fast that the conscious mind does not know what is going on....spirit understands what is going on, but still the evolving can be challenging....
beliefs will unravel and old patterns will be shed like the skin of a snake
the mind will expand
what we didn't know before we will come to intuitively understand....
I was telling someone else on this forum that it can feel like you are passing through the eye of a needle to quote the bible......i personally am looking forward to the final dewormings of myself
Hi folks, Hi ravinder, well today at the park I noticed what could be considered chaotic energy in people and various activities I will not mention, though at the same time, many people are peaceful as well, including me.
Though I AM not a person, I AM infinite consciousness experiencing this dimension through this so called physical body and I can say I AM much more peaceful, compassionate,loving and joyful no matter what (appears) to happen around me.
Also, I'm not sure if this chaotic energy was at this park to try and counteract my radiating of peaceful, loving energy or if they were there to absorb some of this light energy.
I would like to hope that they are trying to absorb the love energy that I resonate the park with, rather than trying to counteract it.
peace love light
Hi hi HI....The energy of these symbols sure does reach deep.....WU WU WUunderful.
Huge blessings of LOVE, LIGHT & HARMONY xxx :-D
I can agree on what you´ve seen, and share the same viewpoint. But also, a human transformation. Not just in others but also my self. Even I have irregular living, but I compensate most of that with light healing. And come across a balance in nature. To the point of light food, light living, light healing, light breathing.
The most focus humans have is getting inputs from the world surrounding us. Which affects us in many ways of our living. It counts in of what demands our surrounding world have on us, which raises the inner bar of our own demands.
For example: If my boss wants me to achieve more deadlines over a time, then I must achive more than I can compensate with. This tends to raise the demands within the mind. Each way, something is lost, while other win new ground.
Too much stress from the surrounding area cannot compensate what the body can tolerate in certain situations which ends up in diseases. Its up to each and one of us to have the power of our individual soul to say "NO". I need time to balance this out.
This summer and spring I´ve been working on phasing out bad relations that affects me, since I as individual soul need to take care of my own inner spirit / body and mind, than care for others. I need the balance too, like rest of us. Giving and giving without getting back anything doesn´t give me a good share. So I closed down the soul side to other. Unless it requires a demand of it. But at a time like this I could share some of the knowledge of my life.
I can admit, I´ve been scared of my self, been in panic state when alone, eating at irregular time, but everything for me has a cause. Just like eating.
Went from 115kg to 83 in over a year of time. Eating less portions than average. And I never eat my self full, since I know that I don´t need to eat that much, pending on how much energy I need ahead. I soley take in more healing energy from nature that feeds me as well. Even self healing from my feets and up. As and example on "McDonalds: Big Mac & co is to big. so I choose a cheeseburger, small coke, or small strawberry shake." or at home, a bowl of natural cornflakes & milk. Without sugar or any addings. Just one bowl keep my energy up for 3-4 hours.
Large plates or bowls tends one to get sleepy.
More sleeping or less sleeping, pends on how much I can meditate during the day. The more I meditate, the less I feel that I don´t need to sleep.
Coffee or tea keeps me awake, so I never or rarely drink coffee or tea. Used to drink tea alot when I was loosing weight and took 3-4 long walks every day for a year.
Even if this might be irregular, I´am quite satisfied with my lifestyle. When one demands less, it take less energy to gain more.
And over a 20 year period since I first started meditate. I´ve learned alot, as an example. Follow up and keep up to date on global progress and channeling and such. Using the inner light, and balance it up when I want to recess. And keep world topics/demands outside.
And everybody need money, to get food on the table, and roof over yer heads. Some ppl. work more to achive their dreams and goals in life.
We´re all different, but uniqe souls on this planet, and we should cheerish, respect, bow, and salute us all. That we´re a part of something big, but small in a massive universe.
- Namaste.
Most surface humans are getting worse and doing even more wrong things thinking either the World is coming to an end or thinking they can do what they like NOT KNOWING THAT THEY ARE BUILDING MORE KARMA AND SOME WILL LOOSE THEIR ASCENSION CHANCE as now is the time to get in the mode of Goodness...SO INSTEAD OF KEEPING THEIR COOL THEY ARE loosing their cool and later they will find they have to much karma and will not be allowed in 5th Dimension New Earth......WHAT A PITY