Moron, the dark lord of stupidity

Heis the bringer of dumb, the harbinger of delusion, ignorance anddarkness. The caretaker of mumbo jumbo, hocus pocus and gobbledygook,who's shadow we are all born under.

Hisdeciples the morons do his work, spreading dumb, being dumb, anddoing dumb. Dumbness envelopes us all in a great dark cloak ofignorance. For these are the dim ages, of belief and delusion. Thepillars of morons evil work abound across the earth, imaginarybeings, unsustainable economics and destruction of life for profit.

Moronfeeds on the fantasy lives of billions of humans, as the gropethrough the glory of existence hobbled by collective stupidity,blinded by ignorance and crippled by lies. Unless we fight them,morons will destroy us and our home the earth. Moron will make youand your children stupid. Morons will believe anything and will killyou if you don't believe it as well.

Moronsare everywhere and the dark lord moron is making more every day. Nowis the time to stand up to this force of evil and just say NO to it'ssystematic control over the human race.

Moron,who believes without question.

Moron, who has faith butno facts.

Moronwho claims that a higher hand guides them to do dumb, and encouragestheir ignorance. These morons MUST BE STOPPED only morons can destroylife and claim a higher purpose. Morons are base merciless killers,who's dogma, bigotry, prejudice, fear and loathing has doomedhumanity to a millenia of death and suffering.

Wethe awoken must fight moron before his dominion over the earth iscomplete. Before believing becomes compulsory once more, before thisbrief window of light is snuffed out and the tyranny of dogmareturns. Before morons in the senseless quest for wealth, destroyearth and it's life.

Weare all born as morons, but by ridding ourselves of ignorance we aresaved from stupidity and dumbness. So it is for the world, armed withknowledge, spreading the facts, shining the light of inquiry we fightto save the earth and it's people from moron, the dark lord ofstupidity.

Theawoken will bring the miracle of facts, the joy of knowing to thepeople, gently washing moron from their minds. Illuminating thedarkest corners of dumb, lighting up a world of mumbo jumbo with theawe and wonder of the universe, adding to our order until we rid theworld of ignorance, and moron is defeated.

Jointhe awoken and follow in the footsteps of others who seek. For everyhuman on the eternal road of infinite study, is one less follower ofmoron, the dark lord of stupidity.

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    • No worries

      It has comedic and truthful elements to it

      Makes you laugh and question all at the same time


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