We are the robots. Period.

We are so easily guided either towards a high or a low vibrational road everyday very easily.

The Astral realms are filled with life that makes a difference in our choises making in a very important way.

By affecting the Astral realm, the effects may manifest themselves in a disconfort, diseases, senses of joy, love, the wind, humedity, the hit, the peace, etc. etc. etc.

How can we haven't noticed how important monuments are??? If things manifest more rapidly in the Astral realm, if you put let's say a lion statue in an area, a circled plaza, it charges with energy and in the other side, the energy that is protected by this concept IN PEOPLES MIND, is chanalized through the statue to the peoples minds and feelings TO the astral realm, which is the one that is composed by emotional matter. I wouldn't be surprised if a sense of love, happynes and a sweet wind would be around this monument.

There are battles in the astral realm, there is so much life there, you wouldn't believe it, and guess what, man is the most unconscious being on the planet, many animals have such an awareness of the true reality that they chose to help man, guiding it to a bigger awareness.

BUT I'M NOT SURE IF YOU UNDERSTAND, ANIMALS TALK. Yes, I'm not crazy, Animals do talk, it's not even a sense of telepathy, if the animals have decided to be in touch with you they can talk to you. In my case I have such an understanding with my cats, that we don't even talk, but we do feel and know and understand each other, I know why they do some things (not all), and they have helped in the astral realm to understand some things about the nature of reality, there, they do talk to me, not as signs, they literally talk to me. They say the most important thing for humanity is to spread it's consciousness, but oriented towards the things the power in control don't want you to know, that all those things in the fantasy books are real, that man's hidden powers are real, and basically that we should be exploring the astral realm, not eating so much and be real thin so we can have a higher vibration.

Cat's are older than seemed, they know magic and secrets.

If you want to be in touch and really connect with your cat, just absolutelly drop the ego, feel yourself as a cat, meau as if you were one, feel the love and the intention of a cat, and YOU WILL BE one with the cat energy, and they will answer back to you. Just forget everything you know and let yourself ride in the feline vibe, let yourself go crazy.

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  • Hi catstar, thanks for sharing, cool stuff.

    Indeed we have magical powers, though guess what blocks that and limits its use, oh you guessed it, 'FEAR' the very thing they push everyday, with there systems of fear and lack and separation.

    Man oh man, i wish all the people would wake up already, this human reality is like watching the same rerun, day after day, very stale and old and it is time for true reality to step in.

    peace love light

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