
February 13, 2014

through Kim Michaels 

Source: http://www.ascendedmasterlight.com/ascended-master-light/date/83-2014/415-mother-mary-february-2014

My beloved hearts, I AM the Ascended Master Mother Mary. I desire to give you, throughout this year and in the coming years, regular updates on how I view world conditions, specific world conditions, and certain topics related to your spiritual path. It is, of course, difficult for you when you are in embodiment to preserve the big view, the big picture, of what is going on, on this planet. You are in a situation that we fully understand, because we have been in the same situation when we were in embodiment. 


The challenges of being in embodiment

We understand very well that, when you are in a physical body, you are looking at the world, you are looking at life, from the localized vantage point of your body, your outer mind, your outer self. You are dealing with your daily conditions. You have to live, you have to eat, you have to work, you have children, you have families, you have obligations that need to be fulfilled. My beloved, when I was in my last embodiment, I was not only the Mother of Jesus, I had seven children. After my husband Joseph died, I was alone with those seven children. Although they had started to come of age and could help me support the family, this was by no means an easy task.  


I fully understand how difficult it is for many of you to balance your daily lives with your spiritual lives, with your spiritual path. I understand very well that in this modern age you are facing a special challenge that I did not face those almost 2,000 years ago. Back then, I was able to focus on my own immediate situation. There were no news services. There were no newspapers, no radio, no television, no internet. There was no way for me to know what was going on in the world at large, what was going on in remote regions of the world. I did not know, as most people back then did not know, that there were remote regions of the world. I only knew about the relatively small area around where I lived. I understand very well that in today’s age you are facing a very special challenge. 


More information is available to you now

You, of course, have your daily situation to deal with, your daily responsibilities. At the same time, you have access, not only to radio and television, but to the internet. You now have access to such a wide range of information and news that it very quickly causes you to become overwhelmed. When I look at what has happened, just in the short time span since this messenger started the AskRealJesus website, I see how there has been a shift in the awareness of most spiritual people. 


You might even remember yourself how it was when you first got online, as the saying goes, when you first had access to the internet. Suddenly, you felt as if a whole new world of information had been opened up to you. Compared to the amount of information you had access to before, through books or radio and television and newspapers, you suddenly felt like your life had been enriched by all the information you could now access, especially all the information that was beyond the mainstream media, and that, therefore, you had never even known about before. Here was the internet with so many websites with so much different information that was so far beyond the mainstream that it at first was very very exciting. 


We can look back and see how, in the early days of the AskRealJesus website, many people found it and were astonished that such information was available. We also see that today several things have happened. One is, of course, that the amount of information available on the internet has not only doubled and tripled, it has expanded exponentially, many many times beyond what it was in 2002, for example. 


This means that there is now so much information available that the challenge is not to find new information. The challenge is to sort the information that is available to you. I can tell you in honesty that when I think back to the state of consciousness I had when I was last in embodiment 2,000 years ago, I am wondering how I would even have dealt with the amount of information that is bombarding you every day. 


This is, of course, a somewhat academic question because had I been in embodiment today, I would have a different state of consciousness than I had back then. I would have grown up, as you have done, with a much broader awareness of the world. Therefore, it would not have been such a shock to me, as if I was coming with the state of consciousness I had back then and was suddenly thrust into the modern world and its explosion of information. Nevertheless, I want you to know that I understand the difficulty of being bombarded with so much information and having to deal with this. 


I truly understand that this is difficult. I understand that it is almost inevitable that you must develop a certain numbness, where you numb yourself to certain types of information that you either cannot process, that you cannot deal with, or that you feel has no practical implications for your daily life. I understand that there is certain information that you filter out, simply because you feel there is nothing you can do about that condition in a remote country that affects those people so severely. You feel that there is not much you can do from where you are for these people, so you filter out the information. 


The difficulty with information overload

I would like you to know that I fully understand the difficulty. I fully understand the necessity of having to filter information. I also want you to know that what you are experiencing is, to a large degree, a deliberate plot created by the false teachers, the false hierarchy, on this planet. As we have said before, they know – both the power elite in embodiment and the power elite out of embodiment in the mental and emotional planes – that the key to everything, the key to control of this planet, is information. 


For thousands of years, they had the lack of technology on their side, and therefore, they could be fairly successful in suppressing information so that the population simply did not have access to information. Now, because of the technology released by Saint Germain as a foundation for the golden age, technology is no longer quite so much on their side. As you know, there is no technology that cannot be misused. Splitting the atom can release tremendous amounts of energy and generate electricity, or it can release a tremendous explosion and devastate an entire city, even an entire planet. 


Of course, it is possible to use technology to still suppress information, or at least distort the information that is coming out. But the foremost use of technology has been that certain people in embodiment, controlled by certain disembodied forces, have created such a huge amount of deliberate disinformation that it truly is overwhelming to anyone who tries to avail themselves of it, or even a small segment of it. This is, of course, the plot. They want to overwhelm you with information so that your mind cannot cope, and therefore, you shut down. They would love for you to doubt all of the information so that you essentially revert back to a situation where you live like people did 2,000 or 200 years ago where they were unaware


In your case you will not be unaware because you do not have access to the information, but because you are not availing yourself of that access. You are not making use of the information because you have shut down your mind and your ability and your willingness to take in information, to process information and to act upon information. This is precisely what they want to see. They want to create people who are walking through life ignoring the vast majority of the information coming at them. 


You notice for yourself, from a practical situation where you go to the store and you go to the rack of magazines, and there are hundreds of magazines on all kinds of topics. When you look at it, nothing stands out; everything blends together. Think of going into a large bookstore and looking at the shelves and looking at how many books there are. You cannot possibly read them all; you must ignore the majority of them. What the false hierarchy is trying to do is to get you to either ignore almost all of the information available or to doubt all of the information available so that you do not really believe that any of it is truly valid or valuable. You go into this modern mindset of agnosticism where you cannot really say what is true. 


The false hierarchy deliberately opposes spiritual progress

Do you understand, my beloved, that the false teachers on this planet are quite aware of what we of the ascended masters are seeking to accomplish in raising the conscious of humankind, especially the top ten percent? Do you really understand this, my beloved? Do you really understand and acknowledge that there is a false hierarchy on this planet that is deliberately trying to counteract every positive development that happens on this planet? 


They see what we of the ascended masters are doing, and they are trying to do everything they can to counteract our every move. I am not saying this to generate fear. The very fact that humankind is no longer living at the caveman stage proves that the false hierarchy cannot counteract our moves. But, as you can see from the dark ages, they are able to delay the progress of humankind, sometimes for a very long time. One of the primary ways in which they delay progress is through information, by either withholding information or by putting out so much disinformation that people either accept the lies or shut down and do not know what to believe.


How Christianity, materialism and agnosticism control people

Do you understand that, for a very long time in the western world, their primary means for controlling what people knew and believed was the Christian religion, specifically the Catholic Church. It was, as we have said before, one of the most effective and successful mind control machines created on this planet. For over a thousand years, it dominated the thinking of people in the western world. It still has a tremendous influence, not only the Catholic Church but the offspring of the Catholic Church in the form of all other Christian churches who, for the vast majority of them, are building on the foundations set by the church fathers 1600-1700 hundred years ago. 


For a very long time, western thinking was dominated by the Christian claim that there is only one true religion, there is only one true road to salvation, there is only one true doctrine: We have the absolute and highest truth because we have the highest authority of God and Christ. For a very long time, the false hierarchy on this planet were able to use the Catholic Church and the Christian religion in order to control people. 


As Saint Germain has explained, when there is an established power elite of fallen beings that have attained control of the population, there will inevitably be an aspiring power elite of other fallen beings. They may claim that they want to free the people, but they really want to take the position of the established elite so that they themselves become the established elite. This aspiring power elite started using science as their means to counteract and take down the control of religion. They, therefore, turned science into an entirely materialistic endeavor that also claimed to have an absolute truth, namely that there was no God and that all spirituality was just subjective illusions. 


The net result of the battle between these two approaches to life is what I have just called the modern state of agnosticism. So many people have gone into a mindset where they see the fallacy of the orthodox Christian claim. They also have a sense there is something missing from the orthodox materialistic claim, yet because they do not know what is missing, they go into a state of mind of not knowing what to believe. They accept the subtle ploy, also promoted by the false hierarchy, that there is no absolute truth, there is no higher truth, there is nothing to really know and believe. Therefore, they don’t accept any authority beyond the human level. 


What is the underlying plot? You may look at mainstream Christianity, you may look at scientific materialism, you may look at agnosticism and say they are quite different from a certain perspective. But, if you step back and look at them all, they are all based on the same mindset, which is precisely the mindset of the fallen beings, namely that the duality consciousness can define truth, can define what is real and unreal. This is the underlying belief of the fallen beings, my beloved. This is what they want you to believe. 


Mainstream Christianity was a man-made religion that took a set of man-made doctrines. Yes, they were built on the teachings of Jesus, but they were distortions of the teachings of Jesus as anybody can see by reading the scriptures and reading the Nicene Creed. They took these man-made doctrines and elevated them to an absolute truth. Scientific materialism is based on taking selective findings of science and elevating them to an absolute truth. Agnosticism is based on the mindset that says there is no absolute truth, there is nothing beyond the material world


Do you see that orthodox Christianity said the separate mind, the dualistic mind, can define the doctrines of Christ? Materialistic science says scientific measurements and conclusions can define what is real and what is unreal, what exists and what does not exist. The agnostic mindset says the dualistic mind can define that there is no absolute truth, no higher truth, and therefore, no idea or statement is more valid than any other. But, it is all the same mindset where you – in separation, in duality – you are defining what is true. This is the plot. It has, of course, been used in every area of society.



The initiations for 2014

As we have said before, this year of 2014 is dominated by the initiations of the Second Ray of wisdom. Wisdom means, first of all, discernment between what is real and unreal. Can you see that the initiations that this planet will be given in this year relate especially to this? Can we define reality with the human mind, or is there something beyond the human mind that we can grasp, glimpse, and that is valid? Are we forever trapped in this relative dualism, or is there something outside our own minds that we can grab onto and that can be the lifeline that takes us beyond the quicksand of our own minds?


This is the question to ponder in this coming year. You, who are the spiritual people, are of course, as always, the forerunners. If you will not ponder this, how do you expect the rest of the population to do so? How do you expect that the rest of the population can follow you, if you are not walking in a certain direction? What will they follow if you do not have a decisive movement? With this in mind, I wish to speak to you about a specific phenomenon that I would like to call “feel-good spirituality.” 


The limitations of “feel-good spirituality” 

What has happened in these last ten years or so is that the internet has been completely flooded with all kinds and types of spirituality—all kinds of channelers, gurus, and would-be messengers who parade their wares before the public. We, of course, do in no way discourage freedom of speech, freedom of expression. We are simply pointing out that it is a deliberate strategy of the false hierarchy on this planet to flood the internet with spiritual teachings, many of which are either based on black-and-white thinking or gray thinking.


There are, of course, a variety of them out there that are, like the fundamentalist Christians, based on black-and white-thinking. They are often the doomsday prophets or the conspiracy theorists that say that there is this doom and gloom hanging over humankind, this sword of Damocles ready to drop upon you and wipe out the world or at least unleash calamities of every kind. If you look at what is out there of these false prophets, you will quickly go into a state of having to numb yourself, for you cannot emotionally deal with this. 


What do many people do? They go into the opposite extreme, the opposite polarity of gray thinking, which is what I call “feel-good spirituality.” Everything is good, everything is wonderful, and the earth is in this upward spiral and shifting into the 5th dimension because there is this benevolent force – whether it is called ascended masters or space brothers or whatever you have – and these cosmic beings are releasing these wonderful energies that are automatically sweeping the earth into a new dimension or golden age


All you have to do as a spiritual person is go about your business and be kind and positive to everybody. You do not need to study any difficult topics, you do not need to be diligent in practicing particular techniques because everything is wonderful if you just relax and flow with this wonderful love. My beloved, this form of spirituality, “feel-good spirituality,” is somewhat of a delay factor to the plans of the ascended masters. You may look at it and say: “Well, what can be harmful about it? These people are being positive.” They are seeking to create positive vibrations, and have we not given you the teachings about energy, namely that you need to invoke positive energy in order to counteract the accumulated negative energy produced by humankind. 

For more reading, please visit to the following link. 



Copyright © 2014 by Kim Michaels


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