The following message, channeled through Susan Leland (Ashtar On The Road) was transcribed verbatim from:


Mother Sekhmet "Yes I Can! 101" - How to Get Unstuck


"Ah, Greetings, Everybody!  Well, I can already tell that this group is in high vibrations, and this is good because we're going to go higher, but it's always nice when you utilize the empowerments that you have to lift yourselves up in an upliftment of Joy and Love and flying free from the boxes of the third dimension. Now you may have already noticed that you're more and more out of the box. Interestingly enough, and we say interesting, because you'll look back upon this, as you move through your now moments, and you're going to say, 'Well, what was that all about?'


"It was an interesting interlude, a moment - just a moment seeming as you measure time.  And that's a useful item by the way - 'time.'  Because you can use it to chart your progress, and mark your calendars, especially when we're getting together.  That's a wondrous time to mark on your calendars!  At any rate, here's where we are now.  We are on the cusp, the verge, the brink, the 'almost there.' Quick, it's going to happen before you can blink, with that kind of energy that is leading right into this Golden Age that we all love to envision and discuss!


"It's happening, the dominoes are falling as Ashtar said.  So, be aware of that, and right now there seems to be somewhat of a pause for at least some in this wondrous group.  Now it's all very well and good for us to say, 'Well, breathe while you can!'  Or we should say, well you're not, because in your next moment you know, you're going to feel like you're running, running, running, and there's so much to do that you might get a little out of breath.  So, it's good to take a few extra ones now as part of your preparation for the Golden Age.


"We're talking about Ascension preparation, yes, but let's get into the more, what we would call, the immediate, future, and that's what you're going to be doing as the Golden Age really unfolds.  It's going to open just like the Lotus, you know, and it is going to be the grandest time ever on Planet Earth thus far, and of course Ascension will be even grander.  So let's talk about where you are right now, because we know a lot of you are feeling stuck. 'What am I doing here? Is this ever going to happen?  What am I supposed to be doing next? What's my next step? How do I prepare?' and so on.  Oh yes, we can see all the questions.


"Questions, you know, come up, not just from your busy minds, no, they can come up from your emotional selves, your physical selves, absolutely.  'When am I not going to be so tired, Sekhmet?  I'm tired - you've got boundless energy!'  Yes I have.  Well I'll tell you what, the Voice does not, so there's a secret for you to know.  And it is not expected that any of you Humans would necessarily have boundless energy.


"We would describe your energies as far as 'do, do, do, go, go, go, run, run, run,' as intermittent bursts.  And it is so easy to start having a little problem with your breathing when you go, go, go, run, run, run, and then all of a sudden, 'Oops, I'm out of that energy.'  So it's really hard to understand that in the Golden Age, the energy flows are going to be a lot more constant throughout the totality of your beings.  You're going to be energized more, physically!


"Right now what's happening is that your energies - because your bodies are changing - but your energies are coming in more and more spiritually, and of course that has more of a direct impact in your mental and emotional beings than it does in your physicality.  You can, for instance, let's give a 'for instance,' you can lie awake at night, saying, 'Oh, I've got these wondrous visions and these dreams, and oh ,keep it coming. This is so exciting; oh, I think I'm on a ship, I may be dreaming, but I'm really excited!  I'm on the ship, and guess what, they're having a marathon race on the ship, or whatever, you know to keep us in shape.'


"You wake up in the morning, and it's like, 'Oh, well I'm so tired.  I don't even know if I can go to my J-O-B job today.'  Upsy, downsy, we know that. So, how do you get unstuck from that kind of an up and down pattern, and how do you get into a more rhythmic Love?  Well a lot of it of course has to do with your attitudes.  Here we are again attitudes, simple attitudes.  Things like, 'Oh, I'm so thankful to be here, and I bless and thank my wondrous body, that it came too,' because otherwise you wouldn't have a body that's getting ready for Ascension. You would already have left your body.


"And for those of you who have already left your body who are participating, we say, 'Welcome, welcome, welcome, Angels, Masters, Guides, Spirits and Beings who have left their bodies, and have reached the Heavenly Realms, that is all wondrous indeed.'  We're all here you know!


"It is for you to remember these things.  First of all you're still carrying, and we mean nothing individual, or personal about this, but you're also carrying the weight of the human body.  It's more dense.  It's a little harder to be in the density of the human body.  So of course you need more sleep, more rest.


"When you are in a Joyful Upliftment it's easy to go, go, go, in that Joy, and then when you are complete with the vision, the meditation, the group gathering, or whatever, it's very easy to remember, ' AM a Spirit, but I've also got this human body.'  So rest, rest your body.  We have told you this before.  We cannot tell you enough times.  Beloved Ones you need the best you can do for yourselves in terms of rest and nutrition, nurtur-i-i-i-n-g!


"Now here's something else that you may not have thought of.  A part of this whole Ascension Process, in fact a really big part, has to do with coming into the oneness with all of your being. And it's more than communion throughout your being.  It's called balance.  So if you feel as though you are perhaps overly stressed, that can be for a number of reasons.  But it is best to come into balance peacefully instead of insisting that your body, or any part of you, perform at any given time, on any given day, when you are so obviously not in a completely harmonious balance.  It's better to take some time out and get within yourself and your fields, and get your Guidance Team on active alert.  Stop and discern why you feel this way.


"What is there that's not in balance?  For some of you it's as simple as engaging in an activity, or ingesting some food that is the opposite of where you are.  For instance if you are feeling particularly the attributes of the female, you might want to do something that is a little bit of a male attribute.  You might need some protein that is more male oriented, masculine.  What is it - oh pH, more acidic. Or, you may want to drink some alkaline water,  if you're feeling like the whole world is a struggle and you've got to do battle with it. Woooh!


"Get yourself into balance.  Get that female part of you activated.  Alkaline water is a great way to do it if you have access to that.  Stick some lemons in your water - slices of lemons or limes - if you don't.  You see it's simple things, but when you neglect the simple things you get out of balance easily.


"When you are out of balace Beloved Ones, you can't find your way out of a paper bag, let alone figure out why you're stuck and what you need to be doing about it!  All righty!  That's the big ah hah! Get yourself into a balance, into a flow.  Use the brain training, or the wand, or whatever you've got, or get something, if you want it, or use the ho'oponopono to yourself.  Forget about your neighbor that you just had a bit of a skirmish with.  Forget about your brother-in-law who just called and pushed your buttons.  Forget about the one who hurt your feelings, and now you're feeling helpless.


"You have to uplift.  You have to go into that sacred space that is you, and you have to get in touch with the totality of you, and first bring yourself into a kind of a balance where, you know, 'Hello inner child, are you here, yes or no?  Hello ego, are you here taking a nap and resting so I can get on with my balance, yes or no?'  And if it's a 'no', then do what you need to do.  It's a process.  And if you haven't tried doing this before, it might take a few minutes of your time.  If you get those CD's it happens real quick, or if you have something you can google on your computer to play balancing sounds.


"Some of it you may not even want to call music, because it's not totally harmonious, melodic is what we mean to say, it's very harmonious, but it may not be melodic, and it doesn't have words, you know. You know, like when I dance with my Froggie I'm totally in balance and so is he, and so is the World, and it's 'Joy to the World' all the way, you know.  We're talking about frequencies to help you get into balance.


"You really cannot get unstuck unless you are in balance, because what happens is your perception, which creates your attitude, which in turn creates the, 'Well I'm stuck here. What am I going to do about it -I can't do anything about it ,'  worse attitude if you want to say something is worse.  And pretty soon, 'Yes, you're in a spiral all right, but it's heading in the wrong direction.  It's going down, down, down, into that 3D box.


"That is disempowering.  It's the total opposite of what we're here to do, so let's not stay there shall we?  Let's rise up and let's say, 'All righty, I shall bring myself into a state of balance, and another word for that is harmony. I shall create harmony throughout the totality of my being. I shall welcome the Light of Love into my heart,' and here's a good one for you.  You might want to give this one a try when you're in that state of uplifted Joy, balance and harmony.  Call upon us, your Star Seed Brothers, Sisters, and so on, or your Guidance Team, or whomever you want to call on.


"You might want to talk to St. Germain on this too.  'Have you got any upgrades for me today? I'm ready, I'm balanced, I'm here.'  Do you see what we're saying? If you're sort of closed off, down in the dumpies, in a 3D box, out of balance, you're not in receiving mode.  You want these upgrades, yes, but you want them to be harmonious, so you've got to bring them into your harmonious being!!!


"And the same goes for accessing your wisdom, your information.  How do you know where you want to be if all you know is that everything is a mess where you are?  How can you possibly figure out where you're going to go, what's your next step, right side or left side of the street, you know?  It doesn't work, and you can get a sense of panic.  'I don't know where I am anymore.  I don't know what I'm here to do?  What do I do?  Oh, woe is me,' and down in the dumpies you go, kerplunkety.  And you don't want to be doing that, not with your commitments, not with what is in your fields, not with what you have already created for your future.  You don't want to put a blockage, a negativity, a bit of baggage out there in your future, do you?


"You know how you check your baggage when you get on an airplane, well this is baggage that you don't want to have when you get to the end of your journey on that plane.  You're checking it to leave, that is the heavy stuff, the real heavy stuff.  And the easiest way to check your baggage permanently is to transmute it, be done with it, and not allow it to continue.  Well, you don't really carry your baggage on your back. Oh my goodness, you carry your baggage with your ego, where your ego normally fits.  You carry it in your brain, your memory bank, and it can reach out and impact all of your chakra areas, all of your physicality, all of your bodies, and really blow up into something that is totally unbalanced, totally disharmonious, and it can take over when you're not paying attention.


"Oh yes, did we mention you need to be paying attention to create what it is that you really want, and again the best place from which to do this creating is when you are in harmonious balance in the totality of your fields.  Now here's the other thing.  We talked about calling for the upgrades.  Remember to say, 'All that I can welcome into my glorious being, in a balance, in a harmony, and in a high Joy vibration for me.'  And what you can welcome in today might be entirely different from your neighbors, or your bestest buddy on the Path of Ascension.  It doesn't matter - everybody's going to get there!


"And there may be some days when you see that your bestest buddy is imbalanced, or out of harmony, and you can quickly send them a ho'oponopono, or a Love Light beam, or if you want to you can say, 'How are you doing? Have you thought about looking into your energy fields and seeing where you are?  It seems to me like you're a little down.  If you want to talk about it, I can give you, or join with you, in an exercise of upliftment.'


"We're not talking about encouraging your bestest buddy to say, 'Oh, woe is me, I've got the weight of the world on my shoulders today.'  We're talking about taking the high road, and inviting your bestest buddy to come on that high road with you!  Get in practice for that.  Practice doing it.  We have this huge job to do Beloved Ones!  Oh my goodness - it is the ultimate mission.  First it's getting us into the Golden Age which you've been working on all these years, all these eons, and quite frankly, trying to stay in balance and harmony, while you know, the dark hats were in charge of things, was a bit difficult.


"They aren't in charge anymore, so that's one thing not to be really focusing on. Allow yourselves to fly free, because the more you fly free, the more of them that will catch your Light beams and decide that's a pretty good thing, and those who are in resistance to the Light of Love are going to have more and more information within themselves, you might call it wisdom.  They are wising up. The World can't control you anymore anyway, and that's what you want.  The Golden Age is about coming into your own empowerment and controlling yourselves instead of someone else doing it to you - ah hah!


"And so the more in balance and harmonious you are within your own fields, the more able  you are to do your mission.  And guess what, the more in balance and harmonious you are in your fields, the more you remain clear so you can know more about your mission!  Your basic mission is to beam the Love, but everybody has some individual expressions for that, individual concepts and visions, and dreams if you want, but let's ground them shall we?  And so everybody knows there's a way to express that help. In some cases, more than one even, multi, oh we don't want to say tasking.  That is tasking and that's just such a, humph, low, vibrational word really, it's almost as low as J-O-B job.  So why don't we just say 'multi-missions'?!!!


"And here's a new vocabulary.  (Ashtar is not the only one who likes to make up words.)  'Multi-missioning' - there we are!  Oh that's a high vibe word! Look at the word mission, see how balanced it is with the two s's in the middle.  That's a lovely balanced word.  All righty, now 'unsticking'.  We've just given you the ingredients, so to speak, but what is the finished product like?  Well it's flying high, it's feeling like dancing.  It's feeling connected.  It's being in touch with your guidance, your Higher Self, your Angels, your Guidance Team.


"Some of you are coming more and more into connection with the Arcturians and the Pleiadians.  There are large groups that are here.  Oh, there are representatives from many, many Planets. The Sirians, the Andromedans, and yes the Love Beings from Venus, and there are many others.  We don't need to boggle you with this.  It's about acceptance of all, it's about loving all, it's about harmony with all, it's about feeling the sweetness of the connections and the communications, and yes the communions with all.  But it starts within each and every one of us, Beloved Ones.


"It starts within the totality of your Divine Selves.  And it can't happen unless you are in balance and harmony within your beings.  And then, and then the whole Universe opens up to you, and the inspirations come fabulously well!  We will share something, and there are many on this call who have already had, what do you call them, one-on-one discussions with Ashtar, and what happens when they recognize - all of you, you don't have to do a discussion with Ashtar for this.  What happens is during those discussions as people open to visions of their missions in more detail, they raise their vibrations up, up, up. They get into Joy!


"It doesn't befuddle or boggle.  It is joyful - this clarity, this recognition, because that's what it is - a recognition.  It's not an, 'I never would have thought of that.' It's rather a resonance within the being that says 'YES! I was thinking about that, or, Oh, that feels so good!'  Thus endeth stuckness!!!  Do you see?  You can do this with your Guidance Team.  You can do this by saying, 'Hello, I'm the Captain here of my ship, my energy fields, and I call upon my Higher Self, and my Inner Child, and my heart, and my brain, and all of the wondrous magical creation I AM.  Light me up!  Bring on the upgrades, whatever you've got for me today, and I'm ready to fly!'  You see when you're stuck, you don't fly, so instead of saying I'm ready to get unstuck, you want to say, 'I'm ready to fly!  Show me my mission!'


"Well you can do this before you go to sleep - that's a good time. You can do this as part of a meditation.  You can sit with a candle burning in front of you. You can wave your wand, spiral it, particularly towards your third eye and fabulous brain, you see, or whatever you are inspired to do.  You can take a glass of pure water, with the lemon slices or lime slices if you wish, and you can wand it, or spiral your hand over it, or put some words on paper and tape them to the glass and you can say, 'As I drink this wondrous water, I open to receive even more upgrades, even more information about the missions that I AM here to do.  After all I created them. I designed them with the help of my Guides, so let's get it all into my consciousness, shall we group?'   You see - however you want to do it! We're just giving you some ideas. You may have figured out by now, or noticed by now, we should say - there's no figuring involved - you may have noticed we are doing this from a joyous perspective, and if you've laughed or giggled a little bit through this presentation, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful because you're uplifted!


"And now we shall proceed with the next step in this presentation.  Are we ready for the exercise?"  (Elise: "Yes, let me switch.")


Mother Sekhmet: "(All righty!  I'm not in charge of the scheduling here.)

All right, we're going to do an upgrade, uplift, a JUU Exercise, a Joyful, Upgrading, Upliftment exercise.  Yes, that sounds rather fun, does it not?  It is serious yes, but it is to be done in the spirit of Joy.  It is to be done in the spirit of total relaxation, breathing, and Joy.  So let's start there.  Let's breathe together. (I'm exaggerating.)  Now, as we breathe together, just allow yourselves to uplift, uplift, uplift.  Go up in the elevator if it suits you, that crystalline one you know, and just take it to the top.  Now you may have noticed that I'm riding up in it with you, but guess who you see when you open the door.  Here I AM welcoming you! Go ahead - reach out, hold my hand - I'm taking you to a place of honor in this gathering.


"As I mentioned in my message to you, we have with us Ashtar, Sananda, St. Germain, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Archangel Michael, the Angels -the Lavender Ones, and all of the Rainbow Angels.  We have Mother Gaia's representatives here, and we have the Fairies and the Divas, and yes there's the Unicorns, Pegasus and all of the Creatures of the Forest and the Seas and the Earth and the Skies, and yes, all the Plants are represented here too!


"Now stand in front of the Great Crystal, and see that in its purity it reflects all colors to you.  The Sun shines upon the Crystal and energizes it, and the Crystal in turn reflects to you.  And this is for you to feel your empowerment.  This is for you to understand that this is for you that we're doing this!  So now allow the Crystal to radiate throughout your being, in a gentle but powerful, in a truthful, and yet joyful way, such that you feel totally balanced.


"You know that that part of you which you call your spirit, your Higher Self, is totally balanced.  Now feel it coming in through your aura.  Yes, then circulating out through your energy fields.  Now feel it in your mental body, balance, harmony, oh yes, how wondrous indeed.  It may feel a bit lighter.  You may even be hearing with your senses some kind of frequency or tone that is coming into your brain, coming into your heart and going to your brain from there, however you feel it.  However you sense harmony and balance, let it be so.  Don't stop it. Just feel it.


"Now let it come into your emotional being, and let it be circulating throughout. Joy, Joy, Joy, harmony, balance, Divinity, uplift, uplift, uplift. Now keep these waves circulating, this harmony, this balance.  And once again stand back this time and observe your physical self. You can do that.  And check and see beautiful harmonious waves, front to back, side to side, circulating in a spiral fashion throughout your physicality.  Feel this balance going up through your chakras. Start at your root chakra, your base, and just go up and let it spin, and spin and spin in harmony.  Check all your little chakras along the way, particularly in your shoulders and across to your neck, to the base of your neck.


"That is a very important chakra area, because a lot of times that's where you carry your sense of burden or imbalance.  So let this spiraling, harmonious, vibrating Light enter there, all the way up to your very crown, and notice if you will, how your crown opens to receive even more, and this is the Love Light the Universe has for you.  Ah hah!  Let it come into your crown and circle, circle, throughout the entirety of your being.  Now, you might notice that you're lifting up a bit. You can call it levitation if you wish.


"See yourself standing in front of that Great Crystal, at the altar. See yourself surrounded by all of this grand company.  Hold out your hands, one to your ego, one to your inner child, and the three of you can lift up, up, up, together!  Now you're flying - you're not stuck!!!  Now as you stand there elevated, you don't have to fly up and off into the ethers - just be elevated.


"Now invite that Crystal to give you a personal message for yourself.  Just stand in this high harmonious balance with your feet on the ground, if you wish.  Get your message from that Crystal.  That Crystal has taken the message, you know from you, and is repeating it back to you.  And that message comes from your Guidance Team with you at its center.  And it comes from your Higher Self. And it comes from the Divinity You Are.  And let that Crystal just give you your personal message. Listen well and hear it!


"As you receive that message, notice how uplifted you are, and how balanced and harmonious you are feeling throughout your being, and it is lighter is it not? You're up real high, did I mention it?  And while you are there in the bliss, it is entirely appropriate, and indeed now is the moment when you put forth your request, if you will, or shall we say, your indication of readiness -more positive -to receive any upgrades that this occasion has ready for you, because you're flying. You are not stuck, Beloved Ones, you're flying!


"So invite these loving energies from the Great Central Sun, from Mother-Father God, to come into you in the form of upgrades, or you may think of it as advancements upon your path, or how about opening more of the gifts that are there for you!  Breathe them in, Beloved Ones, whatever the Universe has for you, it's whatever you are ready to accept in this glorious uplifted moment.  Be joyful. Be free.  Be uplifted and get your gifts, your messages, your upgrades, because you brought yourself into this wondrous state of harmony and balance in order to fly free so that you can receive your message, or messages, and your upgrades, which are ready for you in this moment.


"And breathe, just breathe - how delightful it is!  And when you are ready you can come back, or not, if you want to stay out a bit longer, or shall we say stay up, that's perfectly all right.  This is for each and every one of you personally, individually.  But we will tell you this as a group, we sent a lot of Light streaming out to the entire Planet with Gratitude to all of those who received this message. And everybody received it, and there were some who chose not to open it just yet, but that is all right.  The message went out.  And this message is here for you.


"Well, it's in your computers, and you will have the information for how to access it, so if you want to repeat this exercise, you can do so at any time.  And we shall also be providing a transcript.  Yes, that was wonderful!  Elise and Fabulous Fran are here, and we shall be providing a transcript when our wondrous transcribers can make it available.  This is a most potent exercise, and it's the upliftment via your own balance and harmony that frees you to move into, not only higher dimensional Joy, not only to fly above the 3D box, but it also provides additional directions for your multiple missions, as well as getting personalized messages, whether the message is about your mission or not.


"So if you have not done so, you might want to write down what your personal message was, and put it on a sticky note, if you want to spend more time contemplating it, or you can come back tomorrow, or whenever you want and get another personal message.  You see, you're accepting the upgrades, you're accepting the upliftments, and that is so grand, Beloved Ones!  That's the biggest part of your mission, together with, of course, paying it forward and that ,of course, is beaming the Light of Love. Whatever else you do will follow, and it will be much easier, and flow much easier to you, and for you, and with you, when you are not stuck, when you are uplifted, when you are balanced throughout the totality of your being, and thus feeling the harmony of it, which you in turn express when you beam the Love Light out!!!


"Oh, P.S.,  if you want to create something, if you want to bring something, someone, into your life, you just got a grand way to do it, in other words, some basic wisdoms.  When you're feeling stuck, whatever you want to bring to you gets stuck out there.  So you need to be in the state of 'unstuckness,' which we much prefer to call the state of balance and harmony!  Then,when you get your messages, and get your upgrades, and you put your beaming out there, you can also beam out your creation, your vision.  And you have created a path that is high, a soaring kind of a path, for whatever you're calling forth to come back to you.  It's free-flowing.  It's flying.  It's not stuck anywhere!


"All righty!  Well that's quite a lot of information, so we do invite you to revisit as many times as you wish.  It's there, it's for you, Beloved Ones, and for all who listen to the recordings after this live togetherness, and for all who read the transcripts when they are published.  And in the meantime we just want to tell you how joyful it is for us to be here with you!  I AM about to be in attendance at a wondrous ball, and there will be lots of dancing there.  I've got to pick my Froggie partner up in my little red sports car that flies.  I have on a very special scarf for the occasion.  Froggie will be wearing his best vest.  And while we are getting to the ball, we shall invite you to say your farewells, and we are now sending you your own personal engraved invitation, if you would care to join us at the celebratory ball, because we're celebrating your upliftment, your upgrades, and your harmony and balance.  So if you'd like to join us, just show up!!!!


"And we are so delighted to have this opportunity to spend with you.  Beloved Ones, you are loved beyond words, and we feel your Love, and we thank you with great Gratitude and Love from our hearts to yours.  And so it is! Namaste!"


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, May 10, 2011  © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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  • Thank You!  I need a nap now!!! LOL


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