Musings on Infinity and Unity - Part 1/2

th?id=H.4959816549796212&pid=1.7Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

From here on out, we’re infinite in what we can do and be. We can let our perception of limitation and inability dissolve when understanding our power in a greater way, and when we do, we’ll see that a lot needs done in the physical and spiritual sense.

On a personal level, most of us still have work to do to reach a place of balance that sees us able to act as constant conduits for the expression of the divine. Some of us still have “dark night of the soul” moments to experience and learn from, and I think that this personal work, when done by everybody, will make the work to change our planet much easier.

I’ve said before that bringing about a new paradigm together will be much easier when everybody cultivates inner peace and wholeness, and when we do this, we’ll be able to solve the biggest problems we face with driven, worldwide efforts.

We’ll be able to address everything about our current paradigm that doesn’t serve us, and we’ll work together to solve these problems after our perception of division has been replaced with everlasting unity. Unity among races and nations will be a necessary aspect of a new paradigm, because we won’t be able to bring about lasting change if we remain divided.

Only if we can unite with respect and love for each other’s individuality will we transform and live in a new way. The few have been able to conquer the many by keeping us divided, and you’ll notice that division’s played upon in the media every day.

If we continue to see ourselves as different from one another, we’ll remain conquered and trapped in a system of our own creation and feeding. The old “divide and conquer” trick is being used by the powers that were today, but it’s a completely human creation that we thought up and fed.

As swathes of people awaken and see beyond the principles of division, we arise and assert ourselves in a powerful display of our strength. We can be an incredible force for change if we recognize our strength in numbers, and all around the world, people are already doing that.

Various movements have been started that put the public’s attention on government corruption and misuse of power.

Ideas that people couldn’t accept a decade ago are being accepted on a wider scale as more of us realize that we’ve been lied to about a host of things, and uniting with respect for everyone’s individuality will see us able to run this planet properly.

I think that condemnation over petty things is a tendency of the wicked. When judgment and condemnation are expressed, the condemned is painted as unhuman and the condemner is able to feel better about themselves as they sit comfortably on a pedestal of their own creation.

We can do away with self-righteous judgment when we realize that we’re one consciousness experiencing itself and that these silly little differences between us mean nothing in the bigger picture. The fact that some people’s skin is colored differently than others is monumentally small in the face of infinite higher dimensions and endless higher-dimensional guides and teachers.

Recognizing our individuality and loving each other for it will always be an important aspect of uniting, and despite what some people might think, unity isn’t bred from bringing everybody together under the same banner and saying we’re “one”.

Instead, it’s bred from recognizing, accepting and loving the diversity between us. The fact that so many different races exists here who can work together in a greater way than we already do presents an opportunity for us to do big things.

Seeing the big picture will help everyone understand the pettiness of fighting over difference in skin color, religion and everything else that preaches division, and I think that when we can all cultivate enlightenment and inner peace, the desire to fight for any reason will be replaced with the desire to express peace and create change.

Concluded in part 2 tomorrow.


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  • So true, Feather! I really like the Monsanto picture you shared with me on Facebook, by the way.

  • This confirms a strange experience I had the other day. I noticed a loved one being disrespectful to another member of the family, and rather than becoming enraged like I used to, I sort of respected her on his behalf. It was like I was respecting her for him, since he was not conscious of the disrespect yet. I know this sounds strange, but it felt really good to be able to do that. Now if I can do it again on purpose, that will be the real kicker.

    • "Forgive them, for they know not what they do". That's a great level of respect and self control, Bonnie. Thanks for sharing. :)

  • Excellent share Wes. Thank you for sharing.  Excellent points.  I like this quote very much because I agree, "Seeing the big picture will help everyone understand the pettiness of fighting over difference in skin color, religion and everything else that preaches division, and I think that when we can all cultivate enlightenment and inner peace, the desire to fight for any reason will be replaced with the desire to express peace and create change." I look forward to this time. 

    • As do I, Marique. Thank you. :)

  • Hi wes, thanks for sharing.

    My experience so far, is showing me that without peace as an active foundation, especially within, then all the other good human aspects will not manifest.

    Which is obviously why the misguided ones are so fond of wars, what better way to undermine inner and outer peace, along with all the fake, engineered lack, survival balony.

    Human cultures could in a blink of an eye be so awesome, without anyone ever even giving thought to not having what they need or not being loved.

    Guess we sure do need to people to see how our societies/cultures have been engineered precisely to be the way they are, everything we see in these societies is completely on purpose.

    Some folks have this false idea, that some fall through the cracks, well those cracks are on purpose and if we all stopped agreeing to these ways, in thought, deed and word, we could change this balony very quickly.

    I'm at a point, where all i can do is share what i know with those i interact with, then just keep my peace as best i can, because i see exactly how they try to divide all of us and it pains me to meet those that are asleep to all this.

    Because as many here probably already know and experienced, they will lash out at times, because this awareness can cause fear in them, as if they have no way to change it, so they just try and go back to sleep, but that is not the answer.

    peace love light

    • Thank you, VioletRay. We have a wealth of potential to do great things on this planet, and more of us are waking up every day.

      Much Love!

      Wes :)

  • ...Wes....Good Message....<3....x....

    • Thank you, Sky. :)

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