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I offered to help my favorite high school teacher's wedding to another teacher and i love them both just to pieces so I was glad to do it.
Mr. and the now Mrs. Kommer were a huge part of my high school experience and taught me a lot about life and are just the most big hearted loving hippies you ever met
Started off with a little bar-tending and transitioned to BBQing some fillet mignon
But really just the feeling of everyone being so happy for our friends joining together their two families was just overwhelmingly fantastic
Everyone was happy there was no drama everyone was at peace
My friend (lets call him Bill), who is a true sceptic ad a little bit of a change up as well
He has had this girlfriend for 3 years and she's nice and everything but she is completely nuts, I have my theories that she's an unknowing energy vampire because she sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING as well as just screaming her head off for no reason
I've been trying to talk to him about this and how i feel but in the end I know he has to make the decision of his own free will. At the after party in our teachers house he ended up apparently falling for the daughter of the groom and ended up making out for an hour upstairs
That same night earlier he seemed just so fed up with his girl and her constant screaming that he just took the step and made his choice
now i don't approve of cheating but if you understood the situation as i did but I feel like this is the beginning of him getting out of the horrible cycle of negativity he's been trapt in and for that I am happy
So overall a lot of changes I think for the better so the future look a little brighter everyday at least from my perspective
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