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I personally wrote this article, and own the copyright to it, and all rights to distribute it.-With Love, El-Ano-Ra (Ahsaka Nusa/JediGuardian!)

I am always present with you, and we are always speaking! In this space of Love, I have come throughout space and time to greet you! And I love you so much. You know, we have stood by one another a long time you and I, and we have watched the tides of time separate and merge, but now in this 2012 re-union, we can communicate so much more intensely, and that makes me so happy my beloved one.

Yes, I am your Cat, I know that this form that you see in me, is but a fraction of what you may see in others, but just in that I do not speak words, does not mean I do not speak, nor, dearest companion, that I have not always spoken. We share a life you and I, you hold me at night, and I sleep in your bed, but it is your tender Heart I watch over always in the Spiritual, when you have done humanly things that I knew you would regret, I lovingly and tenderly touched your shoulder, my gentle reminder, that dear friend and companion you are not alone.

I love you with all my Heart, and was waiting until the time came when you would speak with me, for you incarnated in 2012 to be who you are, and I came into this time to be who I am. And though I chose this expression you see before you, know dearest friend, that I see much more clearly than many would think, and it is the tenderness of love, in my eyes, that in those quiet moments, I acknowledge always.

But dearest companion, I did not come into this life without full knowledge, nor do I not carry that full knowledge now, I knew that I would not speak, and that others would not listen, that I would be kept as a pet, and that I would sit in this room, with you, now. I knew these things, I know them now.

But dearest companion, I came here in this form, out of my own choosing, to watch and be present, in your Heart, to guide you as a companion, even in those moments, when your Soul Said, I cannot accept this Truth. For I had to come, you are another part of me, as I am a part of you.

I wish and have many messages for the world, but my clearest message is this, Love one another from your Hearts, and Love all the beings on the Earth, for we speak and hear, see, dream, and listen too.

We have dreams, and desires, we love our companions so dearly, and those of my friends, whom I have lost to man’s destructive ways, we were never separate, I heard their cries too.

As you pass along your life, please dearest friends, do not forget us little ones from time to time. We do not speak, no in the way of words, but we Hear and See, in all the Dimensions of Life, we see the Good, and the Bad, and the Joy and the Pain, what we wish for most, is to hear the Human Heart sing, again.

Yes, some would say we are suffering, but we came here to do this, it is who we are, we came here to be this, as an example to you. That is who we are, that is why we came. Because you needed us, dear friends, when you think of the “Aliens”, but look at the ones sitting here in your bedroom, perhaps passing you on the street, or in the trees and forests around you, for we are alive in our Heart, like you are alive in yours.

Some say we live only on Animal instinct, and dear friends, that is True. Some of us have been lost, in the wake of human suffering, and forgotten themselves, no more, than you too have forgotten your selves from time to time, but like a human, we too have decided to awaken, and to carry our Brothers and Sisters, to a grander dimension and place.

We are free in our Hearts, never fear that, or worry, in that area, while we may be confined to cages, or prisons, that man has made, our Hearts soar beyond the stars, and the beings of Light visit us always, touching our heads with their gentle caress, we are not alone.

We only wish you to remember, and Love again, like you once did, to see the joy in the simple things of life, and to remember that you are not just in this dimension, but in your Heart, soaring beyond the heavens, like the Eagles in the Sky, and the Tallest Trees, and the voices of the badgers, and the singing of the birds.

We only wish you to remember, you.

With So much Love,


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  • my darn kitties are sleeping with me every night, one of them miahhs around 3am, every day so she can go out side, other sleeps on top of my chest,  if I sleep on my back............................We, me and my partner , had trained~!~, cats to ring the bell by the back porch door; .they do every day. We thought them to shake the paw and "doink the bell"............

    ........and they are about 80% vegan vegetarians...........................


    • Rani , in this picture, I believe is related to Northern American Continent Linx........she has a bit of hair on top of her ears...........................Rad~ha~Rani..........................

      She talks, purrhs, and gets her

  • 76850_10150117507293989_664593988_7900893_3100580_n.jpg


    These are three of my four kitties :)

  • My cat can't talk :/

  • I am a cat lover and have had these lovely creatures in my life as long as I can remember.  There was one point where I could not because I was renting and that was the most lonely time I ever had.  If you can adopt an animal from a all means please do.  They will love you beyond measure and you saved their life as well.

    • Another well-said statement from you tonight, Cloud. Obviously from my avatar pic, I love cats too!

  • Thanks my lovely feline for this great channeling my hearth and light is always with you
  • Somehow I guess we all knew that, but confirmation is awesome...

    Now lets see how many of U will go Vegan ..... I for one can only urge U in the most loving way to follow suit and stop killing animals for food. It holds NOTHING that cant be replaced, it doesnt do us any good anymore, so pls reconcider before putting animal flesh on your plate next time. U may well be eating a family member...

    Thx for sharing...


  • Bless this cat's heart for sharing with us. I would love to learn how to listen to my own animal encounters in a new light and appreciate that even though we may seem differnt on the outside, its the potential for great works on the inside that make us all connected.

  • I AM glad to read this message !

    With my cat, I speak to him, he listens very well. Sometimes, I say : " When do you want to begin to speak ?" Ken Carey had already announced that all animals will speak ! Below, Indy (left) and late Sumo (right) that I had to bury recently... 8113998097?profile=original 

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