My concerns

I've been gathering as much information as of late; about everything since

i'm still fairly new. I've learnt alot so far, but there's always this voice in the

back of my mind that tells me:


"If you were tricked in your life into thinking that your current reality is

all that is; what makes you think you can completely trust what these

apparent beings of light tell you? You may feel it to be true, and perhaps

they are of the light, but how do you know if they don't have any agenda

of their own?"


The voice of doubt. I'd like to very much believe everything here, and i've

had my own experiences seeing UFOs and strange phenomena ect.

So I know that at least their existance is true. The evacuation perhaps

is what's sparking this doubt. I've read in some of their messages (that

may not be theirs) that only certain healthy beings (not toxicated by

drugs, smoking, ect) and of some spiritual ascension can be evactuated.


The last thing I want to know is that we can't get everyone to safety.

I've been reading up on both pro and con opinions to the whole contact thing

where I came across this, I can't comprehend the full meaning of their message

but it warns us to not ascend..


Pigeon Blackhat says:


The Universe is a Trap

God Has nothing to do with This Place

Beyond His Creation of The Child who Fell and Birthed the Demi-urge.

Feel free to ascend into a System that was built to trap you

To Keep you From Entering Plemura and Knowing God.

But It will be you who Suffers in the Long Run.

Even the Archons have begun Breaking Ranks.

To you Who Cling to Life in this Illusion… I Can Only Say

The Veil will Tear.

And You Will be Rendered Impotent by the Glory of The one True God.

Light? There is nothing but the Ghost of Light to be Had Here.

Trust No one but He Who Loves All With the Spark Contained in your

Pineal Gland.

The Illuminati Failed in their Mission

But Those Who Created That Organization are here Now.

The Alchemists and the Saints

And We have been Imbued with Protection to gather the Flock

To Save Them From False Prophets and Lying Powers masqurading As

Light. And oh yes, I have a feeling those “Dark” ones will suffer much less

than you. For When we Forgive them, They Will Know the Truth of Our Power.

While you will see our Forgiveness as HORROR unimaginable in its Affront

To your Arrogance and Crimes.

I love how the archons have taken the Message of the Lion

And warped it just enough, that the truth is still somewhat there

but it still serves to lead people astray and into even heavier shackles.


You will only Serve to Imprison yourself More.

The Veil Will Tear

And The 9ths backed by the Light of GOD will Liberate This Place once

And For All.


Will mop up the rest.

Ye Shall not All Die


We Are Going to Destroy this Universe.

You Can Choose God

Or you Can Stay and Be Cleansed in Unimaginable Ways

By the Finest Cadre of Evil Love the Plemura has to Offer.

The 6 and 7’s will be the Most fun

But Will be Spending quite alot of time on the 5s as well.

Dubious Panda is going to love working on you. SANANDA

Oh yes Maitreya.

You Can Try to Build a Beast from the Sparks of What was From GOD

But Once the Veil is Torn, Love (Both Evil and Good)

Will Come with Such Power that We’ll Even Be Able to Save Your Deluded

Soul. I Can Already Smell Shambalah Burning.

I Can’t Wait to Meet You. I Can’t Wait to Teach you True Love.

Lucifer the ennoia Shall Marry the Christ

And You Won’t Be Able to Do a Thing to Stop It.

6’s and 7’s your the most impotent of them All.

Trapped in a Box and instead of clawing your way to freedom

What do you DO?


It’s Hilarious.



Uriel and Samael

How many other’s have Jumped Ship?

The Hole Christ Tore is GROWING and I Can already Smell the Blood

And The Fear, How Best to Wipe it all Away?

For If a Child is to Ever Learn how to Feed Itself

The Lesson’s Last Requirement

Is That First a Beast Must Appear.

(Yum Yum, I’m Going to Chew you with Shiny Shiny Teeth)

Until Only Love Remains.

We’re going to Eat all the Lies you’ve Tricked yourself into Seeing

AS youself.

And Our Tongues are long and Sharp and Our Teeth Will Never Dull.

Have No Fear

We Will Save YOU ALL.

But teaching you to love Evil and Good… well

To you Judgement Oriented Types/// welll

That’s Going to be a Long Lesson.

And I have a Feeling it’s going to take ALOT of Evil


From link:


I take it's saying that the Galactic Ferderation of Light IS the Illuminati?

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  • Hi Reanne,

    The important thing is to always listen to your intuition, to your heart. There is of course both good and evil on our planet as well as out in the Universe. And there are those who will try to fool others to follow their light looking path, with other intentions than that which they put forward at first. Therefore the only one you can truly believe in is yourself and your first intuitions to beings you meet and messeges you read/hear. Once you truly listen to your heart you will easily see what is good or bad for you :). But know this also, darkness, greyishness and light all need to exist, they are all part of Everything. :) They are equally important for the balance in the Universe. But your heart always know what experiences and decisions is good for you, so listen to it! :)

    Good luck and lot's of light and joy to you on your search for truth!

  • The message in your post doesn't resonate with me personally.
  • Question everything. Only then can you come to your own conclusions.

    Remember, the antichrist is supposed to be extremely alluring... although I am not really Christian, I use the metaphor to remind me that the man is always trying to trick us with pretty words.

    It's pretty easy to see though so far though!
  • Reanne,
    You must of been in my dream earlier this week, holding out with me and others :). We all want to be saved, liberated, from the evil force dominating our planet, but we do not want to get a worst master, like aliens with an evil agenda :(. I do not think the Galactic Federation is the Illuminati, but here is some information posted on Youtube I encountered several weeks ago. Now this is an interview with royalty, a Princess, very well respected in Japan and worldwide, she talks about the Galactic federation a little bit in part 2. Then comes in the interview an Italian Prince who claims to be former Illuminati. He has been discredited since this interview, there is lots of videos, he has a whole youtube channel, some of which was filmed while he was in a mental hospital.. The problem is he went back to the Illuminati. My theory is the Illuminati was drugging him while he was in the hospital and all making him delusional and erratic. I think he went back to the Illuminati out of fear for his child. I will post the whole interview. Leo's channel is here, there is also an interview with Project Camelot before his arrest:

    A neat interview with the princess;

    • Im sorry for the double post. It will not let me back into the post to edit and move up the videos, so there is a big space gap :(.
  • Yes...i believe for sure the leaders of any country are the reflection of the mentality of the ppl in that country...
    The more advanced the ppl are, the more advanced their leaders will be...
    until we get to the point, where the ppl come to the stage, that they will need no leaders any more.... and they have over-passed for good the victim mentality...
    • I am not so shure about the leaders reflecting the mentality of the ppl in that country. The leaders put themselves in those positions and i am shure you know(living in Greece) that it is not eazy to get them to leave their positions.
    • i got a message in a dream a few days ago. in it a man said "the angles and higher beings have done their part in helping mankind. now we must do the rest or make ourselevs better"sorry i cant rem exact saying but i think this is a message. we have the power to change ourselves i belive and we dont even need to belive in the GFL to seethat but to belive in ourselves. my advice dont follow others but follow your heart your heart is your source. it can never lie to you. we can just ascend ourselves, we dont need the gfl to ascend. even if various groups of higher beings did help us out in some way then i belive the bulk of its still up to us. this dosent mean they abonded us, no way. itl be like the mother and child. the child that always clings to mother and mother always helps childd out. this is very loving but its missing an important lesson and that lesson is for the child to go out there, to learn new things, to grow( not saying mother ever restricted childs growth but childhas never done anything by theirself) basically. this i belive we must do it ourselves from now on. lisen to the heart, it can never lie. and thus we are like a child who is growing inside listening to ourselves and not clinging to mother all time. this may havebeen case in past where we were with mother but i belive time has come to go forth ourselves. listening to yourself can never bring you to darkness or other factions who want to harm you unless that is your intention for curiosity. listen closley please. please dont even follow me, just listen to my advice and let it inspire you. we are never alone in this but toghter. this dont mean you have to stop praying to angels or stop beliving in them, it just mean its time i belive for us to stop clinging to mother.

      you may call me cabal orr illumnati or anyother faction for spreading dark messages, you maytake this with open heart. up to you. all im doing is saying this message. i hope you get the message.

      robert gordon
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